FTV Girls Danielle Forum

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danielle_ftv 05-31-2012 08:22 PM

Poll - Video with a fan
What do you guys think about me doing a b/g video with a fan (similar to the F@ckafan series)? I think it could be interesting...maybe make a contest out of it. I would love to hear any contest ideas you guys have.

Anoree 06-01-2012 04:20 AM

I'm indecisive at the moment.

Would I like to see myself in a video with you? Heck, yes!
Would I like others to see that video? Not sure. I'd probably come across like the dork I am. :o
Would I like to see other fans in a video with you? Only if it's an innocent meet & greet like with Longhornbill in Video Log D089. I'll have to think about a real b/g video some more ...

It would be very nice to see you're actually meeting your fans, though.

STAR 06-01-2012 07:38 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Hmm. Interesting. You could make up a list of trivia questions about you, your life, work, etc. with a time limit to answer.

Best idea for the scene. (If you pick ME we would have to uhm u-no... practice... a LOT!) :cool:

Size, physique, looks, attitude, confidence, ability to perform, aptitude, energy, creativity, chemistry, attraction etc could factor in. Maybe who writes the most appealing essay -- Why I Want To... or -- What I Would Do If... Then work your way through your top choices. You might find good new talent(s).

Oldest and youngest?

A pair of bisexual guys! :p (That would be a WOW!)

Or just hold a drawing. (bleh)

Might as well do as broad of a series as imaginable while you're at it, possibly create categories so everyone has a chance. You might consider variety and lots of it. Stretch and challenge yourself. Choose ME! I'd be the best man you EVER met, the one man you CAN'T forget, I can make a BULLDOG kiss a PUSSYcat! HA HA! ~~ Except for the fact that I'm c0ck-eyed, knock-kneed and not very photogenick.

STAR 06-01-2012 08:32 AM

1 Attachment(s)
We should take up a collection and get you molested by...

Tom M 06-01-2012 01:12 PM

That's a charming video.

e83sOHpFYv 06-01-2012 01:31 PM

My Fantasy would be to make love to you but making it some kind of contest I think would be a very bad idea.

E83 :(

danielle_ftv 06-01-2012 07:51 PM


Originally Posted by e83sOHpFYv (Post 36544)
My Fantasy would be to make love to you but making it some kind of contest I think would be a very bad idea.

E83 :(

Why would that be a bad idea?

STAR 06-01-2012 10:07 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Because I'd win! Ha haa! Oh. s*rry. :D "Losing is Mainstream. I was WINNING before anyone else was playing" and even if I don't it's still fun, and exciting that you are willing to do this! Besides, attracting a mate is always a contest, a challenge. More fun, interesting, AND rewardings! Ya ha! :p

booblover6 06-02-2012 09:32 PM

First things first;
Happy B-day! xxx
(I know it's late ...but, I didn't forget it ;-) )

I wouldn't mind doing "it" with you! :-)
But yes; there is a scary part for the most people all over the web, maybe me included ???
Are or will be there any criteria for the boy? age, length, size etc ...

Keep enjoying your life,
I'm glad that I'm a little part of it ... XX

e83sOHpFYv 06-03-2012 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 36545)
Why would that be a bad idea?

It's more of a gut feeling than any thing else. I think there maybe potential legal issues, especially the way AZ politics are going so far right as to be off the grid. Also the potential of the contest going "viral" bringing you unwanted attention, possibly outing you to the general public. The local media has already outed a couple with a website that were trying to buy property to build a house in Scottsdale. Again the feeling you some times get that says "don't know why but this is probably a bad idea"

e83 :eek:

daniellesbiggestukfan 06-03-2012 02:50 PM

Think this is a great idea! Hopefully wouldn't be restricted to US residents......unless you have a European comp later on :-) x

You could start the contest as a meal date and get to know each other a bit first......ok, maybe I am a touch too romantic. Mind you it would be good being seen out and about with you - certainly fantastic for the ego.


Ps Happy Birthday (either belated for this or early for next year) x

danielle_ftv 06-03-2012 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by booblover6 (Post 36548)
First things first;
Happy B-day! xxx
(I know it's late ...but, I didn't forget it ;-) )

I wouldn't mind doing "it" with you! :-)
But yes; there is a scary part for the most people all over the web, maybe me included ???
Are or will be there any criteria for the boy? age, length, size etc ...

Keep enjoying your life,
I'm glad that I'm a little part of it ... XX

The only criteria is that they be 18 and older (no maximum age limit), have an STD test that is no older than two weeks before the scene, and be sexually healthy (no Viagra and able to get completely hard and cum).

danielle_ftv 06-03-2012 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by daniellesbiggestukfan (Post 36550)
Think this is a great idea! Hopefully wouldn't be restricted to US residents......unless you have a European comp later on :-) x

You could start the contest as a meal date and get to know each other a bit first......ok, maybe I am a touch too romantic. Mind you it would be good being seen out and about with you - certainly fantastic for the ego.


Ps Happy Birthday (either belated for this or early for next year) x

It's not restricted to US residents...but the person who wins will need to be able to travel here for the shoot.

danielle_ftv 06-03-2012 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by e83sOHpFYv (Post 36549)
It's more of a gut feeling than any thing else. I think there maybe potential legal issues, especially the way AZ politics are going so far right as to be off the grid. Also the potential of the contest going "viral" bringing you unwanted attention, possibly outing you to the general public. The local media has already outed a couple with a website that were trying to buy property to build a house in Scottsdale. Again the feeling you some times get that says "don't know why but this is probably a bad idea"

e83 :eek:

I can understand your concern. I've been doing this for four years now and haven't been publicly outed. I'm not even sure why that would be a bad thing (as it would probably get me publicity).

Anoree 06-03-2012 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 36552)
It's not restricted to US residents...but the person who wins will need to be able to travel here for the shoot.

Well, that sadly rules me out for the time being. I still have that entry problem. :(

ugo 06-03-2012 09:51 PM

I dream up:o:o:o

Unoriginal Name 06-04-2012 12:01 AM

Would it be completely random (within the criteria) or would you have the final pick? I'm ambivalent. An unattractive guy would be too distracting, for example. :p Personally I probably wouldn't enter because of potential privacy issues and like most amateurs I don't have any experience with performing on camera or being "directed."

danielle_ftv 06-04-2012 05:06 AM


Originally Posted by Unoriginal Name (Post 36556)
Would it be completely random (within the criteria) or would you have the final pick? I'm ambivalent. An unattractive guy would be too distracting, for example. :p Personally I probably wouldn't enter because of potential privacy issues and like most amateurs I don't have any experience with performing on camera or being "directed."

It's going to be random. I'm going to make a video log talking about this in a bit. I just need to decide the dates for the contest.

STAR 06-04-2012 08:55 AM

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You mean like a random drawing?

I can draw! How about whoever draws the best belleh face on their self?

STAR 06-04-2012 08:57 AM

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Just in case here's my entry ~

STAR belleh:

STAR 06-04-2012 09:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Komiko belleh: (she started it) It's a riot :D and it's not EZ! HA HA! What did you expect from me, besides it's a full moon in Sagittarius with a partial eclipse at 4 AM PDT, like almost right now. :rolleyes:

STAR 06-04-2012 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 36553)
I can understand your concern. I've been doing this for four years now and haven't been publicly outed. I'm not even sure why that would be a bad thing (as it would probably get me publicity).

We're not talking bestiality (unless you do it with me) nor anything offensive or immoral (unless you do it with me) so... no worries, right? Unless there's some law about sex with a faerie I don't know about. As long as the guy or girl doesn't wear a clown suit. Or diapers. Everything's fine. ;)

Index-of-Beauty Ben 06-04-2012 12:22 PM

I wish...
the lucky winner and yourself a great enjoyable time. Sadly, I do not qualify, as I am a beast. Yetti, bigfoot, etc.

I make Austin Powers look like he has a landing strip on his chest.

I put the rrrrr in furry, baby, yeah.

e83sOHpFYv 06-04-2012 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 36553)
I can understand your concern. I've been doing this for four years now and haven't been publicly outed. I'm not even sure why that would be a bad thing (as it would probably get me publicity).

Probably some of both, good/bad publicity. Unfortunately for me my health precludes me from the contest. :(

e83 :eek:

danielle_ftv 06-04-2012 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by Index-of-Beauty Ben (Post 36562)
the lucky winner and yourself a great enjoyable time. Sadly, I do not qualify, as I am a beast. Yetti, bigfoot, etc.

I make Austin Powers look like he has a landing strip on his chest.

I put the rrrrr in furry, baby, yeah.

I like hair on my men. I find it quite odd when a guy has less hair than I do lol.

danielle_ftv 06-04-2012 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by STAR (Post 36558)
You mean like a random drawing?

I can draw! How about whoever draws the best belleh face on their self?

It's going to be a short story contest.

STAR 06-04-2012 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by Index-of-Beauty Ben (Post 36562)
the lucky winner and yourself a great enjoyable time. Sadly, I do not qualify, as I am a beast. Yetti, bigfoot, etc.

I make Austin Powers look like he has a landing strip on his chest.

I put the rrrrr in furry, baby, yeah.

Appears she LIKES furry. Lots of girls do. Don't let that sideline you. Go for it! ;)

If this isn't a dream come true tell me what is!

STAR 06-04-2012 08:33 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 36565)
It's going to be a short story contest.

Good. My life is a short story. Science Fiction! :eek:

A chance with Danielle for-real just for making some chit up!?!? Are you kidding me!? This is too mind-blowingly awesome for words! I don't care if I look like the hunchback of notre dame, have to crawl naked across a burning desert over broken glass just to smell the tire tracks of the truck that picks up her laundry, and sing Nearer My God To Thee at a Satanist convention... I'm goin' for it!

Index-of-Beauty Ben 06-05-2012 03:09 AM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 36564)
I like hair on my men. I find it quite odd when a guy has less hair than I do lol.

I appreciate that. My other foible is I'm down a fellow in the testicle department. I had cancer when I was 20 so I'm Lance Armstrong-ing it. I'm sure that's a little more than some would like to know. I'm free of it though. It will 9 years this October.

STAR 06-05-2012 07:30 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Note: In show biz the only bad publicity is no publicity. ;)

danielle_ftv 06-05-2012 07:02 PM


Originally Posted by Index-of-Beauty Ben (Post 36568)
I appreciate that. My other foible is I'm down a fellow in the testicle department. I had cancer when I was 20 so I'm Lance Armstrong-ing it. I'm sure that's a little more than some would like to know. I'm free of it though. It will 9 years this October.

That is not a concern for me. And if bothers other people...well then they are probably not the type of people I want as fans.

STAR 06-05-2012 09:36 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Didn't seem to slow Lance Armstrong either. Less stuff getting in the way in the day-to-day. Like do we EVER get used to hauling all that equipment around? I was told that women bred men to have testis on the outside so they could manage them with a firm grip or kick when necessary. Ask me, it works. :rolleyes:

And here's the T-shirt~


Index-of-Beauty Ben 06-06-2012 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by STAR (Post 36574)
Didn't seem to slow Lance Armstrong either. Less stuff getting in the way in the day-to-day. Like do we EVER get used to hauling all that equipment around? I was told that women bred men to have testis on the outside so they could manage them with a firm grip or kick when necessary. Ask me, it works. :rolleyes:

And here's the T-shirt~


Thanks for the encouragement. It's always been a personal concern of mine.

booblover6 07-08-2012 10:09 PM

Hello Danielle,

Did you decide with who and when you are gonna do it?

danielle_ftv 07-08-2012 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by booblover6 (Post 36660)
Hello Danielle,

Did you decide with who and when you are gonna do it?

I haven't even started the contest yet :D. I am still trying to figure out when I should hold the contest. It probably won't be until after my New Zealand trip.

Max 07-10-2012 08:15 AM

I'll take it...given that I have a chance to be the guy.

Index-of-Beauty Ben 07-10-2012 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 36661)
I haven't even started the contest yet :D. I am still trying to figure out when I should hold the contest. It probably won't be until after my New Zealand trip.

Not to hijack the thread but what take you to and where in New Zealand are you going?

danielle_ftv 07-27-2012 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by Index-of-Beauty Ben (Post 36672)
Not to hijack the thread but what take you to and where in New Zealand are you going?

You might want to ask that in the question thread :)

Drop Trou 09-11-2012 02:24 AM

Hell where do I sign up?

danielle_ftv 09-11-2012 08:09 PM

I'm still figuring out how to do the "Shoot with Danielle" contest. I should have it up by the end of the month.

7m244c 10-04-2012 12:30 PM

Hey Danielle, was this something you were still thinking of doing? I think it'd be a great way to reach out to your fans, plus you could make it a interesting contest if you made it in a creative way, just a thought.

danielle_ftv 10-05-2012 07:01 PM

Yep...it's definitely something I'm going to do. I'm just trying to figure out a good time to do it.

jettagent 10-29-2012 08:44 AM

Nice to meet you Danielle- Great Idea Do It
First off I think you are amazing and I admire you for being a woman that lives life. I'm an affiliate for FTV and have promoted you on a few of my sites. As far as the Fu@& a fan, I have been In contact and promote her now for the same exact issue we are talking. It is a monthly Fu$@k a fan contest and when a new member signs up they are registered Into a monthly drawing and get to have a Fu@#K session with the porn star I promote. I have to say it does very well and its a win win situation for your fans, you, FTV and webmasters.

There are a few things that should be taken into account which I would like to discuss off-line. Any porn star, cam model or woman willing to do this is really giving back to her fans. like I said your amazing!

It's nice meeting you and look forward to meeting you possibly.

My ICQ number is: 621581879 or email me back If you would like to chat sometime.


danielle_ftv 10-30-2012 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by jettagent (Post 37027)
First off I think you are amazing and I admire you for being a woman that lives life. I'm an affiliate for FTV and have promoted you on a few of my sites. As far as the Fu@& a fan, I have been In contact and promote her now for the same exact issue we are talking. It is a monthly Fu$@k a fan contest and when a new member signs up they are registered Into a monthly drawing and get to have a Fu@#K session with the porn star I promote. I have to say it does very well and its a win win situation for your fans, you, FTV and webmasters.

There are a few things that should be taken into account which I would like to discuss off-line. Any porn star, cam model or woman willing to do this is really giving back to her fans. like I said your amazing!

It's nice meeting you and look forward to meeting you possibly.

My ICQ number is: 621581879 or email me back If you would like to chat sometime.


I sent you a private message.

jettagent 11-07-2012 05:29 PM

Would Love to Talk About Fans
Hi Danielle,
I currently promote you through FTV, and I promote a model now that is doing the fu@$k a fan. If you would like to talk let me know I have several Ideas to share with you.


hohoho 11-13-2012 05:58 PM

hi danielle

what do you think of a masturbation video with some of your fans/members around watching you

would be great for all members und also to see this video

danielle_ftv 11-21-2012 01:41 AM


Originally Posted by hohoho (Post 37059)
hi danielle

what do you think of a masturbation video with some of your fans/members around watching you

would be great for all members und also to see this video

I've done two scenes during which fan(s) assisted me. I'm not sure I would be comfortable doing a masturbation scene in front of a large amount of people.

bobthehob 11-21-2012 07:20 PM

Just dont do it with some scary wierdo :p Would just feel awkward watchibg it then :p

Canadian_Coq 11-23-2012 07:07 PM

Fan Contest
Wow this would be amazing!! :)

I haven't been to Arizona yet but would love to make the trip down from Canada for this! I'm an outdoorsy guy so I'd love to have sex somewhere in the Grand Canyon!

Thanks Danielle :D

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