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Old 04-27-2009, 06:34 PM   #185
Danielle's Imaginary Girlfriend
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Hey Mart nothing is poasted that is risky. sometimes we put little things out there just to see who looks at it. All of Tiggers poastings are monitered as are mine. we have never had any red flags that wernt put there on pourpous. Any thing that goes in or out of our computers is monitered. you dont have to wory about any secret info leaking out. for instence if i use the word explosives , it sends a flag to the main frame and it looks at it and alowes it or somtimes not. and this all happens in a mila second. when they tell you that the government is watching you, you have no idea how true that is. and beleave me we have more fire power with us than most city police forces have . and the truck is watched 24/7 by eyes in the sky. and there are some other things in place that i can not talk about. I hope i put your mind at ease.
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