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Konder 01-14-2010 06:26 PM

Prize website question?
Well since two days ago she has been getting a pop-up/scam thing popping up while she surf's the net and she is kinda blaming me on something i done to make this happen i told her time and time Again it's a scam to make u think u have virus on ur computer and and there trying to make u buy the virus software to remove It And she wondering how to stop this from happening/ to pop up. Moderator removed link.

Immortal 01-15-2010 07:25 PM

Well, that is unfortunate. It is a type of scam, but antivirus software makers do this so that you buy their program. I had it happen to me twice in 3 years and the truth is there is not much you can do except find the antivirus software that will remove it.

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