FTV Girls Danielle Forum

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RonTheLogician 08-23-2014 03:17 PM

FYI: Video interview book

Originally Posted by RonTheLogician (Post 38124)
...the AVN article Crowdsourcing Column: Mainstream vs. Adult - How different are they, really? implies my anxieties were misplaced. It quotes Colin of TranslationsXXX so: In mainstream almost everyone wants to do business face to face or over the telephone, while in adult email, Skype and ICQ are often preferred.

Given these industry business customs, and also that you regularly produce a cinematically very similar video log series, I'll bring one more book to your attention. A Kindle e-book version of The Essential Digital Interview Handbook: Lights, Camera, Interview: Tips for Skype, Google Hangout, GoToMeeting, and More (2013) can also be obtained for a measly ten buck here.

RonTheLogician 08-27-2014 02:02 PM

Hey Dani,

In one of your video logs some time ago, you characterized yourself as a "sex addict." Please do disabuse me if I misunderstand, but the perjorative connotation of "addict" says to me that you regard your avid consumption of sexual activity as doing you greater harm than good, for all the latter that it does (e.g. emotionally and financially) nonetheless.

Perhaps you have seen the first two installments of avant-garde director Lars van Trier's trilogy Nymphomaniac, as I have. As I recall, the film's protagonist, played by Charlotte Gainsbourg, first toys with the idea her sex addiction is pathological, only to do an about face and embrace it as who she wants to be. Do you have an opinon of the film and any messages within it?

By now I hope you know I don't think porn is intrinsically harmful, either to producers or consumers. But anything might be undertaken in a way that lands up doing collateral harm. Are you in a position to entertain the idea of taking a "sabbatical" away from porn? You've been in the sexual arts about six years straight by now, right?

In our competitive world, successful people often worry if taking an extended leave from work, even for a worthy alternative activity, will fatally compromise their future prospects. But it can be very hard to take a reflective look at one's life when the daily grind is at hand.

Many years ago, it was very unusual for porn players to stay in the business for much more than a year. And even today, careers tend to be rather short, even much shorter than those of sports athletes. I can only wonder whether it is push or pull factors, or both, which account for this - I surely don't know. In any event, you might want to watch the 2010 documentary After Porn Ends, trailer here.

Porn has put a lot of money into your hands, which most people of your age without an expensive and demanding education would never see. I hope you have held on to enough of it that you can do yourself the kindness of the leading the life you really want - and enjoy the practical ability to indulge in any needed non-trivial introspection process.

Best always,

Anoree 11-10-2014 06:23 AM

New questions
Hi Danielle

As you currently have 22 slots of Video Logs to fill in, here are some new and some old (asked anew) questions.
For the sake of filling up slots, I suggest to answer them in individual Video Logs for each theme, maybe in between drawn questions videos, IF you want to answer.

- How was your Groove Cruise trip? Would you like to elaborate on that? How much dancing were you able to commence? Did you meet many new, cool people? Were you able to wear some of the prepared theme dresses? I'm sure you were the hit everywhere you went.

(Possible answer: "No, I don't want to elaborate. That's confidential information. Next one!" ;) )

- You mentioned that you will pick up on studying at the ASU. What will you study? What's your planned schedule? What will be the impact on your work and your private life?

- 22 open Video Logs - that's a lot of room for drawn questions. They are fun to watch, but I'm sure they start to get boring shooting them real quick. What do you think of dropping half of them, shooting just 2 Video Logs a month? You can always shoot more when you do actually have questions or topics of your own you want to talk about, of course.
What I'm trying to say is that they shouldn't come to be a burden or even an annoyance to you. I like them and you too much to see that happen. :o

- Would you like to talk about current and future plans for your site? Do you want to implement new options?

- You have your own new Web shop now, www.DaniellesGear.com. Would you like to talk about that? (That's an opportunity to roll the advertising drum. ;) )

- Do you have plans to tour the States or even the world, alone or with your friends, where fans might be able to meet you? Any plans to visit Industry conventions?

Unfortunately that are all the questions I can come up with at the moment, that don't seem too private.

RonTheLogician 11-11-2014 12:50 AM

More update ideas

Originally Posted by Anoree (Post 38221)
Hi Danielle

As you currently have 22 slots of Video Logs to fill in...

Are you trying to help fill Danielle's slots? Does that make you a fluff boy? ;)

More seriously, I'll remind her it is not impossible that Barbie and Ken might still be willing to do the segment work I last mentioned here.

Perhaps she might like to try shooting short, low-production-value updates, such as "gonzo"-style cellphone videos which concentrate mainly on her surroundings and what she is doing (while she narrates) and then ends with a closeup face shot and goodbye kiss. I sure hope I didn't hurt her feelings in offering constructive criticism of her sit-down cinematography. :(

To be frank, I had guessed that Danielle had rethought her whole marketing strategy and was simply letting the video log project - and most of this website - fade into stasis, without a big goodbye. (It was possible that the server log inquiry I had suggested had shown that there was too little bang for the buck.)

Anoree 11-11-2014 05:55 AM


Originally Posted by RonTheLogician (Post 38222)
Are you trying to help fill Danielle's slots? Does that make you a fluff boy? ;)

I wouldn't mind to be Danielle's fluff boy at all.


To be frank, I had guessed that Danielle had rethought her whole marketing strategy and was simply letting the video log project - and most of this website - fade into stasis, without a big goodbye. (It was possible that the server log inquiry I had suggested had shown that there was too little bang for the buck.)
It may seem so, but I happen to know that Danielle is just quite busy with some other projects at the moment. She still has plans to develop her site. What she plans on is not my part to reveal.

Anoree 11-30-2014 08:30 AM

Reaction to Romance Scams
Here's another idea for a video log or video journal topic:

Would you like to address the romance and other scams using your pictures that apparently happened recently?
Do you think a sticky thread on the Forum with a link to a video and maybe update clips ("I'm still active, now studying at ...") from time to time would make it more difficult for those scammers?

Enigma 12-04-2014 10:58 AM


Originally Posted by Anoree (Post 38230)
Here's another idea for a video log or video journal topic:

Would you like to address the romance and other scams using your pictures that apparently happened recently?
Do you think a sticky thread on the Forum with a link to a video and maybe update clips ("I'm still active, now studying at ...") from time to time would make it more difficult for those scammers?

do tell more, what scam :S they never leave her alone to get on with thing :S

Index-of-Beauty Ben 12-08-2014 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by Enigma (Post 38231)
do tell more, what scam :S they never leave her alone to get on with thing :S

yeah, I hadn't heard or seen anything from Danielle on here or anywhere for awhile. I was wondering if she had simply quit the business for awhile. Leastways, if she has, that is fine. Everyone needs a break. She was shooting for everyone and everything for awhile a few years ago. I know there was something about a contract floating around with some agency, too.

Leastways, I hope all is well and happy holidays. See you somewhere in CyberLand.

Anoree 12-08-2014 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by Index-of-Beauty Ben (Post 38232)
yeah, I hadn't heard or seen anything from Danielle on here or anywhere for awhile. I was wondering if she had simply quit the business for awhile. Leastways, if she has, that is fine. Everyone needs a break. She was shooting for everyone and everything for awhile a few years ago. I know there was something about a contract floating around with some agency, too.

Leastways, I hope all is well and happy holidays. See you somewhere in CyberLand.

I think Danielle's contract is suspended but valid until spring, keeping her from shooting for other companies than FTV or her own site.
I also think she has a couple of side projects running that keep her busy; some for friends, some for herself.

Happy holidays!

danielle_ftv 12-11-2014 02:33 AM

Oops...Anoree I deleted your post about the Twitter guy that got scammed. I was trying to "quote" it and respond to the part about how he contacted my recent business associates. I didn't know that he had done that. That is completely screwed up and if I had known I probably would have reported him to Twitter.

danielle_ftv 12-11-2014 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by Anoree (Post 38234)
I think Danielle's contract is suspended but valid until spring, keeping her from shooting for other companies than FTV or her own site.

Happy holidays!

My contract with LA Direct ends in May. Right now I'm not sure if I will shoot with other companies after the contract ends. I will definitely be shooting for FTV again though. I want to make it one of the most extreme updates FTV has ever seen.

danielle_ftv 12-11-2014 02:35 AM


Originally Posted by RonTheLogician (Post 38222)

To be frank, I had guessed that Danielle had rethought her whole marketing strategy and was simply letting the video log project - and most of this website - fade into stasis, without a big goodbye. (It was possible that the server log inquiry I had suggested had shown that there was too little bang for the buck.)

Nope...I just took a break for a while.

danielle_ftv 12-11-2014 02:38 AM


Originally Posted by Anoree (Post 38221)
Hi Danielle

- How was your Groove Cruise trip? Would you like to elaborate on that? How much dancing were you able to commence? Did you meet many new, cool people? Were you able to wear some of the prepared theme dresses? I'm sure you were the hit everywhere you went.

(Possible answer: "No, I don't want to elaborate. That's confidential information. Next one!" ;) )

- You mentioned that you will pick up on studying at the ASU. What will you study? What's your planned schedule? What will be the impact on your work and your private life?

- 22 open Video Logs - that's a lot of room for drawn questions. They are fun to watch, but I'm sure they start to get boring shooting them real quick. What do you think of dropping half of them, shooting just 2 Video Logs a month? You can always shoot more when you do actually have questions or topics of your own you want to talk about, of course.
What I'm trying to say is that they shouldn't come to be a burden or even an annoyance to you. I like them and you too much to see that happen. :o

- Would you like to talk about current and future plans for your site? Do you want to implement new options?

- You have your own new Web shop now, www.DaniellesGear.com. Would you like to talk about that? (That's an opportunity to roll the advertising drum. ;) )

- Do you have plans to tour the States or even the world, alone or with your friends, where fans might be able to meet you? Any plans to visit Industry conventions?

Unfortunately that are all the questions I can come up with at the moment, that don't seem too private.

1. I will answer that in a video log (16 more to make!)
2. Another great one to answer on a video log.
3. It isn't a bother to shoot the video logs...plus they are filler content. I need to start shoot a month's worth of vlogs at the beginning of the month.
4. Will answer that awesome question on a video log.
5. Didn't read this post until today....and already shot a video log about the store the other day :)
6. And I definitely shall answer this in a video log as well.

Anoree 02-24-2015 05:26 AM

Hi Danielle

Thank you for answering my previous questions. Here's another one:

In the pictures and videos that you post in your SnapGirlz / MeWe group you frequently wear a little pouch around your neck. May I ask what's in there? Some medicine for your Cherokee side?

Anoree 03-09-2015 07:35 AM

And another one:

Do you have any childhood habits that you want to get rid of but just can't?
(I know I have one or two of those. :o)

VeryNaughtyBoy 03-13-2015 02:22 AM

Hello and stolen photos on adult dating sites
Just wanted to say Hi! and that you seem to have added a huge number of videos since I was last here - you rock! Before, my username was Randolph Carter but I changed it because I let my membership expire and that means I've been a VeryNaughtyBoy and deserve to be given a good spanking!

The other thing I wanted to ask (seriously) is how you want to handle an adult dating site that is using your pictures. I was browsing and found a very attractive woman. I thought to myself: "Gee, she looks familiar - holy crap, that's Danielle!!!" You are very tastefully dressed in a black/dark blue dress with white dots and are shown lacing up your top (no cleavage, but still...) How do you want to proceed? Somehow, I didn't think you were trolling the web for old farts like me, but you'd need my username and password which I'm understandably reluctant to publish. The last thing I want is for my story to come up as an episode of "Law & Order SVU" ! The username of the pseudo-Danielle (maybe from a parallel universe?) is "terewells".

Please let me know how I can help in this. If you can show me a way to privately message you, I can do screenshots and send pictures.

danielle_ftv 03-30-2015 05:46 AM

I will be shooting my video logs soon (I've been sunburned so was waiting for the sunburn to disappear before shooting the vlogs). I love the questions everyone has asked and will be answering them on video :D

danielle_ftv 04-13-2015 12:32 AM

Anoree, have I answered these questions yet?

"- How was your Groove Cruise trip? Would you like to elaborate on that? How much dancing were you able to commence? Did you meet many new, cool people? Were you able to wear some of the prepared theme dresses? I'm sure you were the hit everywhere you went.

- You mentioned that you will pick up on studying at the ASU. What will you study? What's your planned schedule? What will be the impact on your work and your private life?

- 22 open Video Logs - that's a lot of room for drawn questions. They are fun to watch, but I'm sure they start to get boring shooting them real quick. What do you think of dropping half of them, shooting just 2 Video Logs a month? You can always shoot more when you do actually have questions or topics of your own you want to talk about, of course.
What I'm trying to say is that they shouldn't come to be a burden or even an annoyance to you. I like them and you too much to see that happen.

- Would you like to talk about current and future plans for your site? Do you want to implement new options?

- You have your own new Web shop now, www.DaniellesGear.com. Would you like to talk about that? (That's an opportunity to roll the advertising drum. )

- Do you have plans to tour the States or even the world, alone or with your friends, where fans might be able to meet you? Any plans to visit Industry conventions?"

Anoree 04-13-2015 05:41 AM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 38314)
Anoree, have I answered these questions yet?

You have answered these questions in one form or the other. Thank you again for that.


"- How was your Groove Cruise trip? Would you like to elaborate on that? How much dancing were you able to commence? Did you meet many new, cool people? Were you able to wear some of the prepared theme dresses? I'm sure you were the hit everywhere you went.

- You mentioned that you will pick up on studying at the ASU. What will you study? What's your planned schedule? What will be the impact on your work and your private life?

- Would you like to talk about current and future plans for your site? Do you want to implement new options?

- Do you have plans to tour the States or even the world, alone or with your friends, where fans might be able to meet you? Any plans to visit Industry conventions?"
You answered these question in video log D487,
(you discussed school additionally in D505,)


- You have your own new Web shop now, www.DaniellesGear.com. Would you like to talk about that? (That's an opportunity to roll the advertising drum.)
this one got answered with D473,


- 22 open Video Logs - that's a lot of room for drawn questions. They are fun to watch, but I'm sure they start to get boring shooting them real quick. What do you think of dropping half of them, shooting just 2 Video Logs a month? You can always shoot more when you do actually have questions or topics of your own you want to talk about, of course.
What I'm trying to say is that they shouldn't come to be a burden or even an annoyance to you. I like them and you too much to see that happen.
and I think you answered this one either by a post (that I can't find anymore) or by email.

danielle_ftv 04-23-2015 06:36 AM


Originally Posted by Anoree (Post 38315)
You have answered these questions in one form or the other. Thank you again for that.

You answered these question in video log D487,
(you discussed school additionally in D505,)

this one got answered with D473,

and I think you answered this one either by a post (that I can't find anymore) or by email.

Too much on my brain lol

Anoree 04-23-2015 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 38325)
Too much on my brain lol

No problem at all. You know I'm happy to help. :)

Thank you again for answering my questions (and almost answering them a second time).

LaxDave 06-12-2015 06:27 PM

Video with Hailey
Any chance you'll do a video with Hailey?

danielle_ftv 06-16-2015 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by LaxDave (Post 38359)
Any chance you'll do a video with Hailey?

It's up to her. I won't ask her right now though since her mom just died :(

hPX9YyFsV 07-28-2015 02:14 PM

Some questions for Danielle
Hi Danielle,

I love your site...it's amazing! Here are a few questions I have for you...feel free to reply if you like :)

1. What is FTV? Are there others who have sites like yours?

2. How many fans do you stay in touch with regularly? Do you get to know them well...or as well as you would like?

3. I know you like compliments but do you ever get tired of hearing them?

4. Aside from gifts, is there something your fans can do that will especially please you?

5. Would you like to have kids someday?

Thanks for being the angel you are!

danielle_ftv 07-31-2015 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by hPX9YyFsV (Post 38377)
Hi Danielle,

I love your site...it's amazing! Here are a few questions I have for you...feel free to reply if you like :)

1. What is FTV? Are there others who have sites like yours?

2. How many fans do you stay in touch with regularly? Do you get to know them well...or as well as you would like?

3. I know you like compliments but do you ever get tired of hearing them?

4. Aside from gifts, is there something your fans can do that will especially please you?

5. Would you like to have kids someday?

Thanks for being the angel you are!

Here is the VIDEO log reply to your questions.

hPX9YyFsV 07-31-2015 03:45 AM

Thank you so much!!
Hi Danielle,

I was TRULY touched by your kind and thoughtful replies to my questions. Your video log response is so cute...it really helped me understand a lot more about your work, your current circumstances, and what makes you happy. Your honesty and candidness is so appreciated...you're such a loving and inspirational young lady with a seemingly endless desire to please, and beautiful both inside and out :)

If you're genuinely interested, I'd love to continue to stay in touch with you, and possibly share more about myself if you'd like that, probably via private email. I only wish I was as tech savvy as you are...sending videos is such a cool way to communicate and I'd do that in a heartbeat if I were a bit more adept at it.

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my questions in the thoughtful way you did...you're undoubtedly a class act all the way!!



danielle_ftv 08-04-2015 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by hPX9YyFsV (Post 38379)
Hi Danielle,

I was TRULY touched by your kind and thoughtful replies to my questions. Your video log response is so cute...it really helped me understand a lot more about your work, your current circumstances, and what makes you happy. Your honesty and candidness is so appreciated...you're such a loving and inspirational young lady with a seemingly endless desire to please, and beautiful both inside and out :)

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my questions in the thoughtful way you did...you're undoubtedly a class act all the way!!



You are absolutely welcome. Thank you for coming on here to ask the questions. I'm happy that you enjoyed the video.

hPX9YyFsV 08-04-2015 02:08 PM

Danielle...I watched your video (the one with Kurt Lockwood) this morning
Now THAT was just WAAAAAY too much fun! I couldn't tell if it was work, play, or both. You're such a natural...nobody should be that hot! :D


hPX9YyFsV 08-08-2015 01:29 AM

Hello again Danielle!

Just curious about your snapgirlz service...(what it is and how it works)? How long have you been doing it? Do you have many followers?



bobdid0 08-09-2015 06:07 AM

Hi Danielle,
I would like to ask a question with regards to updates to your site. Especially your boy/girl scenes. How often are you planning to do this in the future? Once a month? Every 2 or 3 months? Just wanted to know coz honestly, that?s the only thing that makes me renew my membership - your B/G videos. Sorry to say that i?m not very interested with picture updates, solo vids and video logs. Hope you won?t take this the wrong way. I?ve been a member for a really long time and I feel that the updates (the ones that i?m interested in) are just not enough for me to keep renewing my membership. My apologies if this has been mentioned before but I did a search and couldn?t find a definitive answer.

BTW, I posted this suggestion 4 months ago.
Now that would make me come back and resubscribe!!!

hPX9YyFsV 08-12-2015 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by hPX9YyFsV (Post 38388)
Hello again Danielle!

Just curious about your snapgirlz service...(what it is and how it works)? How long have you been doing it? Do you have many followers?



Danielle...I just noticed you covered this in your June 15 video log. Steve

danielle_ftv 08-16-2015 03:15 AM


Originally Posted by hPX9YyFsV (Post 38386)
Now THAT was just WAAAAAY too much fun! I couldn't tell if it was work, play, or both. You're such a natural...nobody should be that hot! :D


That was an AMAZING scene. We had a blast together...especially the small amount of improv we did since we weren't going by a script.

danielle_ftv 08-16-2015 03:32 AM


Originally Posted by bobdid0 (Post 38390)
Hi Danielle,
I would like to ask a question with regards to updates to your site. Especially your boy/girl scenes. How often are you planning to do this in the future? Once a month? Every 2 or 3 months? Just wanted to know coz honestly, that?s the only thing that makes me renew my membership - your B/G videos. Sorry to say that i?m not very interested with picture updates, solo vids and video logs. Hope you won?t take this the wrong way. I?ve been a member for a really long time and I feel that the updates (the ones that i?m interested in) are just not enough for me to keep renewing my membership. My apologies if this has been mentioned before but I did a search and couldn?t find a definitive answer.

BTW, I posted this suggestion 4 months ago.
Now that would make me come back and resubscribe!!!

So you have an armpit fetish? That's very cool and not something I've shot for my site. I'm not exactly sure how to shoot an armpit fetish scene so any suggestions would be helpful.

I was supposed to shoot a b/g all anal scene last month but had to cancel due to this weird rash on my booty. We will most likely be shooting it on the 19th of this month.

I talked to Tommy Pistol yesterday about going out to LA to shoot with him. Fortunately he owes me a scene or two and we always shoot amazing content together.

I think I've talked about the cost of shooting a b/g scene either on a video log or on the forum but because of how much it is I'm only able to shoot the scenes once a month. I've been trying to save up money recently for school (the semester starts in October) so that's put a bit of a damper on the b/g shoots. Fortunately I haven't seen a huge drop in memberships due to the lack of boy/girl scenes (but then again I already have over 50 b/g scenes on my site and have been on average adding one every month for the past four years now).

Rundown of B/G Scene Costs:
Photographer in LA - $500 a scene
Photographer J in PHX - $250 on average for a scene
Roundtrip Flight - about $250
Hotel Room - $150-400
Agency Fee - $50
Talent Fee - $400-$600
Testing - $210

Total $1310 to $2010

bobdid0 08-16-2015 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 38394)
So you have an armpit fetish? That's very cool and not something I've shot for my site. I'm not exactly sure how to shoot an armpit fetish scene so any suggestions would be helpful.

I was supposed to shoot a b/g all anal scene last month but had to cancel due to this weird rash on my booty. We will most likely be shooting it on the 19th of this month.

I talked to Tommy Pistol yesterday about going out to LA to shoot with him. Fortunately he owes me a scene or two and we always shoot amazing content together.

I think I've talked about the cost of shooting a b/g scene either on a video log or on the forum but because of how much it is I'm only able to shoot the scenes once a month. I've been trying to save up money recently for school (the semester starts in October) so that's put a bit of a damper on the b/g shoots. Fortunately I haven't seen a huge drop in memberships due to the lack of boy/girl scenes (but then again I already have over 50 b/g scenes on my site and have been on average adding one every month for the past four years now).

Rundown of B/G Scene Costs:
Photographer in LA - $500 a scene
Photographer J in PHX - $250 on average for a scene
Roundtrip Flight - about $250
Hotel Room - $150-400
Agency Fee - $50
Talent Fee - $400-$600
Testing - $210

Total $1310 to $2010

Thank you for the honest response. Please don't get me wrong. I really do understand how expensive it is shooting for a boy/girl hardcore scene. Just wishing there was more. I'm always in a turmoil whether I should renew my membership but always end up doing so because you're such a beauty and I find you really alluring. I'm a very big fan!

As regards to the armpit fetish thing, yes, I find it extremely sexy and I've been hoping forever that you'll come around and do one. I'll try to post one in the "Update Suggestions" thread. I really appreciate you for considering it.

SwingingWeiner 08-17-2015 04:01 AM

Hi Danielle!

A couple questions I hope you will answer in a future video log:

1) Do you like when a guy wags his weiner around for you?

2) Are you turned on by a c0ck that isn't hard or does it need to be fully erect (aesthetically speaking)?

3) What is your favorite male celebrity nude scene (only those that show his penis)?

danielle_ftv 08-21-2015 07:30 PM


Originally Posted by SwingingWeiner (Post 38396)
Hi Danielle!

A couple questions I hope you will answer in a future video log:

1) Do you like when a guy wags his weiner around for you?

2) Are you turned on by a c0ck that isn't hard or does it need to be fully erect (aesthetically speaking)?

3) What is your favorite male celebrity nude scene (only those that show his penis)?

I think all of these (except maybe the third question) has been answered.

RonTheLogician 09-07-2015 05:12 PM

Financing exotic topic videos via crowdfunding

Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 38394)
...I think I've talked about the cost of shooting a b/g scene either on a video log or on the forum but because of how much it is I'm only able to shoot the scenes once a month...

Rundown of B/G Scene Costs:
Photographer in LA - $500 a scene
Photographer J in PHX - $250 on average for a scene
Roundtrip Flight - about $250
Hotel Room - $150-400
Agency Fee - $50
Talent Fee - $400-$600
Testing - $210

Total $1310 to $2010

I'd like to remind everyone that in recent years it has become increasingly common to use the Internet to organize collective financial sponsorship, and thereby raise funds for projects, including exotic artistic ones. This is commonly called CROWDFUNDING and is described in detail by Wikipedia here. Before launching an actual crowdfunded project, one can first create a poll at this Web site to canvas potential interest in doing so!

Danielle, it seems to me that when fixed "mobilization" costs like testing and transportation are a significant fraction of total project cost, it might well make sense to prepare to shoot two or more videos back-to-back with the same talent and staff.

RonTheLogician 09-07-2015 05:49 PM

Phoenix as another porn industry hub

Have you (or someone you know) ever attended the Phoenix Forum, (described here), an annual work-week-long adult industry convention organized by CCbill? Since you live in metro Phoenix, your only expense in attending would be your lost time and the $200 registration fee. The meeting looks to serve adult businesses, not performers per se, but might it still possibly be a good way to meet other local on-screen talent?

RonTheLogician 09-07-2015 07:25 PM

Would you do it with a male sexbot? (Not rhetorical!)
Hey Dani,

I was recently alerted by a blog posting on sexbots here which claims that a sexbot business (should I call it a "firm" instead, LOL?) called MacMil Cybernetics is looking for an actress to have sex with their male sexbot, called Harry Harddrive.

Looking at their Web page here, I confirm such a solicitation, although the page looks rather dated, as it writes about a "NEW MODEL TO BE RELEASED IN 2012". They post some videos of Harry in action on the page here.

Perhaps you might work out a trade shoot. If you wanted to put a bit of drama into a video, you might shoot from behind over Harry's shoulder when his lines are delivered to you by some male voice talent. Would Anoree be interested in such an honor? (He could e-mail you audio files.)


(Harry is less handsome, but more human-looking than this guy)

RonTheLogician 09-07-2015 08:14 PM

Will you try adding special effects any time soon?
Hello Dani,

There is a partnership between ASU, the New America Foundation and Slate magazine called Future Tense, described here as an enterprise that "explores how emerging technologies will change the way we live."

The other year they published an article here titled How CGI Is Circumventing Porn's Condom Law. It writes in part:
In the year since Los Angeles County passed a law requiring all adult-film actors use condoms on film, the so-called Porn Valley has emptied out, as directors leave for less-green pastures like Vegas and Miami... But there?s an alternative to packing up and moving: simply digitizing the flesh back on. Gay porn company Falcon Studios is using CGI to re-create the bareback experience while its actors are fully strapped on... It?s unclear how much phallic CGI costs...
Of course, it's also at least possible that porn producers might agree with performers that they will fib about using condoms so that they can split the savings realized by not having to use CGI in post-production.

But as I pointed out in a previous posting on this site, the music video Pu$$y by Rammstein digitally added the genitalia of porn actor stunt-c@cks to the bodies of the band's members.

To date, while there are countless fully-animated (including 3D) cartoon pornos, especially Japanese anime, the use of special effects (FX) in live-action porn seems to be rather limited. (The most prominent counter-example of which I know is the 2005 film titled Pirates XXX.)

All this led me to remember that early last year, in the post here, I encouraged you to experiment with Chroma Key compositing so that your videos might be set in all sorts of interesting venues to which it would otherwise prove too inconvenient, expensive, or even impossible to mobilize.

Now that you are an engineering major, is the idea of doing something like this more likely to happen in the year to come? You mentioned that Rob FTV is working on a video game, which means he has a game engine at his disposal. Such engines have been used to provide simply choreographed theatrical animations, a technique called machinima. With Chroma Key footage of you, it would prove not that hard to composite your footage with such synthesized animations!

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