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e83sOHpFYv 02-18-2012 04:22 PM

Bed Bugs From Twitter
"This f'ing sucks. I'm am dealing with a major bed bug crisis. The exterminator thinks I got them from my next door neighbors"

I saw a program on the Animal Planet last night called Infestations. One of which was bed bugs at a summer camp in Mass. They started having problems towards the end of summer and by the time the season was over the bugs had spread to all 15 buildings. They were advised by the exterminator to get rid of all the bedding and upholstered furniture in all the buildings, they burned everything. Then the exterminator sprayed all the buildings and with winter coming on thought the cold would kill any the spray did not get.
The next summer a couple of weeks before the camp was to open they heard of a dog that had been trained to locate bed bugs. The dog was brought in and located more bed bugs in all 15 buildings again. They then found out about something being done in Calif., Where buildings were being heated to greater than 120 degrees thus killing the bed bugs. They rented a very large propane heating unit, baked the cabins, brought in the dog again, no bed bugs.
Don’t think I’d try it in a dwelling where someone was living with all their possessions, but sounded interesting. I’d definitely have a professional do it.

e83 :eek:

STAR 02-18-2012 06:26 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I'd rather have a dog that can find food & women.



My dog Foster looked like him, he was a chick magnet. :rolleyes:

danielle_ftv 02-18-2012 07:12 PM

The house was sprayed on the 15th and I put a bed bug cover on the mattress and box springs the next day. The exterminator told me that the bed bugs originated from the "new" box springs I got with my mattress. Apparently what's happening now a days with shady mattress companies is that they are taking old, used box springs, taking off the fabric, reupholestering them and selling the box springs as new. I got completely screwed. I'm in the middle of talking to a lawyer about this. To be honest all I really want is to have them remove the mattress and box springs (obviously for free), refund me ($400 for exterminator, $60 for clothes cleaning, $50 for contractor bags, $140 for mattress/box springs cover), and give me all my money back that I paid for the mattress. I'm sure I can sue them but to be honest I don't really want to deal with that.

Fortunately the bed bug bites on me aren't too bad. They didn't really start showing up until yesterday. They are kind of itchy so I'm probably going to have to stop by Walgreens and get some anti itch cream.

What's really screwed up is that I found out about this business through a Groupon that I bought sometime last year. I will be complaining to Groupon about this. The mattress company was pretty nice too and it was in a fairly affluent area of Scottsdale.

STAR 02-19-2012 03:08 AM

1 Attachment(s)
So sad to hear about this. Wonder how many others have a similar mess. Then there's the job of finding another bed set. Like you really need this what with school, work, life, LoveBug, kitties, etc. Even if the store didn't know, they are liable. What a major pain on top of other stuff you're dealing with. Health dept, consumer affairs, etc should be notified. I would expect the mattress co. stock to be infected as well. Damn, what a chit-storm! Between you, your lawyer, exterminators, you know what to do and friends are eager to help too..

Best wishes for a speedy and successful conclusion dear.

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