Originally Posted by laranger
Now let's look at your scenario. Most places of business have a delivery entrance at or near the rear of the building. Most plumbers would use said entrance to further not only be close to their work but to actually remain out of sight. I don't believe they would park their truck/van out in the public parking lot while on duty. Hence being discreet about their work. If they use a company vehicle while visiting the club off duty, most assuredly they should be fired, and justly so. When a place of business puts it's name on a business card or the side of their truck it is stating that the reputation of said company is worthy. If after a hard weeks work all the plumbers went to the club for the show, they have damaged the business by doing so, if they use a company truck. If I owened said company and were on my home from business and saw a fleet of my business trucks in the parking lot, you bet I would go right in there and fire each and everyone of them. I have posted this before in another thread, that if I had the position to fire people a lot of them would be fired if for no other reason, but; "just for practice."
People need to be not only responsible for themselves but the man who gives them that beloved pay check every 2 weeks. I am a bit old fashioned, but if I take a mans money, I give him the required work he demands for it. I worked for the same company for 30 years and retired.
If it's your own car and your boss sees you there, will anyone remember your face, and even if it was the company vehicle, would it hurt the company? I don't really think that it would. If ANYONE goes to a strip club, WHO CARES??? People buy products from Monsanto, I would much rather do business with a guy that goes to strip clubs. Going to a strip club doesn't mean that you are corrupt, sadistic, or a corperation that will destroy the earth.