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Old 11-18-2009, 11:23 PM   #481
Danielle's Imaginary Boyfriend
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 512

If you don't want to gamble, don't. That's all I have to say on that. With the game, I'm with you. I'm not big on crowds, and I still think of the Cardies as a St. Louis team which probably tells you something (ask me about playing rugby, or soccer, or competitive swimming, even diving). Then again, some guys were playing cricket at the park down the street a few (maybe more like 8) weeks back and I sat there and watched for a long while. When they broke up for the day I asked one who won. He said cricket games can go on for days, so check back with them next week or the week after.

I had no idea that your sis and her new hubby had moved so far from you. That must be a heart ache for your mom (for you, too). I can't imagine living far from my nieces. The furthest away I lived from them was 4 or 5 hours away and that was a big strain on me.

And I look forward to catching up on all your adventures when I join your site (patience is a virtue... that's a reminder to me), and much as I do love the public shoots, I have to admit that I sit with baited breath and heart pounding lest you are caught by the local constabulary (i.e., get nicked with your knickers down!).

Safe travels, as always, Ms D!
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