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Old 10-13-2008, 10:45 AM   #140
Danielle's Imaginary Girlfriend
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Join Date: Oct 2008
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Posts: 598

Tigger is up and talking this morning, they took the breathing tube out last night. He told me to say HI and thank you to all of you. He will be in ICU today but will pry be moved to a room tomarow and then he will be aloud to have his laptop. And to answer YOUR question UGO I pry will not be on here much after Tigger is able to get back on, I only got on to keep everyone updated , I did have fun poasing with all of you! I have to fly up to VA. for the day I have some personal things i need to take care of. So i wont be back on till this evening. And Sarah loves her new laptop.
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