Thread: The Lamborghini
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Old 10-10-2008, 02:10 AM   #19
Danielle's Imaginary Boyfriend
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Good news for California. Texting while driving is crazy and stupid. Like the engineer on the Metrolink train that died and took 24 other people with him. It's a shame it takes tragedies like that point out these problems.

By the way, I just don't "get" this whole texting thing anyway. Danielle is correct, it's usually people in her age group, but now I'm seeing folks I work with texting all the time. Even ones in their 30's who have families and children. Who the H*** are they sending the messages to? Perhaps I'm just too old (at 40?) or it could be that I'm jealous because Idon't have someone to send messages to. Hmmmmm.
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