Thread: Travel
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Old 05-13-2009, 06:26 PM   #1
Danielle's Imaginary Boyfriend
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Default Travel

Hey Guys, and girls! I don't think I've seen a Travel Thread so I'll start one. Where do people like to go on vacation? What are you favorite destinations?

I am all packed and about to depart from San Francisco today and will land in Frankfurt, Germany. I am doing a tour that begins in St. Goar (Rhine Valley) and ending in Vienna, Austria. In between, we'll spend nights high up in the Swiss Alps along with Baden-Baden, Munich, Salzberg, and, of course, Vienna.

Normally, I go with a lady friend or, at least, mean someone there. Not this time. I will be totally on my own. I paid a single supplement to ensure my own room throughout. There are ten married couples, me, and four single women. I hope at least one of them wants to hang out with me.

In Munich, on May 24, I might meet up with T-Bone if he's not busy. It was fun meeting him in Vegas and would love to discuss more about Lia and Alison with him over some beers.

I am taking a small laptop and my iPod Touch with WiFi capabilities so I'm sure I'll be checking in from time to time.

Danielle, if you read this, Happy Birthday and I'm sorry I won't "be around" for you big day.
Well, Dingle my Berries !!!
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