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FTVGirls_Rob 01-16-2009 04:47 AM

Danielle Video Logs - Birthdays
Right now the video logs page is growing huge... wow soon to have 100 logs there. Anyways, I've told Danielle to stop doing the video logs for birthdays for several reasons:

-The log page is getting too big too fast
-Many members who sign up on the message board fake their birthdays (make them earlier) to get their log within the month etc..
-People visiting the video logs page find the birthday ones boring, and it taints the more interesting logs
-Need to keep the logs to actual interesting topics or answers to questions.

So the video log page she will update as normal, just avoiding the birthday announcements... no biggie :)

grande351 01-16-2009 06:09 AM

For cryin out loud Rob! Couldn't you have at least waited until February 7th! You make a valid point, but I was really looking forward to my message :(.

laranger 01-16-2009 06:22 AM


Originally Posted by grande351 (Post 7249)
for cryin out loud rob! Couldn't you have at least waited until february 7th! You make a valid point, but i was really looking forward to my message :(.

wah, wah, wah :)

Natal 01-16-2009 07:14 AM

Does that mean she is not going to do a Marilyn Monroe impersonation for my birthday? :D

Oh wait.....I'm not the president.....damn!!

grande351 01-16-2009 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by laranger (Post 7250)
wah, wah, wah :)

I know, I know!!! :)
I'm very thankful that Danielle takes the time to do the video logs. She certainly doesn't owe us anything! I figured the birthday messages would have to end sometime, since there are so many new people joining the forum, and she probably won't have the time once school starts.
I'm amazed that someone would lie just to get a message, that's pretty low IMHO.

Anoree 01-16-2009 02:28 PM

Sorry to hear Birthday Logs' end

Originally Posted by FTVGirls_Rob (Post 7247)
Right now the video logs page is growing huge... wow soon to have 100 logs there. Anyways, I've told Danielle to stop doing the video logs for birthdays for several reasons:

-The log page is getting too big too fast

what growth do you have in mind should it be?


-Many members who sign up on the message board fake their birthdays (make them earlier) to get their log within the month etc..
That's just sad. People who think they've got to lie to get any attention. :(


-People visiting the video logs page find the birthday ones boring, and it taints the more interesting logs
I'd like to object to that. I've found Danielles birthday messages interesting. Not as interesting as the answers to questions, but still ... I've enjoyed every one of them.


-Need to keep the logs to actual interesting topics or answers to questions.
(see above)


So the video log page she will update as normal, just avoiding the birthday announcements... no biggie :)
I respect your decission, don't get me wrong, but I feel sorry for my fellows who won't see a personal message from Danielle they might be eagerly anticipating. (I did.;)) But you get the bill for storage and bandwidth, not me.

Would building a birthday greeting page make any sense? Those who don't want to see them don't have to hassle with those, the others would still have a chance to see more of Danielle.
Some limit would have to be maintained, I agree fully there. With 550+ members Danielle statisticly would "have" to do two birthday greetings per day, tendency growing. That can't be it either.
How about rising the "entry limit" to birthday greetings to, say, 50? Those can't be made as easily as 5 and would keep the birthday logs to those who really participate on the forum.

This all is said with the assumption Danielle still wants to do those birthday greetings. Sould Danielle have no time or doesn't feel like making them anymore, forget what I wrote. :D

FTVGirls_Rob 01-16-2009 04:32 PM

I think you guys forget that she is still making personal messages? Its just not birthday-related, but question/answer related. And those of you who are on the board a lot, well... she may just be making private ones for you anyways.

tigger 01-16-2009 10:28 PM

No biggy. My birthday isnt till aug. Anyway.

Anoree 01-16-2009 10:44 PM

I sure hope that Danielle continues with her Q&A videos. It's certainly not forgotten but very much appreciated.
Danielle's interaction with her members through her video log and the forum is a big part of what distinguishes this site from many other model web pages.

I just wanted to state that I enjoyed her birthday logs even if they were ment for others.

But maybe you're right. Abandoning the birthday logs may give Danielle more time for the Q&As, maybe enough for a third kind of videos, that came a bit short: Log entries, where Danielle simply says something about the weeks events, encounters with bodypainters or anything else she might want to share with us through the clips.
I do expect the frequency of Danielle's video logs to drop somewhat anyway, once she starts studying in earnest.

615 01-17-2009 02:27 AM

Right now the video logs page is growing huge... wow soon to have 100 logs there. Anyways, I've told Danielle to stop doing the video logs for birthdays for several reasons:

-The log page is getting too big too fast (Trim it down to no more than 25 logs at a time. Older logs will be purged once a new log is created. Of course give a weeks notice so those who care will d/l and save the older ones to their HD before they're history.)
-Many members who sign up on the message board fake their birthdays (make them earlier) to get their log within the month etc.. (Regardless if fake or not you only get a b/d log if you've posted more than "X" amount of times.)
-People visiting the video logs page find the birthday ones boring, and it taints the more interesting logs. (I fall under the category of people and I rarely look at the b/d logs. Well done.)
-Need to keep the logs to actual interesting topics or answers to questions. (One man's "Interesting" is another man's "Huh?" For example, the whole stuffing thing is a "huh?" with me.)

So the video log page she will update as normal, just avoiding the birthday announcements... no biggie. (I don't know Rob, but this could be HUGE! You're very brave.)

FTVGirls_Rob 01-17-2009 04:39 AM

Not brave... just practical and realistic. I came up with the video log idea in the first place, because I forsaw that Danielle would be more interactive with members vs. any other girl I've focused a single girl site on. The logs went off a tangent and must be brought back to what it was originally supposed to be.

CK1 01-17-2009 10:27 AM

makes sense... as her popularity grows there will be more and more people on the boards. then she would have to make bithday videos every couple of days instead of weeks. that is on top of photo shoots, webcam, school... just not practical for many reasons.

Anoree 01-17-2009 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by CK1 (Post 7286)
makes sense... as her popularity grows there will be more and more people on the boards. then she would have to make bithday videos every couple of days instead of weeks. that is on top of photo shoots, webcam, school... just not practical for many reasons.

Yes, I (finally) accepted it, too. It was fun while it lasted.
Heck, I didn't want the birthday videos to become an obligation, either.
I'm still sorry for the others, though.

Rob, the "discussion" is over. (At least on my part. ;))
The only question left for me is: How does Danielle feel about it?

danielle_ftv 01-18-2009 08:24 PM


Originally Posted by Anoree (Post 7288)
Rob, the "discussion" is over. (At least on my part. ;))
The only question left for me is: How does Danielle feel about it?

I listen to what the boss man tells me. If he thinks that it's going "overboard" then so be it.

the Dutch mountains 01-26-2009 01:46 AM

If you want to keep the log size and bandwith to a minimum, you can always send the birthday logs to that person alone by sharing the url in a PM. This way the users still have a 'personal' connection with Danielle, and the bandwith usage stays almost the same...

CK1 01-26-2009 02:12 AM

I think the problem isn't the bandwidth but the space. as the site get more and more fans she might have several birthday in a week, maybe even one per day. those videos would add up. and then even if they only keep them on for a certain amount of time and then delete them, it would mean more work for them. plus, a lot of fans have no interest in seeing someone else's birthday greeting. instead by concentrating on answering questions or talking about herself, upcoming projects, etc. she can target a larger audience.

I actually liked the birthday greetings... but that is just me. but i can understand how making one for each and every fan could take up a lot of her time.

eastbill 01-26-2009 11:52 PM

i like them too and was hoping for one when the time came. but i see robs point. and so be it. this place is still the best.

Texasdrake 02-20-2009 08:05 PM

yeah it sucks I didn't get my birthday video log,but Rob made a valid point...before too long all Danielle would be doing is birthday logs and the space they would take up..if she would have done it and did it at the very beginning would be do ONE video log at the beginning of the month for EVERYONE who had a birthday that month..so there would only be 12 logs for the year.Yeah it wouldn't be a one on one personal log but at least she would somehwhat mention thier birthdays

Humbi69 03-07-2009 07:37 PM

I was also hoping to get a birthday video last month. So I am a little bit tearily now. I did also not get one. "Sniff" But I think Danielle would have realy a lot to do, if she would make that for everyone. Maybe next Year ... ;)

grande351 03-08-2009 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Humbi69 (Post 9033)
I was also hoping to get a birthday video last month. So I am a little bit tearily now. I did also not get one. "Sniff" But I think Danielle would have realy a lot to do, if she would make that for everyone. Maybe next Year ... ;)

I know in my heart that it's selfish to feel this way and I hate to admit it, but I too was a little dissapointed that I didn't get a birthday log.

That said, there were very good reasons why she stopped doing the birthday logs. Danielle has many more responsibilities now, including all of her site editing, and going to school full time. She also needs to have some time for a private life away from work and this site. We should all respect that! She still does a ton of other stuff for her fans (us) :)

danielle_ftv 03-09-2009 10:50 PM

I know...I'm sorry you guys. :(

lovley 03-10-2009 08:00 PM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 9097)
I know...I'm sorry you guys. :(

Dont worry im sure people understand.
A, your not a machine able work 24 hours a day
B, your human and need free time for yourself
C, cool im pretty good on the alphabet, did i spell correct not sure.
D, your doing such a great job and spend lots of time for your fans, we cant have it all your just 1 person.
F, im pretty sure i missed something
G, ok ill stop be silly but its one of those days :p

laranger 03-10-2009 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by lovley (Post 9135)
Dont worry im sure people understand.
A, your not a machine able work 24 hours a day
B, your human and need free time for yourself
C, cool im pretty good on the alphabet, did i spell correct not sure.
D, your doing such a great job and spend lots of time for your fans, we cant have it all your just 1 person.
F, im pretty sure i missed something
G, ok ill stop be silly but its one of those days :p

"Spelling", you get a high grade. "Capitalization", not so much.

lovley 03-11-2009 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by laranger (Post 9141)
"Spelling", you get a high grade. "Capitalization", not so much.

good enougth for me :D

danielle_ftv 03-13-2009 08:58 PM


Originally Posted by lovley (Post 9135)
Dont worry im sure people understand.
A, your not a machine able work 24 hours a day
B, your human and need free time for yourself
C, cool im pretty good on the alphabet, did i spell correct not sure.
D, your doing such a great job and spend lots of time for your fans, we cant have it all your just 1 person.
F, im pretty sure i missed something
G, ok ill stop be silly but its one of those days :p

LOL...that's cute. Thanks for the reassurance you guys.

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