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tigger 03-01-2009 12:10 AM

Anything under the sun!
Ok I thought i would start a thread about anythingyou want to say. tell how your day went, crab ,piss and moan, just need to get somthing off your chest. want to tell everyone about somthing. just one thing if you have somthing to say to a nother member do it in a pm. dont fight in this thread. this thred is for things that dont pertain to any other thread. let loos have fun and behave!:D

tigger 03-01-2009 01:21 AM

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This photo was taken the night after sarah hurt her knee. I think she was feeling pretty good by the look in her eyes. She looks drunk. Lol

tigger 03-01-2009 01:24 AM

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As most of you know lost my wife this is a photo of her she is the one on the left. Just thought i would shair.

tigger 03-01-2009 01:31 AM

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Here is photos of some of the training i had to go thru for my job

tigger 03-01-2009 01:32 AM

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tigger 03-01-2009 01:34 AM

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This is simulsted going in a building after a bomb went off and colecting samples. It is hot inside them suits.

tigger 03-01-2009 01:36 AM

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This is the gear the bomb tecks wear it weighs 150 lbs

tigger 03-01-2009 01:37 AM

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More training photos.

tigger 03-01-2009 01:50 AM

In case your wondering the girls went to see a mushy movie and im board! Im going thru a bunch of photos.

tigger 03-01-2009 02:10 AM

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Her name is jennifer and no she would not let me have her phone number.

tigger 03-01-2009 02:11 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Torpedo i can haul 8 of them in my truck.

tigger 03-01-2009 02:17 AM

Ok its some one elses turn. Lol

CK1 03-01-2009 02:53 AM

okay, i am a tech guy that doesn't like unnecessary tech... by that is that i am practical... if i don't need it, i won't buy it. so i have never had a "smart phone". recently my phone started acting up and i tried a new battery and still not working correctly. so i decided to buy a new phone. so i got a blackberry thinking that it would come in handy at work (and because i would use it for work they would pay for part of my cell phone bill.) and not that i got it... i realized i made a mistake. i don't need to have immediate access to my email... or to be able to update my face book status but now that i have it i can't see how i ever lived without it. now i know why the call them "crackberries."

ugo 03-01-2009 08:39 AM

Nice Thread Friend Tigger !!!!:)

It sounds like a good story of the daily life of every day.

Jennifer really nice !!!!!!:eek:
It can might know her? Joking.

I hope well for Sarah, very strong as your character, Tigger.

eastbill 03-01-2009 08:38 PM

good thread tigger....

well i just want to complain i am tired of the cold. snow again here tonight.

tigger 03-01-2009 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by eastbill (Post 8838)
good thread tigger....

Well i just want to complain i am tired of the cold. Snow again here tonight.

im here in northern va. And we got 3 in last night but about 10am it was all melted.

eastbill 03-01-2009 09:51 PM

we are gettin 8-14 tonight... just starting

captnjack 03-02-2009 12:35 PM

Snowed here yesterday and last night. The owner of the company where I work called mgr's and said employees didn't have to report to work until noon and then only if workers able to make it in. The owner has to be sick he never calls off work!

tigger 03-02-2009 12:42 PM

We only got 3 in so far but it is still snowing. I have to leave out in a bit on a 1300 mile trip with 3 stops looks like work s picking back up. Or i just got lucky!

tigger 03-03-2009 01:49 PM

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Turning out to be one of thous days. I arived to pickup my load on a preloaded trl. when i hooked up and did my walk around ins. 6 tires had bad flat spots 2 of them had already blown out. so im sitting here waiting an the tire guy to come change 6 tires at $300 a piece. they are trying to find out who pulled the trl. from the dock, he is going to be in big do do.

tigger 03-04-2009 11:06 PM

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Here is somthing you don't see every day!!!

laranger 03-05-2009 04:35 AM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 8946)
Here is somthing you don't see every day!!!

They sent out the swat team to give ya a traffic ticket?? Weird.

mart 03-05-2009 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by laranger (Post 8957)
They sent out the swat team to give ya a traffic ticket?? Weird.

No Tigger forgot his packed lunched.:D

MISSY 03-05-2009 09:08 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I gave Tigger a haircut! Ha Ha :p

tigger 03-06-2009 04:48 PM

Yea you cut it all off!!!

tigger 03-08-2009 11:10 PM

I got unloaded saterday morning and i am still sitting waiting on a load. I have a DR. apt wednesday that i dont think im going to be able to make the way things are going. had one hell of a storm blow thru this morning only lasted about 45 min and it was gone but we still have a lit of wind. Sarah called me last night and said she did laundry and it backed up into the sanitary tub, so i told her to go out and pop the lid off the septic tank and see how full it is, she informed me of what she thought of that idea, her boyfriend was over and wanting to make some points with dad volinteered to do it. he he he. the lid weighs about 100 lbs i usaly use the tractor and lift it with the hoist. i do this for 2 reasons i dont want to bust my gut, and if it is full i dont get my feet wet! not boy genious. he dont need the tractor he can lift it all by him self. he lifter it all right and it was full. and he sliped and fell in the muck that overflowed. he he he. Sarah hosed him off out side Sarah called the septic place and they came out last night and drained the tank $350 every time we get a lot of rain it fills the tank and this year has ben real wet! it realy needs new lines put in but i would rather put the money in the new house! I heard boy wonder in the back ground telling Sarah dont tell your dad i fell in it. SARAH informed him that he just did! Amanda said i was mean for laffing but i would have loved to see that. :D hopefully by next winter we will be in the new house. and wont have to deal with all thies little problems.

tigger 03-08-2009 11:18 PM

1 Attachment(s)
A buddy of mine that just got back from the gulf sent me this pick. He said they set down for a break and this mangy cat came over and curled up on his pack and fell asleep.

DWM222 03-09-2009 01:11 AM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 8806)
Torpedo i can haul 8 of them in my truck.

Wow...big bullit...where is the rifle it fits in:)
(These are to be used only when the "Golden Rule" no longer applies..LOL)

DWM222 03-09-2009 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by MISSY (Post 8977)
I gave Tigger a haircut! Ha Ha :p

Looks like Missy might have a little "Indian Heritage" cause she done scalped you dude..LOL

tigger 03-09-2009 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by DWM222 (Post 9062)
Looks like Missy might have a little "Indian Heritage" cause she done scalped you dude..LOL

funny you say that she is part indian! cant rember witch!

MISSY 03-10-2009 12:57 AM

Just a little tidbit from our safety dept. They put up a survey on MSN.COM asking people what there pet peve about other drivers was. #1 driving in the left lane and not passing. #2 on the cell phone. #3 not using signals. The list goes on but that is the top 3. In our case escorting Tiggers truck. driving next to the truck for more than 1 min ( heavy trafic excluided) we will try to get you to move on, if you refuse to move on you get to see the pretty blue lights, in most cases as soon as you move on the lights go off. 2 cell phones , if your not causing any problems we don't bother. if you are causing a problem blue lights seem to work well at making people hang up and behave. 3 not using signals, I can't think of any time we stoped someone for that! The biggest thing is cutting off the truck!!!!!!!!!! there is a range finder on the camera in the bumper of the truck that is set at 25 feet, if it pops you your going to get a ticket in the mail with a photo of what you did! We also keep 1 min before and after of video. If you make Tigger have to hit is brakes in doing it, it will alert one of the guys and you will get stopped and given a ticket . this fine starts at $2000.00 for cars and $3000.00 for trucks. if the truck is hauling hazmat you get a ride in a police car and lose your driving priv. for 3 months. Tanker drivers lose it for 2 yrs. If we witness or tigger informs us that you are messing with him. ( stupid) you get a free ride to jail.Fine starts at $5000.00 - 25000.00 depending on what you are doing. Example, last year a bunch of kids shot paint ball guns at one of our trucks almost causing the driver to wreck. They got 10 yrs each. why so strict you ask. There is up to 40000 lbs of high explosives in the trailer. that is enough to destroy an entire city, could wipe ATLANTA GA. off the face of the earth. that is why we escort his truck. That is also why only former military are alowed to do his job. and yes I know i'm not the best speller out there so quit messaging me to inform me of it!!!!!!!!! Tigger is worse than i am! Sorry tig. Still love ya. ( he will never let me use his computer again) :o

MISSY 03-10-2009 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 9067)
funny you say that she is part indian! cant rember witch!

I'm NAVAHO. My mum is Navaho from Arizona. And he wanted it that way!

grande351 03-10-2009 01:19 AM

Missy or Tigger,
Just wondering, do you usually make your runs in the middle of the night when there's less traffic?

It's nice to see you posting here again Missy! I thought you had left for good.

grande351 03-10-2009 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 9057)
I got unloaded saterday morning and i am still sitting waiting on a load. I have a DR. apt wednesday that i dont think im going to be able to make the way things are going. had one hell of a storm blow thru this morning only lasted about 45 min and it was gone but we still have a lit of wind. Sarah called me last night and said she did laundry and it backed up into the sanitary tub, so i told her to go out and pop the lid off the septic tank and see how full it is, she informed me of what she thought of that idea, her boyfriend was over and wanting to make some points with dad volinteered to do it. he he he. the lid weighs about 100 lbs i usaly use the tractor and lift it with the hoist. i do this for 2 reasons i dont want to bust my gut, and if it is full i dont get my feet wet! not boy genious. he dont need the tractor he can lift it all by him self. he lifter it all right and it was full. and he sliped and fell in the muck that overflowed. he he he. Sarah hosed him off out side Sarah called the septic place and they came out last night and drained the tank $350 every time we get a lot of rain it fills the tank and this year has ben real wet! it realy needs new lines put in but i would rather put the money in the new house! I heard boy wonder in the back ground telling Sarah dont tell your dad i fell in it. SARAH informed him that he just did! Amanda said i was mean for laffing but i would have loved to see that. :D hopefully by next winter we will be in the new house. and wont have to deal with all thies little problems.

Oh MAN! How embarassing! Not only to do that in front of your girlfirend, but to have her dad find out too! I really feel for the poor kid. (Of course, I'd have laughed my *** off too! :D)

tigger 03-10-2009 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by grande351 (Post 9112)
Missy or Tigger,
Just wondering, do you usually make your runs in the middle of the night when there's less traffic?

It's nice to see you posting here again Missy! I thought you had left for good.

99% of our runs are done during the day. we avoid rush hour and go around citys if we can. we have more problems at night than we do in the day time. one thing she didnt add is we catch about 3 or 4 drunk drivers every week. Missy only got on because us guys snuck out with out them because every girl on the team is on the rag at the same time, and amanda let her on my computer. Amanda is in bed giving me that dont f-- with me look. think ill sleep on the floor tonight.lol :o

laranger 03-10-2009 02:25 AM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 9114)
Amanda is in bed giving me that dont f-- with me look. think ill sleep on the floor tonight.lol :o

Good idea Tigger.

tigger 03-10-2009 11:12 AM

could you imagine if guys had to put up with that every month? there would be a lot more killing in the world. :eek:

mart 03-15-2009 11:41 AM

Does anyone know the best cure for the hangover from hell?. Right know my head is thumping like the 1812 overture being played at full tilt lol. I knew i shouldn't have had that last pint.:D

Geezer 03-15-2009 06:12 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 9252)
Does anyone know the best cure for the hangover from hell?. Right know my head is thumping like the 1812 overture being played at full tilt lol. I knew i shouldn't have had that last pint.:D

Well, I suppose you could bury your head in a bucket of ice water. THAT might take you mind off of the headache.:eek::eek:

tigger 03-15-2009 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 9252)
Does anyone know the best cure for the hangover from hell?. Right know my head is thumping like the 1812 overture being played at full tilt lol. I knew i shouldn't have had that last pint.:D

Stay drunk! :D:D

mart 03-16-2009 06:52 PM

Well thanks for nothing Geezer, Tigger.:rolleyes:

I took a cold shower usually works although Tigger's was tempting.:D

tigger 03-18-2009 01:06 AM

UG Amanda drag me to the mall where we are at. she needs a new pair of shoes to go with the 10,000000000 other pair she has. :( After almost two hours she goes back to the first store we went to and walkes in and grabes a pair and gets them. a nother 45 min of looking at and trying on outfits we go back to the shoe store and she returns the shoes . :confused: We get back to the motel room and she goes into the bathroom and i hear paper wrusling to find her sitting on the edge of the tub craming a cupcake in her mouth!!!!!!!!!!!! Im on a diet and she is sneeking sweets. I give up! :o

DWM222 03-18-2009 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 9370)
UG Amanda drag me to the mall where we are at. she needs a new pair of shoes to go with the 10,000000000 other pair she has. :( After almost two hours she goes back to the first store we went to and walkes in and grabes a pair and gets them. a nother 45 min of looking at and trying on outfits we go back to the shoe store and she returns the shoes . :confused: We get back to the motel room and she goes into the bathroom and i hear paper wrusling to find her sitting on the edge of the tub craming a cupcake in her mouth!!!!!!!!!!!! Im on a diet and she is sneeking sweets. I give up! :o

Welcome back to the world of "Lady Friends" Tigger...LOL
No pain...No gain:D

Geezer 03-18-2009 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 9370)
UG Amanda drag me to the mall where we are at. she needs a new pair of shoes to go with the 10,000000000 other pair she has. :( After almost two hours she goes back to the first store we went to and walkes in and grabes a pair and gets them. a nother 45 min of looking at and trying on outfits we go back to the shoe store and she returns the shoes . :confused: We get back to the motel room and she goes into the bathroom and i hear paper wrusling to find her sitting on the edge of the tub craming a cupcake in her mouth!!!!!!!!!!!! Im on a diet and she is sneeking sweets. I give up! :o

Yeah, but did she have you holding her purse while she shopped? Only REAL MEN can hold women's bags during shopping excursions!:eek:

tigger 03-18-2009 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Geezer (Post 9380)
Yeah, but did she have you holding her purse while she shopped? Only REAL MEN can hold women's bags during shopping excursions!:eek:

Didnt hold it the hole time but did my fair shair. :o

j.d.eeViant 03-19-2009 02:13 AM

I'm going to Adultcon in LA Friday. I have to fly from Florida, and everytime I do I worry I'm going to crash. :(

laranger 03-19-2009 02:41 AM


Originally Posted by j.d.eeViant (Post 9422)
I'm going to Adultcon in LA Friday. I have to fly from Florida, and everytime I do I worry I'm going to crash. :(

I would be more worried about the airplane crashing if I were you.

j.d.eeViant 03-19-2009 02:57 AM

oh great now I'm going to get a complex!!

laranger 03-19-2009 03:09 AM

Sometimes, those will keep ya on your toes, no time for worrying then. :D

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