FTV Girls Danielle Forum

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WhyYou 09-29-2008 03:52 AM

Replies To Danielle's Journal and Video Logs
Reply to Danielle's Journal in this thread.

Moderator Edit: Place your replies to Danielle's Video Logs here, too. (A)

geolarson2 09-29-2008 09:08 PM

Here I'd thought that worm had gone back to ground. Silly me. First, get yourself that restraining order. It will encourage him to stay away from you, but does not necessarily prevent him from making statements about you. When I was an undergrad, I took some pre-law-type courses, mostly to do with civil liberties & the Constitution (that was over a dozen years ago now, BTW), so I'm not an expert--I know some things changed since the Internet took off, and when I was studying, the Internet didn't really exist, not as it is now (I never even saw it, via Explorer or Navigator until grad school; the closest I got was Lynx, and that was my senior year of university). First and foremost are your personal safety, both you, Danielle and Rob, so get those restraining orders yesterday. Second, you have your FAQ section here and require registration to post--you also have the ability to block or delete, either directly or through WhyYou or laranger, anything this individual tries to post can be removed at your discretion. This is your site, created with your money and using your image--we are your guests. You have the right to kick any of us out if we do not follow your rules of the house. As far as slander goes, you'd have to prove that in court and as you are now bordering on public figure status (I say that due to FTV's popularity, plus the ability to Google or use PeachyForum, FreeOnes, Ask Jolene, &c. to locate your images), its harder to prove. And as for defamation, its entirely possible that a jury or judge would rule against you just because of the line of work you're in, not necessarily on the merits of the case. Total BS & total hypocrisy, in my be it ever so humble opinion. Most courts I think still put First Amendment rights in front of almost anything else. You do potentially have one thing going for you, though, and that's the fact that you do not use your last name, and, for that matter, Danielle may be a pseudonym you use for your career. In other words, you have taken steps to protect your personal identity, and this person you said had been floating personal info about you, that you might have a good chance at stopping or suing over if it comes to that point. In any even, its most likely a civil matter as it stands now, rather than a criminal one. One of the better solutions, and one I think I saw someone else offer here, is to just not take his bait. If he shows his face around here, kick him out. If he tries a run-around by joining FTVGirls, Rob has the option of refunding his money and preventing him from causing trouble there, too (of course I haven't seen a forum there, so maybe thats a moot point). If he telephones you, and you have your restraining order, you may have him--make sure an order includes communication, and that may even be enough to prevent him from posting here (I forget where the Internet law went, or if it included stalking which I think this could be considered--likewise I'm not sure where AZ is on stalker laws, although I'm pretty sure its less than CA or NY). Anyway, you have options, but the first thing is to get a court involved to protect yourselves, period. You are the one in power, Danielle, not this apparently spoiled, silly little boy. As always, my sincerest best wishes :)

ask 09-30-2008 01:36 PM


Sept 29, 2008
Yeah, so happy...the dent got fixed out of my car. I'm so excited...there is a slight wavy pattern where he hammered the dent out but it still looks a million times better. Now I just have to get a car wash and Shout out a few small stains in the car and it will look like new.

Car wash video please...........

tigger 09-30-2008 02:09 PM

I have said this before and ill say it again!! your not fat!we love every little thing about you, every little soft spot just adds to your beauty! Dont try to be one of the toothpicks that are out there be yourself!

ask 10-03-2008 09:02 AM

Hi Danielle, you mentioned that a photoshoot cancelled. Do you work for other site than ftv.com. Please reply details.

geolarson2 10-03-2008 07:12 PM

So the photographer who booked you canceled at the last minute and then had the nerve to have his assistant do the dirty work, huh? Either he was sick as a dog, or he's too full of himself. If he's too full of himself, then all I can say is "la-de-freakin'-da." Not cool, not professional. Heck, even if he was sick and unless he had a major-bad case of either laryngitis or throat cancer, he still should have done you the courtesy of picking up the phone and giving you a call. If he thought his work was more important than being courteous to you, to to anyone else who models for him, good luck, bub, booking more shoots. Obviously he's already put a booking with you in serious jeopardy. But then I'm a stickler for simple courtesy (even if I blow it sometimes; I am great at giving apology, though), and on the few occasions where I've worked with people, I've always been aware that while I may be "the artist" the work is really a collaboration between me and the model--fat lotta good being an "artist" when you have no subject though. Just my ever so humble opinion though :)

mart 10-04-2008 10:44 AM

For a photographer to cancel via an assistant is just bad manners.:mad:

tigger 10-05-2008 02:00 AM

A crash oh my. Glad no one was hurt. Head on crash can be bad. Did rob cry about his car.lol

ask 10-05-2008 02:47 AM

Glad you guys are ok..........

WhyYou 10-05-2008 03:36 AM

Was that the Lambo that Rob went 219 mph in?

grande351 10-05-2008 03:45 AM

Wow, sorry to hear about the accident. Glad everybody is OK! I'm sure Rob was angry about the car! He hasn't had it very long, has he?

Hopefully they'll be able to fix it. I'd imagine there would have to be a lot of damage for the insurance to total one of those.

You've never been to a club before??? I find that hard to believe ;)

danielle_ftv 10-05-2008 05:00 AM

No Rob didn't cry about his car....but I think he was in shock when it happened because he wasn't acting upset or anything (which I definitely would be if my car got totalled.)

Originally Posted by tigger (Post 1518)
A crash oh my. Glad no one was hurt. Head on crash can be bad. Did rob cry about his car.lol

danielle_ftv 10-05-2008 05:01 AM

Nope, this one was the replacement.

Originally Posted by WhyYou (Post 1524)
Was that the Lambo that Rob went 219 mph in?

danielle_ftv 10-05-2008 05:02 AM

I don't work with other sites but I do model for photographers and stuff like that.

Originally Posted by ask (Post 1394)
Hi Danielle, you mentioned that a photoshoot cancelled. Do you work for other site than ftv.com. Please reply details.

danielle_ftv 10-05-2008 05:03 AM

He's only had the car for about a month now. I've been to one 18 and older club (but I don't really consider that a club). This one was a 21 and older club....let's not ask how I got in though ;)

Originally Posted by grande351 (Post 1525)
Wow, sorry to hear about the accident. Glad everybody is OK! I'm sure Rob was angry about the car! He hasn't had it very long, has he?

Hopefully they'll be able to fix it. I'd imagine there would have to be a lot of damage for the insurance to total one of those.

You've never been to a club before??? I find that hard to believe ;)

ugo 10-05-2008 08:04 AM

Ok for Danielle !!:)

The important what they are well!

Otherwise we use the word "controversial ". Known from that thread of Rob.:p

grande351 10-05-2008 03:40 PM

Glad that Rob kept his cool, not sure I could have! :mad: Maybe he WAS in shock though! :eek:

OOPS, I forgot that you're still under 21! and, no, I don't need to know how you got in. Of course, I never did that when I was 20 ;)

LeoRex 10-05-2008 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by grande351 (Post 1563)
Glad that Rob kept his cool, not sure I could have! :mad: Maybe he WAS in shock though! :eek:

Well - the most important thing is that everyone got out safe and sound - especially if the car was totaled that is definitely a propitious thing - you guys certainly had an angel on your shoulder:)

I have been in two car accidents in my life, and in both my car was pretty banged up, but not totaled - in both of them I made it without a scratch and a the time I was not concerned about the car as much as I was getting out of it without a scratch - the pain and anger comes when the insurance company pays out what they think the car/damages are worth which is never enough - however, in this circumstance as the other party was clearly to blame hopefully they will pay up plenty of $$$$$$ to pay not only for the car but the emotional stress that the accident put everyone through.

LeoRex 10-05-2008 09:54 PM

I hear ya - even it is not your fault - the insurance company never misses a chance to find some reason to raise those rates:mad:

DWM222 10-06-2008 12:05 AM

Wow...Bummer on the car but glad everyone is OK:)

captnjack 10-06-2008 10:08 AM

Likewise glad no one was hurt sorry about your car though I know you put a lot of time and effort into it. And it is not like you can go to the local dealer and replace it in a few weeks!

geolarson2 10-06-2008 10:30 PM

Adding in my own thankfulness here that no one got hurt.

geolarson2 10-08-2008 03:29 AM

Body paint can look pretty sexy, but let me just say "eew!" here. Runny veggie oil? Better than petroleum based, I suppose, and probably breathes better than latex. Maybe better for your complexion, too (a bit EVOO?), but still, eew!

With the workouts, &c., you are amazingly disciplined. I wish I still had that sort of drive (but they took my license away!):p

Max 10-08-2008 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 1146)
I have said this before and ill say it again!! your not fat!we love every little thing about you, every little soft spot just adds to your beauty! Dont try to be one of the toothpicks that are out there be yourself!

Seriously, when a woman is too skinny, that is disgusting, I have seen better looking 250 pound women than the ones that are toothpicks

Max 10-08-2008 03:38 AM


Originally Posted by LeoRex (Post 1583)
I hear ya - even it is not your fault - the insurance company never misses a chance to find some reason to raise those rates:mad:

They also hate men, and for some stupid reason, just because I'm a male who has never had a wreck, doesn't smoke, and drives a junker, I am more likely to have a wreck than a woman who drives a corvette, smokes, and has had nine wrecks.

captnjack 10-08-2008 09:13 AM

Danielle Election day is Tuesday November 4. One thing that always bothered me was that I was eligible for the miltary draft when I was 18 but I wasn't eligible to vote until I was 21. I guess Uncle Sam thought that at 18 I wasn't mature enough to decide who was going to send me off to war. I have voted in ever election since I was 21 and intend to vote in ever election until I'm dead and gone.

Dilbert49 10-09-2008 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by captnjack (Post 1807)
Danielle Election day is Tuesday November 4. One thing that always bothered me was that I was eligible for the miltary draft when I was 18 but I wasn't eligible to vote until I was 21. I guess Uncle Sam thought that at 18 I wasn't mature enough to decide who was going to send me off to war. I have voted in ever election since I was 21 and intend to vote in ever election until I'm dead and gone.

Election age is eighteen - I assume everywhere in the US, at any rate.

WhyYou 10-09-2008 03:30 AM


Originally Posted by Dilbert49 (Post 1955)
Election age is eighteen - I assume everywhere in the US, at any rate.

Prior to 1971 the federal voting age in the US was 21 although a few states had lower voting ages (19 and 20).

I turned 18 in 1971. I hadn't thought I would be able to vote until I was 21, but the law was changed and I got my chance...lol.

ugo 10-09-2008 08:03 AM

Does Bush continue if wins the elections after the clash between Obama and McCain?

Sail_Away 10-09-2008 10:41 AM


Originally Posted by ugo (Post 1974)
Does Bush continue if wins the elections after the clash between Obama and McCain?

No Bush retires Jan 20, 2009 and either Obama or McCain will replace him;)

ugo 10-09-2008 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by Sail_Away (Post 1979)
No Bush retires Jan 20, 2009 and either Obama or McCain will replace him;)

Thanks of the beautiful answer to me!! FRIEND SAIL !!!:):)

Dilbert49 10-10-2008 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by WhyYou (Post 1960)
Prior to 1971 the federal voting age in the US was 21 although a few states had lower voting ages (19 and 20).

I turned 18 in 1971. I hadn't thought I would be able to vote until I was 21, but the law was changed and I got my chance...lol.

Thanks WhyYou. I wasn't giving any real thought to the age of the person writing it - or, probably more accurately, I was subconciously assuming the writer had just recently turned 21.

MISSY 10-10-2008 01:35 AM


Originally Posted by WhyYou (Post 1960)
Prior to 1971 the federal voting age in the US was 21 although a few states had lower voting ages (19 and 20).

I turned 18 in 1971. I hadn't thought I would be able to vote until I was 21, but the law was changed and I got my chance...lol.

You were 19 when I was born.:D

WhyYou 10-10-2008 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by MISSY (Post 2038)
You were 19 when I was born.:D

You mean...I'm old enough to be your father?...LOL!! :D

geolarson2 10-10-2008 04:23 AM


Originally Posted by Sail_Away (Post 1979)
No Bush retires Jan 20, 2009 and either Obama or McCain will replace him;)

Unless by some amazingly weird twist everyone votes Libertarian, Green, Reform or Independent. Of course, I'm not sure if all those 3d parties are on the ballots of every state. I checked on AZ early voting, and apparently it began on 10/2. Here in NV it begins on 10/18 (if I remember right). I think they already started in OH and a few other states, too. Wherever you are, if you haven't already registered, you might be able to get a provisional ballot on 11/4 (no guarantees) because registration I think is closed in all 50 states, territories, &c., and double check with your county clerks' offices to see when/if you have early registration or when you can request an absentee ballot & when its due (no later than 11/4 of course). I forget under which article its covered in the Constitution (2d, I think), giving each state the discretion on how it conducts its presidential election. Remember, in most (if not all) of the 13 originals, it was up to the state legislatures to choose their electors; now its up to the voters, but with some caveats depending on the state. As Hardy said to Laurel, "This is another fine mess you've gotten me into!" Bonk! In any event, W is out on 1/20 as soon as whomever is sworn in, but with the way the economy is, plus the wars, &c., I expect the prez-elect & his (I assume again) transition teem will be spending a lot of time at the Exec. Mansion or OEOB--I know that both Barack & John should already be getting copies of the same briefings (intel reports for example) GWB gets, beyond what they get sitting on their various committees.

ask 10-10-2008 04:54 AM


Originally Posted by WhyYou (Post 2047)
You mean...I'm old enough to be your father?...LOL!! :D


Geezer 10-12-2008 11:09 PM

tattoo removal???
Hey Danielle,

I've been reading about the nose stud removal and your two tats being lasered off. How is that going for you? I could be wrong but it seems to me your latest photos still show your tattoos. But, you also posted a video of them being burned off.

Where exactly are you in this process? How many treatments will it take? On a scale of 1-10, with ten being VERY PAINFUL, how much does the laser hurt?

Will there be any scarring once the procedure is all done?:eek:

danielle_ftv 10-13-2008 12:29 AM

I've had two sessions already. On a 1-10 pain scale it's probably an 6 1/2 or 7. They aren't quite sure how many treatments it will take but after two sessions I am already seeing it lighten up and the shading in the middle is almost gone. Last time I went in I went 30 minutes early so they could put numbing cream on the skin...but that didn't seem to work very well. I don't really do anything, just lay there. It will take more than 6 months to get the tattoos off so unfortunately you guys will be seeing it for awhile.


Originally Posted by Geezer (Post 2331)
Hey Danielle,

I've been reading about the nose stud removal and your two tats being lasered off. How is that going for you? I could be wrong but it seems to me your latest photos still show your tattoos. But, you also posted a video of them being burned off.

Where exactly are you in this process? How many treatments will it take? On a scale of 1-10, with ten being VERY PAINFUL, how much does the laser hurt?

Will there be any scarring once the procedure is all done?:eek:

grande351 10-13-2008 09:23 PM

1 Attachment(s)
We don't have to wait! (Hee Hee Hee) ;)

Hang in there Danielle!
I hate that you have to endure the pain. Just try to concentrate on how great you'll look without them. :)

captnjack 10-13-2008 10:55 PM

Glad you liked the card!

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