FTV Girls Danielle Forum

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Ryan 09-29-2008 04:22 PM

What's something you'd like to accomplish?
I'd like to write a screenplay - for a film or television series. :)

I used to write a lot, but I haven't written much in recent years (for various reasons), and I'm really gonna try to pick it up again - maybe start with a blog.

What about everyone else?


tigger 09-29-2008 04:47 PM

I would loke to open a primitive campground, with old style cooking with little cabins the way it was back in the old days. no tv, no phone, no video games. just nature. people dont enjoy the menny beautiful things nature has to offer.

WhyYou 09-29-2008 04:52 PM

I would like to accomplish walking around the block without stopping to rest. If I could do that then the rest would be a piece of cake. :)

tigger 09-29-2008 04:56 PM

There is a nother thing i am trying to accomplish now is buying aWWII truck and restoring it as a tribute to our troops. it is somthing dear to my heart.

mart 09-29-2008 06:10 PM

I like to win the Tigers charity Day. Which is a society golf day to raise funds for my local football club. Which is a kids junior football team known as the Tigers. Aged between 10 to 16. Who are a great bunch of kids and their a pretty good team.:)

geolarson2 10-03-2008 03:53 AM

I know I'll have done something right when my nieces grow up into the intelligent, kind-hearted, strong-willed gentlewomen I know is inside them.

Dilbert49 10-04-2008 03:09 AM

Losing some weight...

Max 10-11-2008 03:11 AM

I'd like to learn skills with women.

WhyYou 10-11-2008 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by Max (Post 2192)
I'd like to learn skills with women.

Just be yourself, that's the best skill you'll ever have.

Plankton 10-11-2008 06:02 AM

1) I'd like to figure out how to be truly happy within the boundaries of my current life. For some reason it eludes me.

2) Slightly easier to accomplish, I would like to be independently wealthy. That does not mean rich. Simply to have enough money that I do not have to work unless I choose to.

3) Hopefully more attainable, I would like to raise my children in such a fashion that they have no issue achieving #1 and #2.

MISSY 10-11-2008 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by Max (Post 2192)
I'd like to learn skills with women.

OPEN YOUR EARS AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!!!!!!! and listen to whyyou.lol:D

mart 10-11-2008 11:25 AM


Originally Posted by MISSY (Post 2208)
OPEN YOUR EARS AND SHUT YOUR MOUTH!!!!!!!!! and listen to whyyou.lol:D

Nice one MISSY!!. Glad you weren't talking me lol.:D

nexxus 10-11-2008 01:17 PM

I play division 2 basketball here in Aus, and I'd like to have a 50 point game, last one I had was 4 yrs ago when I was an "A grade player" aka before I buggerised my knee. Have had a 42 so far this season, so working on it :)

nexxus 10-11-2008 01:19 PM


Originally Posted by Max (Post 2192)
I'd like to learn skills with women.

Two bits of advice on this:

1. A girl doesn't care if you have a Ford, a Chev, a Lambo etc the FIRST thing she will notice is if inside the car is clean.
2. Don't try to impress them, guys try too hard and I think most people in this forum, if Danielle for example were to phone them, would be so intimidated by her they'd trip over their own words. (Of course we self rationalise by saying that a particular girl is out of our league, can't find this league list on the internet though, can someone give me the url??)

MISSY 10-11-2008 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by nexxus (Post 2217)
Two bits of advice on this:

1. A girl doesn't care if you have a Ford, a Chev, a Lambo etc the FIRST thing she will notice is if inside the car is clean.
2. Don't try to impress them, guys try too hard and I think most people in this forum, if Danielle for example were to phone them, would be so intimidated by her they'd trip over their own words. (Of course we self rationalise by saying that a particular girl is out of our league, can't find this league list on the internet though, can someone give me the url??)

This is true. The clean part esp. hint hint. And as long as I'm here FARTING is not a form of flattery. IT IS GROSS!!!!!!! With your buddies you can stink up the place all you want, On a date or otherwise in female range , excuse your self to the restroom or out side!!

ugo 10-11-2008 03:50 PM

I think that we are all having a good time with a girl as Danielle. And this should be in our tuning common of the simple respect. Because so he is born a good and sweet friendship with a girl.
More than this self I don't believe what can be wanted more by to be able to conquer a girl. But we don't forget to be always polite with whatever woman.
The suggestions do well. But to make the action needs to be able of the good example of style of life toward the women.

grande351 10-13-2008 10:04 PM

I guess my greatest goal is losing weight (80 lbs so far!) hoping to make myself more attractive to any potential "Miss Right". I think that will go a long way towards building my self confidence. Something that I've been sorely lacking for many years. I'm basically sick of being alone, I'd love to find someone to share my life with. Maybe that's really my greatest goal.

And to Nexxus: I absolutely adore Danielle, but women like her are definitely out of my league.

Geezer 10-14-2008 12:48 AM

See Europe
I have vacationed around Europe five different times since 2004 but three of those trips have been to Italy and two to England. The last was around France. I would love to see Greece, Ireland, Germany, Austria, and Switzerland in the next couple of years. Someone... do something about the stock market so I can make these trips. :cool:

Marc79 10-14-2008 02:52 AM

I'd also like to write a book or a play

danielle_ftv 10-14-2008 07:33 AM

1. I would like to become famous.
2. I would like to become financially secure.
3. I would like to find my soulmate.

eastbill 10-14-2008 10:46 PM

1. find a true love
2. live near a tropical beach
3. get some writings published

tigger 10-21-2008 11:44 AM


Originally Posted by MISSY (Post 2224)
This is true. The clean part esp. hint hint. And as long as I'm here FARTING is not a form of flattery. IT IS GROSS!!!!!!! With your buddies you can stink up the place all you want, On a date or otherwise in female range , excuse your self to the restroom or out side!!

and you married the gas master!!!!!!!!!lol:D

MISSY 10-22-2008 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 2858)
and you married the gas master!!!!!!!!!lol:D

Keep it up!!! I know where you are sleeping!!!!!!!!!lol

Palanhaar 10-29-2010 02:21 PM

I am sure that You'll get it all!!

Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 2442)
1. I would like to become famous.
2. I would like to become financially secure.
3. I would like to find my soulmate.

Dear Cutie Pie,
1.You'll be famous....annnn sorries....You are famous for your beauty and surely will be famous for your good Helping Nature as well soon..!!
2.Oh surely....you will be secure financially....as you are pretty enough to get a good job and really Hardworking to Sustain also!!
3.Your soulmate.......Who he can be....Its totally a decision of the Destiny....
God Bless you for that...that you find him soon!!

Palanhaar 10-29-2010 02:25 PM

My wish comes true that...
I just be remembered as a nice person and don't hurt anyone....
and I become a very very special person for somebody very very special for me by devoting everything I have,to Her!!.....and then the last one to help as much as possible for me(if Almighty permits)...!!

robotchicken 02-14-2014 09:40 AM

I wish I could create great art. Something that means as much to someone as my favourites mean to me.

wabbit 04-18-2020 08:10 AM

My accomplishments
I'm currently working to expand my working knowledge of my degree and am hoping to become the best accountant possible.

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