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Old 10-30-2009, 01:33 PM   #473
Danielle's Imaginary Boyfriend
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Most interesting to read where your fetishes lay. I do recall the handcuffs from your tour of your toy chest you posted a year or so ago. I would imagine part is the focusing on the sensations as they occur, but doing so when you're bound is another thing entirely. I haven't played D/s before myself, but I imagine while bound you've surrendered yourself to the moment, even though if you're playing safe--and playing is a key word here, safe is the other one--you, though handcuffed or whatever are really the one in control with a safe word to use to end a session when it gets too extreme. Its good you're doing this with someone you trust, namely Ms Dallas. There might be something to the idea that by being making the decision to be tied up (or down, or whatever) that you are relinquishing control (safe word not included) and that the experience is "out of your hands" so all you can do (want to do?) is relax and let the experience wash over & through you. Maybe that's too metaphysical, maybe not. It might make some folks feel icky, but none of us matter--its how you feel and if this is what you need/want to explore, do it in your own way and in your own time with someone you trust. I didn't judge Ms Zeba when she worked for Kink, so I'm in no way going to judge you for pushing your own boundaries and trying bondage, or expanding on your fantasies. Remember, when we were kids we played with each other, cops & robbers, cowboys & Indians, then started playing doctor with each other. Sex is play for adults, role-playing, bondage (which is in its way a form of role-play), whatever fetish or niche strikes your fantasy should be okay if its what you're into, at least for the moment. Better to try, I imagine, and find out if you like or not than to be ashamed or afraid to play, no? Somehow, when you mentioned being into porntoons I had a feeling that you'd wind up playing in this realm... Paz, Ms D! Have a greeeaaaat day! (to quote Tony the Tiger)

Last edited by geolarson2; 10-30-2009 at 04:02 PM.
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