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Old 04-25-2009, 04:37 PM   #156
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Originally Posted by mart View Post
I face my biggest fear on Sunday afternoon, airports. I have volunteered to drive a friend to Heathrow airport to catch his flight Sunday afternoon. The only problem is i have a great fear of flying including airports ever since i was a child. I may sound like a wimp but aircraft scare the hell out of me especially low-flying planes. I have been to Heathrow before and i literally turned to jelly to the point that i have nearly passed out. I don't know why i fear craft and airports so much. I have tried the fear of flying courses at various stages of my life but to no avail. I have even boarded a plane on one pherapy course and just panicked and passed out. When i came round i actually felt embarressed but was assured i wasn't the first person to actually pass out on a stationary plane. So over the years i just avoided airports and now stupidly i volunteer to drive to one. My friend is a non-driver and it would cost him around £90 in fares to get there which i'd rather he didn't have to pay. He's a good friend of mine and i'll do anything for him. I haven't told him about my fear and i'm hoping he doesn't remember me saying anything about it in the years past. I'd value any opinions as to whether i should be driving him or not. I figured if i could drop him off close-by it would be ok. Just hope i can overcome the noise of the aircraft.
Hi Mart,

there's not much advise I can give you, just what I would do in your shoes.

I believe there are more people with a phobia out there than we think. There's only so much we can do about them. Some people can get over them, some can not. We can only accept that.

When giving your friend a ride to (or near) the airport, I'd explain the phobia to your friend. I'm sure he'll understand.
I'd figure out a way to the airport not going under the approach paths of the planes, if possible, so they'll not fly over your head at low altitutes. Perhaps playing your favourite music would help with easing your mind as well as drowning the plane noises.
I'd try to get the friend as close to the airport as possible, but if it's not bearable, it's better to stop and let him take a cab for the rest of the way. Passing out while driving or being distracted too much won't help a bit. Just plan in a couple of minutes more for catching a cab.

Anyway you decide, I hope you'll be fine.
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