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danielle_ftv 08-18-2009 06:54 AM

Aug. 17, 2009
OMG...I'm so pissed. I totally just spent an hour (well not that long) writing in my journal about my San Diego trip and somehow pressed a button that completely erased everything. Grrr....fine...I'm going to take a break, eat something and do this tomorrow. F'ing irritating!

danielle_ftv 08-18-2009 11:13 PM

Aug. 18, 2009
Okay so take two.

San Diego was awesome. Dallas and I are talking about moving there in a year (once we can save up enough money.) It was just so chill and we had an absolute blast. Thursday day was spent rushing around trying to get everything sorted out at the last minute. What really sucked is that my phone went completely psycho on me and for about an hour I was getting no service (until Dallas worked some magic on it by rubbing it on her boobs and taking out the battery.) We got to the airport pretty early (about two hours ahead of time) and went to Chile's for food and margaritas (I love being 21!) Dallas and I had the brilliant idea to buy a porn mag (Hustler) and sit between some random guy on the plane and pass it between us. Waiting in line to board the plane I saw a girl who looked exactly like Lia but I figured it most likely wasn't her (she was wearing really big sunglasses.) The flight there wasn't too bad. We sat next to an older gentlemen who kept taking peeks at the Hustler. Dallas kept on insisting that he take a look at it (freaking hilarious!)

When we landed and got our baggage I saw the Lia look-a-like again. Surprise, surprise...she was Lia. I guess all her friends were hanging out in San Diego and at the Hard Rock hotel clubs (called 207 I think.) We ended up taking a cab ride to the hotel together. Our room at the Hard Rock was pretty standard. The Hard Rock is definitely the place to stay if you are into clubbing and the nightlife. The hotel had two clubs (Float and 207)...we ended up at Float the first night. There was some promo event going on called Night School for Girls by Hypnotiq which was great since they were offering free drinks. Dallas and I realized pretty darn quick that San Diego nightclub drinks are expensive. For two drinks we paid $28 compared to the $16 in Scottsdale. We saw one of the guys from the band LMFAO. He was pretty busy so unfortunately we weren't able to get a picture with him. We ended up crashing out pretty late (and pretty drunk). I remember being in a half sleep and hearing some people outside singing at the top of their lungs for like an hour. Not only that but it seemed like they were singing the same chorus over and over again. People were yelling at them to shut up...pretty amusing! Not only were people singing and yelling for hours but I kept on hearing this weird bell every five minutes or so. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what it was...it kind of sounded like a fire alarm. I thought about getting up and making sure there wasn't a fire in the hotel but couldn't stand the thought of actually getting out of bed. I later found out that it was the trolley/train bell and not someone constantly pulling the fire alarms.

We woke up pretty late the next day and ended up walking around the gas lamp district. We ate at this cute Mexican restaurant and then walked around some more. I think altogether we walked about 4 or 5 miles (I still have blisters on my feet from that walk.) We went down to the pier where I saw my dream boat. It's called the "Star of India" and it looks like a big *** pirate ship. I've decided that when I win the lottery I will buy that boat (or something similar) and use it as a party boat. I will also have my crew dress in full pirate regalia. They have a lot of cute little restaurants in San Diego. There was this one place called The Spaghetti Factory that smelled so good that I definitely have to go to next time. That night we ended up at Float again. We stayed there for a few hours before venturing down to 207. It was fun but they weren't playing the best music ever (mostly hip hop.)

For whatever reason Dallas and I got it into our heads that we had to go to a sex shop. We walked around the gas lamp district looking for one but everything seemed to be closed. We ended up going back to the hotel and asked a guy at the MaryJane café if he could find one for us that was open. I'm sure that was probably one of the weirdest requests he had gotten in a long time. He ended up finding one for us. We ended up buying a flogger, vibrator, a truth and dare game, some massage oil, and my porn video. It was pretty weird watching the video since I had never seen it before. Pretty much the whole time I was critiquing myself. There was some funny *** bloopers on the DVD which we also watched. I ended up crashing out while Dallas continued watching the porn.

Saturday we went to Pacific Beach and ate at this seaside resturaunt. They had the best mojitos ever! I think we actually ended up ordering a lot of food (stuffed mushrooms, baked brie, quesadillas, tacos, grilled artichokes.) I always lose 5 - 10 pounds when I'm partying with Dallas and the group. The seem to barely eat during the weekends. That night we were planning on only going out for a few hours (our flight was at 8:15 the next morning so we needed to wake up at 6:15.) I knew that we were going to end up staying out really late. We decided to venture out from the hotel clubs and ended up going to Sidebar. It's a pretty sweet club, kind of reminds me of the Pussycat Lounge in Scottsdale. They had pictures of naked body parts all over the walls and the stamps that they put on our wrists to get in said "sex" which I thought was pretty original. We stayed out until about 1:30 in the morning before deciding to go home. Dallas was too drunk to walk and my feet hurt so we ended up taking one of those little bike cab things which I told Dallas would be expensive. I think it ended up costing us $20 or something like that to go like half a mile. Dallas was irritated but I thought it was pretty amusing. We had to pack our stuff and straighten up the room so we didn't get to bed until 3ish or so.

Dallas was pretty sick the next morning. Surprisingly enough I didn't feel that bad (just sleep deprived.) Unfortunately Dallas wouldn't be able to sleep when she got home because she was supposed to go with her mom to get a massage, facial, and do lunch. The cab ride home was a nightmare. I'm not sure how Dallas was able to keep from throwing up but she did. The cab driver did not like us at all I'm sure.

So next month is the Hollywood Roosevelt for our friend's birthday. Dallas and I are going up on Thursday and leaving on Monday. I think we may drive....but honestly that's such a long sucky drive and I hate driving in LA (LA drivers scare the hell out of me.) At the end of September is Nocturnal festival. We go there on Friday and stay until Sunday. Dallas and I are talking about dressing up for it. I think we may end up doing a cat and mouse theme, Alice in Wonderland, or 70's theme. On Friday my mom is getting married. I'm super excited for her. This is her third time getting married...and you gotta figure, third times the charm! School is starting pretty soon here (Monday the 24.) I'm taking ridiculous classes this semester (mostly because I still have to work up to a high level math class before I can take science classes.) I'm taking fencing, acting, and cello lessons. I would've signed up for a humanities course but Dallas and I waited until the last minute to do our schedule, sign up for classes, etc.

danielle_ftv 09-15-2009 09:55 PM

Sept. 15, 2009
LOLOLOLOL...Chinchilli Day...freaking hillarious!

danielle_ftv 09-21-2009 08:26 PM

Oops...forgot to post this on Friday.

Sept. 18, 2009
It's been awhile since I've written a journal update. Not sure why it's taken me so long to do one. I'm sitting here at the airport drinking a yummy Bloody Mary. I tend to stick with a few different drinks (Bloody Mary, Mojito, and vodka/red bull) since I haven't been drinking for long and don't really know exactly what I like to drink. I never used to like Bloody Mary's (or Mojito's for that matter) but for whatever reason I've started drinking them and really liking them.

Things have been pretty much the same lately. Just been traveling a lot...going to San Diego and Los Angeles almost every weekend for the past month. Labor Day weekend was pretty exciting. I stayed at the Hollywood Roosevelt hotel with some of my friends. They were throwing LA's biggest pool party there on Labor Day. I got to see a lot of famous people including some guy from "90210", Khloe and Kim Kardashian, and quiet a few other celebrities that I recognized but don't remember the names of. We ended up going to some club called XV or something like that. It was amazing! Unfortunately it was a bottle service only night so we ended up having to spend $1000 to get in, but it was definitely worth it.

I got a lot of great pictures from the past few weekend's adventures so I will have to post them pretty soon here (though I still have the EDC pictures to post.) Next weekend is Nocturnal festival in San Bernadino. All the girls are dressing up as the Alice in Wonderland characters (Dallas is a chesire cat, Megan is the queen of hearts, and I'm Alice.) My costume is pretty funky looking. I've got a bright sky blue wig, furry gogo boot covers, striped knee high socks, and furry white wrist bracelets. It's pretty...interesting looking but it will definitely fit with the whole theme/vibe.

I was so p!ssed the other day. I went on to my World of Warcraft account to play (I haven't played in quiet awhile now) and for whatever reason they permenately disabled my account. So the character that I have been working with for the past 3 years now is completely gone to me...grrrr! I sent an email to the W.o.W support people asking why it got disabled and got an email back but haven't yet really read through it.

BTW my parents finally got married. It was a really small wedding but everyone seemed very happy (my sister and step dad started crying a little.) The wedding dinner was held at the Compass Room (I think that's what it was called.) It was actually pretty cool since it was located at the top of a tall tower and rotated around so that you could see all of Phoenix. The wedding cake was reallly pretty. It had an old French saying written all around it with beautiful calla lilies on top.

I've picked out my Halloween costume. I'm going as a vampire/demon (minus any fangs.) I found black leather pants for...get this...$7.00! I can't believe what a steal that was especially since I was planning on buying leather pants online for $160. I still have to get a black leather corset and black leather arm guards. Dallas is also going as a goth vampire/demon but her costume is a lot skimpier than mine. I think we are going to Monster Massive in LA for Halloween but there is a possibility we may stay in town and go to the local Halloween parties (like the one held at the Wrigley Mansion.)

I signed up for a Model Mayhem account again. Hopefully this time I won't get banned again. It will be nice getting back into modeling with other photographers again though I don't have all that much time to do it since I'm traveling almost every weekend. I've already gotten a lot of people asking me about modeling for their websites but I'm really not interested in modeling for another paysite (doesn't seem all that smart to me.)

BTW...thank you so much Anoree for the beautiful tribute video you made me.

danielle_ftv 09-23-2009 08:53 AM

Sept. 23, 2009
Grrr...I have been trying to fix the webcam archive page for about 30 minutes now but for whatever reason whatever I'm doing isn't working. Guess I'll have to get Rob to do it. Hopefully I didn't mess something up when I was screwing around with the pages. I spent about three hours creating a list of the questions that have been asked on the question thread (that's not even counting the questions that are on other parts of the site.) It kind of irritated me because I started noticing how questions would get repeatedly get asked over and over again. So I figure by taking all the time that I took to make that list at least people will be courteous enough to refer to it before asking a question.

I seriously need to get my phone fixed. For some reason when I try to text message someone the phone turns off and turns back on really quick. Sometimes it will even lose service and then I have to turn it off and on several times and/or take the battery out a few times to get it to work again. I don't even think I've had my phone all that long and it's already screwed up.

BTW...if any of you were thinking about seeing The Final Destination....DON'T. It was the most horrible movie I've ever seen. Several people ended up walking out in the middle of it. I wanted to but I was with a group of friends and didn't want to leave them. I've never seen such bad acting, with bad computer graphics/animation/whatever it's called and such a bad script. I almost feel sorry for the actors who played in that movie. I doubt they will ever get a real acting job after that.

danielle_ftv 10-02-2009 12:25 AM

Oct. 1, 2009
Okay so I am seriously, SERIOUSLY freaking out right now. I have found my first scorpion in my house. Oh yeah and to top it off...it's a bark scorpion...one of the deadliest scorpions in the US (and I know this because I've been researching scorpions for the past hour now.) Luckily it got stuck in some tape that I used to tape up my fairy lights above my patio door. Unfortunately I'm too scared to remove it. I am really considering moving, especially since Tempe (the city I live in) is supposed to be an area where scorpions are more prevalent. Not only that but I also live right next to a mountain AND an empty field where I'm sure millions of little scorpions live. I definitely will have to have an exterminator come out (I'm sure the apartment people will take care of this). I already have a cricket problem and have noticed other little creepy crawlys creeping around my house. The apartment people obviously didn't do a very good job of sealing the spaces around the doors. At least my poor chinchillas didn't get stung. I would've be so freaking mad if that had happened.

On a better note I finally got my phone fixed. For the past two weeks now it's been turning off and on rapidly whenever I try to text, call someone, check my text, or pretty much use any button on my phone. The funny thing is, is that it only needed a software update! It caused me all that trouble because of a software update....how weird.

Not sure I'm going to be able to get out of my computer desk chair. I'm super freaked out about walking barefoot right now.

danielle_ftv 10-14-2009 10:19 AM

Oct. 14, 2009
Kind of tired...no actually I'm really tired, but for some reason I'm keeping myself awake right now. Feels like I've been neglecting my website lately so I want to apologize to everyone about that. Anoree brought up a great suggestion to me. He suggested that I post my webcam show times and my travel dates/times on the calendar so you guys kind of know what's going on with me. I've realized that I am just a tad bit weird (actually I'm very weird but whatever.) When I am writing posts on the forum and I put one of the smiley icons in the post I tend to make the face that the smiley icon is making (hopefully this makes sense.) Like when I'm putting the big green grin face in my post I make this cheesy smile and the same goes with the rest of the smiley icons. But then I've noticed that I do the same thing when I'm reading. Like when one of the characters starts laughing for some reason I start laughing to. Kind of weird! Anyhoo I'm going to crash out. Have a workout session with my trainer tomorrow at 1 so I definitely need to sleep. I will write another journal entry tomorrow and tell ya'll about the last month.

danielle_ftv 10-15-2009 05:11 AM

Oct. 15, 2009
Thanks everyone who joined me at my webcam show today. I had a lot of fun getting off twice :D. So let's see...what's been going on in my life. Well regarding my scorpion problem...I ended up finding another scorpion (this one being WAY bigger than the last one.) I had a full on panic attack and ended up calling all my friends and my family, crying, asking them what to do. I finally ended up putting a casserole dish underneath it and hit it (though missed the first time) with the biggest boots I could find (the Alice boots I wore for my Halloween update). It landed in the glass dish and I covered it with a glass margarita glass and left it there. I called the apartment people to have them spray down the place...they finally did it on Tuesday (apparently that's when the exterminator people come out.) Hopefully I won't find anymore scorpions in my home since I can't sleep when I do find them (I ended up waking up and searching the house pretty much every hour after I found the two scorpions and did this for a few days.)

I got my Halloween costume in the mail today. I'm going as a warrior/gladiator girl. It's a very sexy costume. You guys will be able to see it later on when I post the candid pictures for Halloween. Still not sure where or what I will be doing for Halloween. I originally was going to go to Monster Massive with my friends but decided not to. I'm honestly getting a little tired of going out and drinking and all that. I rarely drink and/or party but it's already getting old (and I haven't been 21 all that long now.) I'm probably going to end up hanging out with another group of my friends in LA, Hollywood, or San Diego.

The Nocturnal festival was a lot of fun. For whatever reason we decided to walk from our hotel to the festival (it was only a mile away)...but all the girls were wearing really tall not so comfortable boots. As usual it was absolutely packed. Getting our tickets from will call was a complete hassle. They had an awesome buffet set out for people who had VIP tickets. I probably shouldn't have eaten anything though because as usual I ended up getting really sick at the end of the night (even though I wasn't drinking.) Probably a combination of the food, too much dancing, and not drinking enough water. A few of us ended up wanting to go on the swing ride that they had. The line to get on it was completely disorganized though...we were all packed in like sardines. I ended up freaking out (had another panic attack because I'm pretty claustrophobic) and had to leave the line (which was super difficult to do.)

For Oktoberfest a group of us ended up renting a cabin in Big Bear, California. It was pretty awesome. The drive up there was kind of scary, lot's of windy small roads. The cabin was really cool. There were seven or eight room so we were able to get about 13 people in there. We ended up going luging which I had never done before. Getting into the Oktoberfest festival was a pain in the butt. We hadn't bought tickets ahead of time so we had to wait in line for like an hour, hour and a half. Personally I didn't have all that much fun at the festival. I'm not really into huge gatherings where everyone is trying to get as drunk as possible. My friend Dallas ended up getting hammered and kept stealing stuff from people (a beer stein, a plate of food, and she also tried taking some hat.) It was pretty amusing though. We ended up stopping at a grocery store on the way back to the cabin. There was this weird younger guy who came up to me and told me that I was beautiful and he didn't care that I had a boyfriend (which I don't.) He was pretty funny though. I went to the check out line and he ran after me and started complimenting me again and then asked if I was high or drunk (um no!). I bought some creme puffs which Dallas stole from me. I ended up getting them back in the car, but she got mad because I wouldn't give her one (they were frozen.) She accused me of lying when I told her that they were frozen so I ended up just giving them to her so that she would see that I wasn't lying about that. Drunk people are so funny especially when you are sober! Every time I would make something to eat somebody would end up having to take bites of it.

I recently got my car fixed (oil change, alignment, brake cleaning, etc.). I noticed that occasionally when I brake the car starts vibrating. Earlier today I noticed that the brakes aren't working as well as the used to. It's weird because if there were something wrong with my brakes I assume that the car service people would've said something about it. I'm assuming that they messed something up when they did the brake cleaning so unfortunately I'm going to have to take the car back in to get fixed.

I also recently got a speeding ticket on the way to San Diego (my first time doing a long drive like that by myself.) Unfortunately I was doing criminal speeding but thankfully the cop was nice enough to give me a ticket for civil traffic. I have to take traffic school but thankfully I can do it on line (which I will be doing tomorrow.) What sucks is that there are a lot of things you have to do on top of the 4 hour on line class. I have to send them a copy of my ticket, fill out and send in some form, and for the final exam I have to have someone notarize a fax and give me a code to take the test on line. Fortunately my mom notary certified so she's going to help me out with that.

BTW for those people who are fans of hair down there areas...I have two video and photo updates for ya'll. I also have two fetishy updates coming up here pretty soon. Also for anyone who has tried emailing me through the FTVGirls email it's unfortunately not working (I accidently froze it somehow and ended up having to complete reset it and don't have the information to log back in.) It should be back up pretty soon here but I'm not sure if I'm going to get the emails that everyones sent or not.

danielle_ftv 10-30-2009 06:56 AM

Oct. 29, 2009
Yeah...just finished my private messages...I'm getting pretty good about answering them in a more timely manner now. Tomorrow I am getting eyelash extensions! I'm super excited about it. I've never had them done so it should be interesting to see the final result. This weekend I will be in San Diego and Hollywood. I guess my friends and I are doing the House of Blues for Halloween night. I also just received my Thanksgiving update costume. It's pretty cute and I'm sure you guys will like it. I can't wait to do the video...you guys are going to love the toy I'm using for it (it's hillarious!).

BTW I bought a bunch of new toys the other day. I am super excited to get them. I also ended up buying a couple floggers from extremerestraints.com and an electronic paddle (don't know why I got that...I just thought it would be cool to have/try.) Now I just need to find someone who is into BDSM. It's pretty cool because this site/industry has definitely made me more sexual. I've explored a lot more since I got into this business and have found some fetishes that I like. I definitely knew that I liked it rough (biting, hair pulling) but I didn't realize how rough I actually liked it until Dallas used my whips on me. I always loved watching the Kink.com trailers and would always be super turned on by them. I probably should have realized that I was into BDSM when I bought my first flogger and crop three years ago (I bought it mainly to just have in my collection). I think I take the whole sexual pain to an extreme. I'm not sure what it is about sexual pain...it almost like a release for me. Like the only thing you think about is the pain. I guess my mind is so active that being able to focus on one thing is really amazing to me. I think another reason I like it so much is because it puts another person in charge for awhile. I always get really turned on thinking about being dominated by someone. It's funny because in my fantasy BDSM scenario a hot guy would chain my arms up and whip me and try to I guess subdue me but I would fight against it. In the end I would end up submissive though. This is probably kind of weird for some of ya'll but hey what's this site for if I can't explore my fantasies.

danielle_ftv 11-05-2009 04:01 AM

Nov. 4, 2009
So today was a fairly productive day for me. I dropped off my books at the library (the second month in a row were I won't be incurring late fees.) I got a tasty smoothie from Robeks and went and got my nails done for my shoot on Friday. I also got waxed. I'm still kind of swollen from the waxing and boy was it painful this time around. Tomorrow I will be getting my hair done, so I have to leave right after my webcam show. I need to get my hairdresser to make my hair as blonde as possible. It seems like the past two times I've gone in it's been a little darker than how I want it. I'm really excited about the shoot on Friday. I will be doing my Thanksgiving shoot (the video will be up around the 10th.) I also got a request to do a shoot in ballet flats so I will end up doing that too.

Halloween was okay btw. My costume ended up looking pretty hot on me...it would've looked hotter if I weren't so damn sick! Dallas ended up getting me sick when we carved pumpkins at her place but it didn't really hit me until last Thursday/Friday. I had the worst sore throat ever! It was sooo painful to swallow and my saliva glands seemed to be working overtime so trying to sleep was a complete nightmare. I'm still feeling it a little bit, but it's definitely getting better. I ended up not drinking any alcohol that night but did have like 6 glasses of orange juice. I think maybe the burger and fries I had earlier or all the acid in the orange juice made me even sicker because we had to pull over like two times for me to throw up. I was super embarassed because when we were in traffic driving back to Pasadena from the House of Blues I ended up throwing up out the window on the highway, which ended up splattering all over my friends car (ewww!).

Traffic was a nightmare. A normally 20 minute drive to the House of Blues ended up taking us like an hour and a half there and an hour and a half back. The House of Blues was....okay...not exactly what I expected and not really my scene. There were a TON of foreign people there who must have been pre-partying because they were super pushy and rude. The music was weird to say the least. They were playing a different mix but it seemed like a lot of the music was Mardi Gras style music or music from a bar in the French quarter of New Orleans. I didn't really see an spectacular costumes except for this one girl that had a Marie Antoinette costume which of all things was holding her head in the costumes arms. It was pretty cool! I saw two other females wearing my costume...but not to sound conceited or anything but I think I rocked it the best.

This weekend I have friends coming in from out of town. We are probably going to head to a Brazilian steakhouse that I've been wanting to go to for awhile and then Saturday we will probably be doing the Arizona State Fair. BTW my sister just got a divorce on Monday....and she's getting married again on Saturday! WTF!!! I'm not even going to ask or comment.

danielle_ftv 11-18-2009 11:11 PM

Nov. 18, 2009
Whoo-hoo...I can finally get into my Windows email account. I wasn't able to get into that for like two months. I had over 350 emails waiting for me, but most of them were Twitter and Adam & Eve notices. I had to wake up fairly early this morning to drop off my step-dad and little nephew at the airport. My dad is flying with my nephew to Florida so that he can go live with my sister and new husband. My mom was all sad last night because he was leaving. I'm assuming the next time we will end up seeing them will be at the family reunion next year in July or August (though hopefully for my mother's sake they visit sooner.)

I went to a Cardinals game last Sunday. Honestly, I've realized that sporting events really aren't for me. I really only go for the food. They had turkey legs there which I was super excited about. I don't care for being surrounded by tens of thousands of people and especially drunk ones at that. Dallas was all gung ho about going early and tail gating (though we didn't know anyone that was tail gating.) She got it into her head that we would walk around and ask random people if we could eat their food and drink their alcohol (though I wasn't drinking since I was designated driver...a role I actually enjoy playing nowadays.) I think the Cardinals ended up winning. We left a couple minutes before the end of the game to beat traffic.

This weekend I am going to San Diego and the first weekend of next month I will be going to Las Vegas for Dallas's cousin's bachlorette party (though we won't be joining them.) We will be staying at the Venetian and have tickets to go see Anthony Cools hypnotist show and some men's show at Sapphire's Gentlemen's club. I'm pretty sure Dallas is going to end up getting us into some trouble there, she's already demanding that I gamble with her (I hate gambling.)

I have two shoots for my website coming up here pretty soon. We will be doing a Sunday shoot so all you public nudity fans should be happy. The next shoot is the second Friday of December. I'm thinking that we might end up shooting in the castle house that Rob is able to shoot in. Sophia (a model that will appear on FTVGirls in May of next year) just shot there last weekend. I also got to shoot with her, though it's all softcore stuff (but in public!)

I am seriously craving the Persian Room right now. Maybe I will talk Dallas into going with me tonight before we go to Creme to see Deepdish.

danielle_ftv 11-29-2009 05:47 PM

Nov. 29, 2009
I am sooo tired right now. I seriously didn't get to sleep until 3ish and probably would've been up later if I didn't take a sleeping aid. I was going crazy last night looking for art to hang up on my walls so that when I do my candid video of my home my walls don't look so bare. I found some beautiful nude fairy prints. I definitely think that nude fairies will give my room a sexier atmosphere (though the only person who sees it is Dallas.) I also found these hot S and M silhouette prints...but I'm not sure I would want my mom to see those hanging on my walls. In my guest bedroom I'm probably going to get body part prints (like the silhouette of a back or a sexy fine art print of breasts.) Again though it would be weird to have my mom see those. Anyhow I've got to get moving. I'm shooting today and have to be at the FTV house at 1. I'm also meeting T-Bone Thomas, which is pretty exciting. My second member meeting! I will write a longer journal entry later today or tomorrow.

danielle_ftv 12-01-2009 08:45 PM

Dec. 01, 2009
Yeah it's almost Christmas time! I absolutely love Christmas season. It's great seeing all the Christmas lights and listening to Christmas music though it does get kind of old after awhile. I like the old Christmas carols...I really don't care for carols that are redone by stars today (like Mariah Carey, etc.) There is this one house near the big FTV house that does this crazy light setup. My family and I visit it almost every year. I pointed it out to FTVRob yesterday...he was definitely impressed!

My Thanksgiving dinner/lunch was great. My mom made a ton of food...and also made me a whole casserole dish of sweet potatoe casserole (which I haven't eaten any of yet.) My step-dad is so funny. He called me Thanksgiving morning asking me what a centerpiece was. Apparently he was going to make one himself by gluing some random herbs and flowers together but my mom made him actually go to the store and pick something up instead. Too bad my sister wasn't there to join us (she's living in Florida now.) It's always amusing with her there (though it's definitely not amusing to my mom) because she always ends up causing drama for some various reason.

My friends and I are going to Florida (South Beach I think) for the Miami music conference in March (the 25th to 29th) 2010. I should have some free time if any of my members/fans in Florida would like to meet up with me and maybe do lunch or something. I just met T-Bone Thomas on Sunday. He is super nice and was very helpful during my shoot. He even brought postcards for me to sign for my members/fans that wanted one. I signed some extra postcards just in case some of you wanted one but didn't email T-Bone in time. He also brought me chocolates (a lot of them have an alcoholic filling in them :D), two bikini's, a Victoria's Secret gift card, and a bra and panty set. I was laughing because the bra is size 36DD (which I totally am not) so hopefully I can take it back and exchange it for a 36D. Also CaptnJack bought me a giftcard to Borders for Christmas. Anoree also bought me a wireless forecast station. I will make a video log of all of these so you guys can see them.

For New Years the whole group is going to San Diego which I am pretty excited about. Dallas and I have already been looking at dresses to wear for New Years Eve. We are going with a silver and white theme...which isn't the easiest to shop for. I found this one dress online that I really like, but am kind of scared about buying it because I'm not sure how it will look on me. I will probably end up having to get it altered.

My one year anniversary for the site is coming up here pretty soon. I count the day that the premium area opened as being the day my site opened....that was December 16. It's awesome how much the site has changed and grown since then. I am quite proud of it.

Is it legal to have meerkats? I saw meerkats at the San Diego zoo a couple weeks back and now I am completely obsessed about getting one. Plus they eat...scorpions! I guess that is a treat for them. How perfect is that? I think they are sooo cute and I'm sure they would totally get along with my chinchillas. Plus then I can have something to cuddle with when I sleep (my chinchillas are not cuddleable at all.)

danielle_ftv 12-12-2009 02:02 AM

Dec. 11, 2009
LOL...I was just checking out my candid videos (I just put a new one up) and saw the "No AVN for Danielle" video. In the description it talks about how I'm going to hire friends so I have somebody to go with me to the AVN awards. Well lucky for me I don't have to hire anybody this time. Dallas is going with me to the AVN awards in January 2010. This will be here third time going, so she'll know what we need to do and where we need to be. The only bad thing about going is that I am going to have to buy two new dresses (well I don't necessarily have to...but I kind of want to) for the awards ceremony and after parties. I may end up wearing my New Years dress for the after party, but I'm not sure if it would be the right type of dress to wear. I'm definitely going to buy a long, semi-formal dress for the awards ceremony. I have about seven dresses picked out online, but I may end up going to Macy's or Windsor to buy a dress so that I can actually try it on and see how it looks. I definitely am going to have to have the new years dress altered since I know it's going to be too big around the waist and hip area. That what kind of sucks about having big boobs...finding dresses that fits all of me perfectly is a pain in the butt. Anyhoo...so if any of y'all would like to meet me in Vegas then private message me and we shall set something up.

One reason why you should join my site if you haven't already...I did my first SQUIRT ON VIDEO! It was only on the web cam show...but hey, I'm working my way up to the professional video. Heck maybe I'll do a candid squirting scene (though I know it won't be as great as a professional video.) I was so happy when I finally did it. It was almost like I jumped over a weird sexual hurdle in my head. It took me kind of long but I was very determined to do it. I've realized that I actually have to orgasm clitorally first before I can squirt penetration wise. The weird thing about that though is that it really only pertains to when I'm masturbating. When I'm having sex and I'm in the right position (usually with my hips raised or girl on top) then I definitely feel like I can squirt.

BTW, I absolutely HATE my upstairs neighbors. I think they moved in a couple weeks ago and they have been driving me absolutely insane. They have this devil child that must be two years old (you know..."terrible twos") that will not stop stomping, crying, yelling, etc. I hate working in my guest bedroom where my desk and computer is because I think his room is right above it. It almost sounds like he's kicking the walls and jumping off of things non-stop. I've complained at the front office already, but I don't know if they've said anything to them or forgot about it. I don't want to go up there and complain because I absolutely hate confrontation of any kind. I just hope to gawd that they aren't staying more than half a year. I've been living here in this apartment for more than half a year now (and in this apartment facility for more than a year and a half) and the last thing I want to do is have to move because of some bratty devil child.

Vegas this past weekend was great! It was really nice to be able to hang out with just Dallas by herself. She is dating my best guy friend for about five months now and they have been getting really serious, so they have both been hanging out with each other like all the time. We ended up going to Vegas for her cousins bachelorette party, but for whatever reason the bachelorette ended up bringing her fiancé to Vegas with her (so unfortunately we weren't able to bring her really anywhere with us.) The first night we went to see the Anthony Cools hypnotist show. I was planning on volunteering myself to get hypnotized but we ended up getting to the show like 20 minutes late (and lost our VIP seats because of it.) It was absolutely hysterical and I would have loved to have been up there getting hypnotized. Anthony hypnotized the people on the stage to think that they were orangutans and then told them that they were horny and had to hump people's legs in the audience. It was pretty funny until I ended up being one of the audience members being humped. The lady that was humping me had these sequins pants on (and unfortunately I was wearing a dress). The sequins ended up scratching up my legs really bad. Luckily though it healed in time for my shoot today. After the Anthony Cools show we walked back towards our hotel (bad, bad idea.) It was freezing cold and there was a bunch of weirdos that kept on making lewd comments and gestures to me. I nearly b!tch slapped someone because of it. Some dumb broad even called me a hooker (or something like that)...but whatever...she was only jealous because I am WAY better looking than she will ever be. We ended up at Tao nightclub in the VIP section with these cool guys from England. I ended up drinking way too much that night and had alcohol poisoning the next few days.

Saturday day I slept most of the day. Dallas and I were supposed to go out to lunch/dinner with her family (I was super excited to finally meet her family) but there was no way that I could have made it even out of the room. That night we went to a male revue show which was pretty awesome. I've been to a male strip club here in Phoenix, but the guys here were definitely not as good looking as the guys in Vegas. Dallas and I ended up going back to the hotel and watched TV for the rest of the night instead of going back out since we both felt icky (plus Dallas didn't get any sleep in like 48 hours.) Sunday morning we met up with some of our friends who were also in Vegas at some restaurant in the Palms hotel (where we will be staying for the AVN awards.) The flight back was kind of scary. There was some crazy turbulence going on and I ended up scaring the hell out of Dallas when she was sleeping and grabbed her for comfort.

If you guys haven't noticed I've been making some changes to the site. I changed some of the pictures on the "welcome" page and am thinking about changing some other pictures on other parts of the site (though I'm pretty happy with how everything looks right now.) It's so cool that FTVRob taught me how to do all this computer/website stuff. Apparently he thinks that I have enough knowledge to create a website if I wanted too (though it wouldn't even compare to any site Rob creates.) I will be putting in more video formats in the new year (either 1000kb/s or 3000kb/s). I'm not sure if I will go through all the old videos and do the same to them (actually thinking about it I probably will since I'm always doing random stuff like that when I'm bored.) I have been trying to fix the web cam archive page, but for whatever reason it's decided not to cooperate whatsoever. I will probably have to get FTVChris to fix it for me.

My shoot today went very well, though we only got one video and photo update. Thankfully it's my Christmas update so that she be put up on the site pretty soon here. I will be shooting my New Years update and probably a secretary update on December 23rd. BTW my nephew took his first step the other day. My mom was so excited though I could tell that she was also a little upset that she couldn't be there. Apparently my sister and her new husband are doing very well together still...hopefully that lasts.

danielle_ftv 12-12-2009 02:26 AM

Dec. 11, 2009
I forgot to remind you all. I'm competing in the Miss Freeones contest and I would absolutely love to win this. I think that you can vote everyday for as many girls as you want (but don't quote me on that.) Anyhoo...it's free to register (and that's all you have to do to vote.) The voting starts January 1st and I think it goes on for three months. Here is the forum thread if you guys want to read about it (or post on there how much you want me to win :D.)

This contest isn't so much about the money for me (honestly I would say no to the money if I could have a guaranteed win.) This is my chance for my first industry contest win (well other than being the most popular model on FTVGirls for 2008). I am super competitive and will do whatever it takes to win this contest. So anyways, I appreciate your support and wish me luck.

danielle_ftv 12-15-2009 08:40 PM

Dec. 15, 2009
Um, wow. Just checked out the latest FTVGirls vote and weirdly enough brunettes are preferred over blondes. Makes me wonder if I should go darker again. Though the likelyhood of that happening is not very high. I've paid WAY too much money to get my hair to this color (black is the hardest color to dye.) My mom definitely thinks I should dye my hair darker though (but then again this is the same woman who convinced me to cut almost all my hair off.)

danielle_ftv 12-15-2009 10:21 PM

Dec. 15, 2009
I'm done with my promo video for the Miss Freeones contest. Check it out and tell me what you guys think. See how much effort I put into this...shows you how much I want to win this contest :D.

danielle_ftv 12-23-2009 05:54 AM

Dec. 22, 2009
I must admit, sometimes I have a pretty kinky life. Last Friday my friend was throwing a Christmas house party. I ended up shopping with my other friend Andrew for an "elephant exchange". The stuff I got for the gifts was super random and pretty amusing. In one gift bag I put sake, lobster pate, a plastic cup with an asian boy character on it, a piece of cheese and some other random things. In another gift bag I put this weird spinning pig pen, summer sausage, a small bottle of champagne, a small bongo, and other weird things. I was pretty much just walking around the store and picking up the most random stuff I could find, the whole time laughing like a maniac, imagining peoples expressions when the saw what their gift bag contained. I ended up getting the game 1,000 Drinking Games (which unfortunately I already owned.)

Everyone had to dress in Christmas gear. I didn't realize that all the girls were going to be wearing super sexy Christmas outfits so I ended up buying this outfit.


I wanted to be one of the craziest dressed people there so I bought cute flannel pj shorts, knee high socks with fur on the top, slipper with little gnomes on them, a gnome sleeping t-shirt, and Hello Kitty earmuffs. I was pretty much the only person there not wearing red (though I thought blue was the new Christmas red ;).) I also ended up buying a bottle of champage and this huge "pimp cup" (which was just a huge thick gobblet.) I was planning on buying a huge martini glass or a funky shaped wine decanter to carry my champagne in but then I decided against it when I thought of how likely it was to spill it.

I would say during the whole party there was probably only 20 people there (which is great for a house party...and especially if everyone is fairly close.) I was worried about the cops getting called for a noise violation but the party went on until 7 AM (and probably later than that, but that's when I left) and we had no problems with cops. Jessica and Keley decorated the house beautifully and even baked cookies and cupcakes. Everything started off really well...we played F@ck the Dealer with like 12 people (which is kind of difficult especially if most of you are drunk and have never played before.)

Towards about 11 half the party left, and we were left with the "fun, adventurous, don't give a cr@p about anything" group. Things got pretty...well frisky after that. I'll admit by that time I was pretty um, not sober (but I won't use that as an excuse since I can be sober as heck and still want to get into a girls pants.) The party ended up turning into a regular girls only orgy. I ended up messing around with four girls (yeah for me!) and got two of them off (yeah for me again!) There were some guys there but they pretty much just sat back and watched (and gave us hand and foot massages when we demanded it.)

I always love hanging out with groups like that. My friends are very carefree and don't really judge. With them you can get naked and start making out with all the girls and instead of getting weirded out (like a lot of people would do) they just jump right in. I'm going to try to get the naughty pics from Keley (I'm not sure if Linsdey took some or not.) If I can get them I will most definitely post them in my candid pic section so you guys can see what "went down".

danielle_ftv 01-04-2010 09:19 PM

January 04, 2010
So I'm pretty sick right now (and have been since New Years eve day). I will write about my New Years experience tomorrow when I am hopefully feeling better.

danielle_ftv 01-07-2010 11:14 PM

January 07, 2010
I just got finished reading and posting on the forum and read on the question thread a question about losing my virginity. I don't know if I told this to you guys before (or if I even should now since some people may find it kind of icky) but I actually didn't lose my virginity to a guy...I mean technically I didn't. When I was 13 I was severly anemic and had to go to the hospital because I was losing so much blood. The doctors had to put this medical device way up inside of me down there and that's what I lost my virginity on. I remember being so messed up from blood loss and from the medication they were pumping into me that I told my mom in front of a bunch of doctors and nurses that I "hoped that wasn't what sex felt like" lol. I remember her blushing so bad from that. So anyways, yep...my first time was with a medical device. At least I got the pain done with then and didn't have to deal with it on my 15th birthday when I had real sex.

Thursday morning I woke up with a sore throat. I have a theory that whenever I get super excited about something I start getting sick (it happened for New Years and it's happened during many other holidays and fun events.) All my friends had arrived at the hotel before me (I ended up having to change my flight to an earlier time so that way I would have enough time to hang out, eat dinner, and get ready.) I definitely think that my group was the biggest in the whole hotel. My group are total rockstars! I ended up getting to sleep before anyone else and that was at like 4 in the morning. One of our friends who is also a local dj here in Phoenix was spinning at the Resolutions party (the party on New Years day) so a couple of my friends ended up staying up until 9:30 in the morning to see him. There was no hot water New Years day so everyone got like 50% of their rooms, which was really sweet since I had booked two rooms.

I didn't end up going to the Resolutions party since I was super sick (coughing, sneezing, running nose, etc.) That weekend was also pretty uneventful since I didn't feel like doing anything other than laying around watching tv. I watched more tv that weekend than I've done in a very long time. I ended up seeing that movie Paranormal Activity (not a good movie to see when you live alone.) This week has been pretty busy for me. Yesterday Dallas and I went to Chandler Fashion Square (one of my fave malls since they have a Windsor Store there) to get our AVN dresses. I ended up getting my dress at Windsor and it was the first dress I tried on. It's super sexy. It's all black, fitted down to my knees and then flares out mermaid style. The straps are rhinestones, so I got these sexy dangly rhinestone earrings and a rhinestone bracelet to match. After the mall we went and got our nails done. I left my jacket there and need to remember to pick it up. Will probably do that tomorrow, but then that also would require me to drive all the way over there.

I also got airbrushed tanned last night, so sleeping last night was not the most comfortable thing in the world. The liquid they spray on you is kind of weird smelling (not bad, just different.) The one thing I hate about it is how sticky it makes you feel. I have a bad enough time with humidity (which thank gawd I don't have to deal with in Arizona.) I ran out of books yesterday so had to run to a bookstore to grab more books to read. I hate being out after I've gotten the tan done. It's super dark before you wash off the bronzer so I'm sure I looked pretty funny. I noticed nobody would really look me in the eye (or maybe that was just me being too embarassed to look anybody in the eyes.) Dallas wanted me to go out last night with the group but I decided to stay in since I wasn't feeling well and didn't want to get even worse (which unfortunately seems to be happening.)

Today I got my eyelash extensions put on. The lady that does the eyelash extensions made a video showing people how to take care of the eyelashes....guess who's the eyelash model...me! I want to post the video but the last thing I want is to cause trouble for the eyelash lady because she has an adult model on her website. I was supposed to get my hair done today (which I need really, really bad right now) but unfortunately my guy had to cancel on me. Fortunately I can get it done before school starts but unfortunately I can't get it done before my shoot next Tuesday. I just bought my Valentines day costume and they shoot "item(s)" that I will be using. It's definitely going to be a very...fetishy shoot, I'm sure not all of you are going to like it, but whatever, it's going to be fun for me. I will be putting up my hardcore video on the site in the next couple of days. Get ready for it everyone. Actually I probably will need to do another hardcore video this next shoot day.

Did I tell you guys that I signed up for school? I'm taking math, English (freaking lame...I thought I tested out of English but apparently you can't test out of English), fencing (hopefully they don't cancel this class again), and philosophy of sexuality. I wanted to take this other sex class but I would've had to wake up super early (like at 9 or something crazy like that) and I've vowed to never take classes were I have to wake up before 10 AM. I just wish they offered classes I am interested in at night instead of in the morning.

So this weekend is the AVN awards. I'm so excited....I just wish I wasn't sick. I'm hoping that I can get better tonight and tomorrow. There are a few girls there that I am hoping to meet up with (April O'Neil is one.) Who knows...maybe I'll see some of you guys who are planning on going, there also.

danielle_ftv 01-13-2010 06:31 AM

Jan. 12, 2010
So I just got done with a hardcore hour of cardio. I'm really psyching myself up to start eating healthier and get in better shape. I have calculatted that by April 27th I should be in perfect shape. I went pretty crazy last week shopping for food. I bought a bunch of fish, fruits, veggies, yogurt, and chicken. The only problem is...well I don't really cook. All the meat I've bought is sitting in the freezer (heck, some of the stuff I've bought has been sitting in there for like four months now). I bought a bunch of ziplock containers so I can cook a bunch of stuff at once and just store it in the fridge. Lately I've just been snacking on yogurt, fruits and veggies since I'm too lazy to cook. I actually need to get more yogurt since I've almost eaten all of it.

So the AVN Awards were a ton of fun. I was still sick going there but for whatever reason as soon as I got a drink in me at the airport I started feeling a lot better. When we got to the Vegas airport Dallas and I ended up doing an oxygen bar "treatment". I'm not sure if it actually helped, but the massage they gave me was AWESOME. The first night was a ton of fun. Dallas and I went to Sapphires Gentlemen's club and spent a bunch of money (as usual). Then went to the Venetian to meet up with some friends and from there we went to this bar/club (I think it was Lavo). What's really funny is that for the first time I had somebody recognize me in public and actually come up and introduce themselves. What's even funnier is that it was Sara Peachez (another website girl)! We ended up hanging out with her group and decided to go to Drai's. When we got down to the taxi line to go to Drai's I remembered that I needed to get cash so Dallas and I had to go back upstairs to the ATM. Well when we came back everyone was gone. We thought that they had already left for Drai's so we went ahead and took a cab over there. About 30 minutes later the group showed up. Apparently they thought that we were going to the restroom and decided that they needed to go to the restroom to and then ended up searching for us in the Venetian for heading to Drai's. So that night I barely got an of sleep (about 3 hours).

We didn't do much the next day since we had a hair appointment at 6. Dallas and I were kind of irritated after finding out how much our hair cost us ($102!) I liked my hair...but not really. Honestly I wish I had gotten a hairdo that was down or at least half up and half down instead of all up. I was super worried about the dress I was planning on wearing because I thought it was going to be too formal. I ended up trying on my purple dress (you guys have seen me in it before) but Dallas talked me into wearing the dress I had bought for the awards. Neither of us could figure out if we were supposed to walk the red carpet or not but fortunately Dallas got ahold of our friend Kevin from Hexed Media and he told us to walk it. We walked around quiet a bit trying to find were it was supposed to be and finally found it hidden in this weird exit location. Walking the red carpet was....nerve wrecking to say the least. I was so freaking nervous that pretty much the whole time I held Dallas hand and rushed us from one spot to another without really taking my time for pictures. Next time I do anything like this is I am going to A) wear my hair down B) probably get a drink of alcohol in me to calm down C) practice posing better and D) get talent seats. FTVChris ended up getting Dallas and I seats in the fan section and not the talent section so unfortunately I wasn't able to really hang out or talk to any porn stars.

I hate to say this but one of the things that irritated me the most was that people were taking more pictures of Dallas than they were of me. I mean come on...I'm the porn star here. If I was in her place I would have been shoving me foward and would've been telling people to take pictures of me and not her. But you know what...I figured it out...it's because she's skinny. People are drawn to skinny girls and putting me next to her, well I'm a giant next to her. Big boobs rock, but tiny girls always win unfortunately. As much as people say that they like the way I look and they prefer women like me, most people prefer skinnier girls (especially in this business.) If I plan on going anywhere in this business then I need to get in rockin' shape. That's one of the reasons why I'm working out and trying to get in shape more.

The awards ceremony was a ton of fun to watch. Belladonna did this really hot dance with her dance troupe. Baby Bash also did a routine and there were these really cool (and hot) circus performers doing acrobatics all over the stage. We actually met Baby Bash's band when we were walking from the Palm's Place towers to the casino. I was laughing because at the beginning of the show the announcer was telling the crowd to do different things ("now everyone clap", "now everyone laugh" etc.) At first I couldn't figure out why the hell they were doing that then I realized that the AVN's are supposed to air on HBO or some channel like that and apparently that's how they do the "reaction shots". I wonder if that's how it is at the Grammy's, Oscars, etc.

Watching the awards definitely made me want to get...deeper (that's the only word I can think of right now) in this business. I want to win a bunch of awards and have people yell and cheer for me when my name is called out. Sasha Grey got the Jenna Jameson Crossover Star of the Year award. I absolutely want to win that award. I remember seeing Jenna Jameson and several other pornstars on different advertisements (and for things that aren't even adult related). That's what I want to do! It just sucks because I feel like I don't really have any way of accomplishing these things. First off I have no idea were to begin. I don't know who to contact and what to do. It sucks having all these dreams but having no idea how to make them a reality.

After the awards we went to a friends bungalow party before heading to the nightclub Rain where Paul Oakenfold was doing his Perfecto tour. It was actually pretty sweet hearing him live after hearing him on XM radio all this time. We ended up going to Moon because I thought April O'Neil was going to be there (I was hoping to meet up with her sometime during that weekend but that didn't happen.) We all went to Drai's (I think this was around 4ish or so) but went back to the hotel because the line was super long to get in. Dallas ended up going back to the room to crash out but I was doing it rockstar style and partied until about 6ish with my friends before finally deciding I was far to delirious to be up any longer.

So my sister is in town this week for my nephews first birthday. My mom wants the girls to go out to get manis/pedis and to do dinner and a movie. Fortunately you don't really have to talk during manis/pedis and movies but dinner is going to be a hassle. My sister and I can only seem to get along for about an hour before we are at each others throats. Maybe if I ply her with alcohol she will be nicer to me :D (though my mom would not appreciate that one bit.) School starts next week. I'm excited...but not. It's going to suck having to get back into the swing of things and not have days were I can just lounge around and do absolutely nothing (though I will have Friday, Saturdays, and Sundays to do that.) I'm going to be pretty busy March and April. The Phoenix Forum is April 8th - 10th (right during school). And in March I'm going to the Miami Winter Music Conference the 25th to the 29th and at some point will be doing a shoot in Hawaii with FTVRob. My next shoot is on Wednesday the 20th. I will be doing my Valentine's day shoot, probably another hardcore shoot, and I'm not sure what else.

danielle_ftv 01-26-2010 07:41 PM

Jan. 26, 2010
Okay what a bad time for the website to start screwing up on me. For whatever reason I can't seem to upload HTML pages onto the website...and unfortunately Rob is in Hawaii for a dental conference and won't be back until Friday or Saturday.

BTW I am totally dropping my philosophy of sexuality class. I am just not into philosophy at all. The whole time it just felt like we were talking ourselves around in circles. I guess I'm a very black and white person. I like things to be...definite. Other than that class, all my other classes have been going really well. I love my English class. The teacher is awesome and the past two classes I've had a blast in. My math class is...interesting. The teacher is this really cool hippy like man that loves Google.

My fencing class is going to be fun, but it's also going to be pretty difficult too. I only have that class once a week but it's for like two hours. Yesterday during the fencing class we were learning advances, retreats, and lunges. For whatever reason I was having a difficult time doing the lunges. First off I kept my arms pretty straight ahead of me to begin with so he would say "extend" and my arm would already be extended. Then he would say "lunge" and I would lunge but my front foot wouldn't step foward some of the time. Another one of my problems is that I naturally seem to drag my feet during the movements so it would kind of mess me up on my retreats. We are using the foil (one of the three swords you use in fencing). The teacher showed us all the swords and told us about each of them. Personally I think I would be better at the sabre which they use with cutting/slashing type motions.

This weekend I am going to Big Bear to go snowboarding. I think I will probably take a lesson the first day (since I'm only been snowboarding once when I was like 15 years old.) As usual I started feeling sick last night (I really do get sick everytime something exciting happens to me.) It's only a sore throat though so I think I can kick it before Big Bear.

danielle_ftv 02-08-2010 10:44 PM

February 08, 2010
Dallas threw a Superbowl party at her house yesterday. We figured we would have about 30 people there but I think only 15-20 people showed up (which was a good thing since there really isn't all that much room at her place.) We made jello shots (which I ended up doing way too many of) and jungle juice (which was really nasty!). All the girls were routing for the Saints (I picked them because they are from my home state). Personally I don't really like football and really don't like watching the games, but it's always fun hanging out with the group.

I didn't get much sleep Saturday night so Sunday was kind of...spacey for me. I ended up going out to eat at Postinos (I love their food and they have awesome bruschetta). From there we went to Sanctum which is this weird gothic club in a weird part of Phoenix. I was actually pretty entertained while there. They were playing industrial music and a lot of 80's Depeche Mode type music. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't what we all were looking for. We ended up leaving and went to Bar Smith. The music was even worse there. Apparently they were playing what my friend likes to call "old school house" like something you hear clubs in San Fransisco playing. I just thought it was crappy music. From there we went to this German restaurant, The Black Mills, which turns into a nightclub on Fridays and Saturdays. It's actually pretty freaking random! The music there was good most of the time. The first DJ sucked big time. From TBM we went to Cin Cin in oldtown Scottsdale where we stayed for about 20 minutes before going to an after-afterparty at the Optima (these really sweet and expensive condos in Scottsdale). I didn't get to sleep until about 7 in the morning. I was actually pretty surprised because Dallas wanted me over at her place at 11 AM (I didn't get up until 1). I was totally expecting her to be p!ssed off at me for not being on time (but the game wasn't even until 4:30 anyways...so it really didn't matter.)

Friday night a few of us went to Revolver (this new club that opened in oldtown Scottsdale.) I liked the club itself, but the music was pretty iffy. From there we went to American Junkie where I met up with Aaron, Lia and her group. We took off at about 1 and went to ***** Cat Lounge where my friend works as a promoter (though I didn't see him that night.) I actually got home at a pretty decent time that night...though I didn't get to sleep until about 4ish.

Snowboarding the weekend before last was awesome. Thursday night we went to this club in Hollywood. I wasn't really sure about going to a club especially since we were supposed to be on our way by like 7 or some crazy early time like that. Of course we didn't actually take off at that time since we didn't get back home until 4 or 5 in the morning. I ended up drinking way too much that night. At one point I was trying to show one of my friends a picture of Dallas' new boobs on my cell phone when I realized that I didn't have my cell phone anymore. We spent like an hour searching for my phone before realizing that it was gone. I was so upset....my phone is pretty much my lifeline to the world (along with my car and computer). But of course like an idiot I found it later on in my jacket pocket.

On the drive up to Big Bear I only had a panic attack once (good for me!) We ended up snowboarding all three days we stayed up there. The first day (Friday) we actually did night snowboarding which I was kind of worried about. It was my second time ever snowboarding so I was worried about doing it in the dark. I actually did a pretty good job (at least that's what my friends told me.) I only had three drinks that whole weekend (while the rest of my friends proceeded to get hammered). I realized that alcohol, snowboarding, and I don't mix very well. Saturday I had two bloody Mary's and was feeling pretty cocky and decided to go down one of the more advanced runs (I blame this all on my friend Megan though since she's the one who told me about it in the first place.) Never again will I do that. I ended up landing on my tailbone so many times that I thought a broke it. I also landed on my arm and wrist quite a few times. I was very angry by the time I got to the bottom that I pretty much quit for the day.

The next day I did pretty much the same thing (went up a more advanced trail). That was a huge mistake. I spent most of the time on my butt since my legs were in such tremendous pain (BTW three days back to back of snowboarding when you are only going for your second time....in five years, is not a good idea.) All in all I did have a great time. The trip back down the mountain took like more than two hours vs. the 25-30 minutes it normally takes. I plan on buying my own snowboard. I want to get a custom one that says "Danielle" on the bottom with "Love as Thou Wilt" underneath. On the top I want to have a picture of me between the bindings with fairy wings photoshopped on (my friends find this hillarious). I want the whole board to be purple, black, and silver.

This weekend I am throwing a Valentine's party at my friend Ryan's house. I've already spent over $250 (just on decorations and candy) for this party so it had better be a blast. I was kind of irritated at my friends because Ryan and I decided to throw the party on Friday the 12th (I had a shoot on Sunday the 14th which I then had to move to Friday the 12th). But apparently Ryan was drunk and didn't even remember us talking about throwing a party in the first place. So he was pretty surprised when I sent him a Facebook event invite to a Valentine's party at his place on a night when he already had something planned. So we ended up moving the party to Saturday the 13th, but then of course I get b!tched at because that day didn't work for certain people (I'm not going to be planning any more events because this always seems to happen.) It sucks because there are quite a few people who aren't going to be in town that day/weekend, so it will probably end up being a smaller party. I'm pretty excited because one of the local DJ's will be playing at the party after he gets done mixing at whatever club he's working that night. I just hope that the cops don't get called for a noise complaint. We didn't get in trouble last time for the Christmas party but you never know.

danielle_ftv 02-10-2010 06:21 AM

Feb. 10, 2010
Just got done making a few changes to the site. I put the links to all my social networking sites on the "About Me" page. I also added a new pic and some more info on the page. On the main page (the second page after the 18+ warning page) I changed the pictures on top and I changed the pictures on the "My Photo" part of the page. Need to process my Valentine's video into the 1,000kb/s version for tomorrow then I can go to sleep.

danielle_ftv 02-23-2010 09:55 PM

Feb. 24, 2010
I'm a little irritated right now. Not only do I have to deal with people complaining but there seems to be a lot of drama with my group right now. I feel like I'm in high school again. I hang out with people older than me yet I feel like I'm the oldest in the group. Whatever! I need to clean my house, go to the library, and get food. Will write more later if I'm in a better mood.

danielle_ftv 03-08-2010 05:54 PM

Mar. 08, 2010
Things seem to be going a lot better for me. I have a ton of trips planned for the next few months. This weekend I will be going to San Francisco with some friends (I'm hoping to meet some of my fans also...though sorry about giving you guys such short notice.) I'm very excited because on Friday I will be getting a 1 hour and 45 minute massage. I've never had a massage that's lasted that long. My friend was telling me about this museum that has a happy hour bar on Thursdays which I definitely hope we will attend (another thing I've never done...drink in a museum.) On Saturday I will be going to Napa with the group and we will be doing a wine tasting. The last time I did winetasting was in Germany on the Rhein river and it also included a Rhein River boat tour. BTW boats, the sun, and alcohol do not mix well with me. I ended up getting a mix of alcohol poisoning and sun sickness and ended up sick and bedridden for at least 24 hours. Unfortunately I get motion sickness (though it hits me at random times) and the drive from Napa to San Francisco is like an hour long so hopefully I don't end up getting sick this time.

In two weeks I will be going to Miami for the Winter Music Conference....pretty much just an excuse to party 24/7 for 4 days straight. If any of you are going here is the party itenerary:
Thursday night - Karu and Y
Friday day - Surfcomber
Friday night - Nocturnal
Saturday day - don't have any plans...hopefully I will be able to meet some members during this time
Saturday night - Karu and Y
Sunday day - Surfcomber
Sunday night - Bed

Next month I will be attending the Coachella festival. I finally booked a house... I was freaking out for a while there because all the houses were rented out, but thankfully there was a cancellation. The house is going to be packed. We have 10 people going and what kind of sucks is that there are only 2 bathrooms. I'm probably going to have someone rent a van so that we can all drive together from the house to the festival and back rather than take 2 or 3 cars. Also another minus is that we can only have 3 cars parked at the house and I don't think everyone will be driving up from Phoenix at the same time (so we can't all carpool.) I will most likely end up driving there with 4 or 5 people. I'm hoping that I can actually have fun this time (I ended up putting down the security deposit on the Big Bear Oktoberfest cabin and ended up freaking out half the time because I was worried about stuff breaking or people making a mess...definitely did not have all that great of a time.)

I'm already planning out my birthday celebration since I have to give everyone a heads up so they can put in their request for time off. This year there will be a lot more people attending it. I plan on having the celebration in Vegas again. I'm thinking about staying at the HardRock hotel since it seems to be well priced and it's also where the Rehab Sunday pool party is located. Thankfully by staying at the hotel you get tickets into Rehab (which is awesome since tickets can cost $50 for women and up to $150 for men.) I will probably want to see a show there...maybe the Anthony Cools show like Dallas and I did last time we were in Vegas (though we are definitely going to be on time this time and I definitely want to volunteer myself to be hypnotized.) I am also getting a party bus like I did last year and will be getting a stretch limo to pick us up and drop us off at the airport (it's actually a great price and we get champagne and roses for the ladies.) I was thinking about getting a table at XS but with up to 15 people going the price was going to be at least $3,000 which I am not okay paying. I might also get a table at Drai's afterhours club for Friday and Saturday night since the lines can get very long to get in...but A)I don't want to spend a ton of money (still need to figure out a price for that) and B)my friends and I will probably be completely drunk by then and will not need more bottles of alcohol.

So the Valentine's night party was fun. The house looked awesome with all the decorations I got. Jesica got these naughty balloons that said things like "blow me" and "f@ck me". Dallas and Rob F (not boss Rob) didn't attend the party which sucked (but they had a romantic weekend in Temecula winetasting.) The only thing that kind of sucked was that there was quite a bit a drama. Mike and Megan ended up breaking up like twice. Jesica wasn't in the best of moods (I think she wasn't feeling very peachy though.) Keley ended up flirting with one of my friends dates (though to be fair he was also flirting hardcore and was making some very inappropriate suggestions and comments to her.) Also Lindsay was accusing Keley of trying to make out with Andrew who Lindsay was with that night (I think we found out that this wasn't true.) Overall I think we had over 30 people at the party. One of the local DJ's, Michael James also played at the party which was really awesome. I told Ryan (the person who's house we were throwing the party at) to tell the neighbors that we were throwing a party but apparently he didn't listen to me. We ended up getting 3 noise complaints before the cops got called at like 6 in the morning. I ended up leaving pretty soon after that.

BTW I got this hair streaking stuff in hot pink for the Valentine's party that was supposed to be temporary but my hairdresser showed me this one splotch in my hair that is still bright pink. Thankfully it isn't a spot that you can really see and right now it's actually covered by dark blue hair (which was actually supposed to be purple...not the first time my hairdresser has messed up on the color.) And before you guys all freak out, my whole head is not blue...the only party that is blue is a little bit of the hair underneath (kind of like FTVGirls Christine 2007.) I'm sure FTVRob is going to completely freak out when he sees it but I'm only planning on keeping my hair this blue color for like a month or two before bleaching it back to blonde. Actually the blonde color I have right now is almost my natural hair color. It's going to take a few times though before all the blue is out. It will go from dark blue to a medium shade of blue then to a light sky blue and then hopefully back to the blonde color. Sometimes I'm just super spontaneous (I totally wasn't planning on dying my hair a crazy color...I ended up deciding that when I got to the salon.) At least it's something temporary rather than sometime permanent like a tattoo.

The weekend before last weekend I attended the Renassaince Faire and the Phoenix Open. This was the third year that I went to the Pleasure Feast at the Renn Faire. I invited a bunch of people with me but everyone ended up flaking except for one of my friends (I was not too happy about that.) I wasn't too excited about going to the Phoenix Open but it actually ended up being a lot of fun. I thought the 16th hole was hillarious. BTW if you've never attended the Phoenix Open or watched it on tv, apparently it's supposed to be the rowdiest golf tournament out there. It's pretty much just an excuse to dress up in the craziest golf outfits (picture bright neon plaid outfits) and drink a ton of beer. I didn't drink too much though I had an allergic reaction to some weeds or pollen or something and ended up breaking out in hives. My friend gave me some Benadryl and I didn't realize until after I took it that you really aren't supposed to mix Benadryl and alcohol (though the effects of it were pretty funny.) So the 16th hole has stadium type seating around it. It's a pretty short hole so the golfers don't spend too much time there (which they probably don't want to do anyways since the crowd there is so loud.) If the golfers don't hit the ball on the green they get booed. At one point we all started doing the wave. It would go all the way around until the corporate seating area then it would stop (they go booed big time for that....it got to the point were we would boo them before the wave even got to their section.) We did this for like ten minutes...it was awesome! We ended up at this tent (the Tilted Kilt tent), watching the Canada vs. US Olympics hockey game....which I found a lot more interesting.

I also went to a hockey game last Thursday. That was my second or third hockey game I've attended. It was the Coyotes vs. Avalanche. I've got to say it was probably the most exciting game I've ever attended. They were tied up until the very end of the game with less than 30 seconds left before they scored a goal. I'm not all that into sports but when something like that happens it draws you into the game.

School is going well. Spring Break is coming up here really soon. Dallas wanted to do a girls trip to Mexico but since I have two trips already planned for this month I didn't really want to squeeze in another.

danielle_ftv 03-16-2010 07:14 AM

Mar. 15, 2010
Today I shot two sets for my site. I did my Easter set (I think it turned out beautifully). It was shot in the pink room for those of y'all that are pink room fans. The other set was a public nudity set that I am quite proud of (I really do seem to be getting over my public nudity...shyness.) I was hoping to get one other set done but FTVRob had a lot of editing to do and has been shooting a lot lately so I didn't want to stress him out too much having to shoot me. Fortunately since I live close to him it isn't too hard to schedule shoots. He wanted to shoot me in the airplane hangar that he shot Lia 19 in (The Jetset Lifestyle and The Largest Photo Studio sets) but that was on Thursday when I had already left for San Francisco. It's a bummer too since I really loved that set of her and wanted to shoot there. It isn't often that we get a chance to shoot in locations like that so we definitely have to take advantage of it when we can.

San Francisco was fantastic. The flight there was "delayed" so my friends and I went to get something to eat. Thank gawd I checked the time when I did and got us out of there because the flight ended up actually being on time and everyone had boarded the plane. Unfortunately I wasn't able to sit with my friends since we boarded so late. I don't really like flying (though I'm not as scared of it as I used to be.) I wasn't feeling too good (actually I felt really bad...super nauseous) since I had drank the night before (and I didn't even have that much...only three glasses of champagne and some random shot Dallas got for us.) Being a lightweight sucks sometimes.

Thursday was pretty chill....we didn't do much that day and later ended up going out to eat at this Mexican restaurant (I love sangrias!). The "Nightlife" event at the California Academy of Sciences was a ton of fun. Unfortunately we didn't get there until pretty late and ended up only having an hour and a half to explore the museum. They had this live exhibit where you could watch a taxidermist stuffing an animal. A ground squirrel, mouse, and bird was being stuffed. I thought the mice were pretty funny because the museum had put little accessories on them like an neck ruff. It was also interesting to see because not only did you see the skin being stuffed but the rest of the animal's bodies where there too. It's not as bloody as I thought it would be. They had this interactive exhibit showing you how much carbon output you have. Unfortunately mine is very high with all the traveling I do.

On Friday I had my hour and forty-five minute long massage. It was absolutely fabulous. But instead of saying that I have no preference for a masseuse I should probably say that I prefer a woman (though I've noticed that when I get an attractive female masseuse then I end up thinking about happy endings and not the massage itself.) Trying to get back to my hotel was a pain. You would expect the guy at the front of Hilton hotel (not sure what they are called....they're the ones who open your door as you drive up and they also normally whistle the taxis over) to be more helpful and find a taxi for you, but nooo. I pretty much had to fend for myself. Since I live in Arizona and am not sure on how to hail taxis in a big city I just stood on the sidewalk like an idiot for like ten minutes just waving at all the cars. Finally this nice Chinese cabdriver took pity on me and dangerously cut off several cars to pick me up and whisk me off to my hotel. That night my friends and I went out to eat at this one wine bar/restaurant called First Crush. They had a fabulous wine menu (though I had the champagne flight) but the food way...eh. After that we went to this old timey bar called Rick House. They had the best drink ever called a Pleasant Evening. It tasted like Fresca and you really couldn't taste the alcohol in it (the best drinks are the ones were you can't taste alcohol...I hate the taste of alcohol.) We ended the night at Ruby Skye where Sasha was playing. There is a huge difference between the Phoenix nightlife and SF nightlife. In Phoenix people get super dressed up. In SF I saw a lot of girls dressed very casually and no makeup (that would not fly in AZ.) I think that the music was even different from what they would play in AZ. The club was okay....a lot older than the clubs in Scottsdale and honestly it was kind of stinky (had a weird smelly gym smell to it.)

Saturday we went to this awesome little tea house called Crown and Crumpet (I absolutely love tea houses....English afternoon tea is the best and I would do it everyday if I lived near a tea house.) From there we went to Fisherman's Wharf and Pier 39 where I did a ton of shopping. We had lunch at some pizza joint about 10 minutes away (we met some of my friend's friends there) and then went back to Pier 39. I was pretty exhausted at the end of the day and ended up crashing out really early until Sunday morning.

On Sunday we went to Chinatown and had dim sum. I love the concept of dim sum (food trolleys being carted around and being able to pick and choose what you would like to eat), but I wasn't too fond of the food. I also did a lot of shopping there. I bought a whole Chinese costume to wear for a shoot. I bought a cheongsam in black with butterflies all over it and black floral shoes to go with it. I'm not going to tell you guys what I bought to use for the shoot...but you guys will like it for sure. The only problem with the dress is that one of the buttons won't stay closed, but it's around the bust area so it's understandable. I'll definitely have to take it to a seamstress to have that fixed before I shoot in it. I also bought this adorable little Chinese outfit and this hilarious dragon hat for my little nephew. I hope to gawd the outfit fits since I really am not sure what size he wears (I got him a size 1).

I absolutely love traveling, but it's tiring for sure. Dallas wanted us to go to Vegas or Mexico for Spring Break (which is this week) but honestly two trips a month is more than enough for me. Besides I will be in Vegas next month and the month after. Tomorrow I am going to see "Alice in Wonderland" in 3D. This will be my second 3D movie ever....the last one I went to see was when I was like 11 or 12. I found out that the apartment above me is a corporate apartment. If you don't know what a corporate apartment is, it's pretty much an alternative to a long-term hotel stay. Unfortunately for me that means that I can potentially have a new neighbor every month. I've already had a stomper and a devil child (a child that makes an incredible amount of noise at all hours of the day/night with parents that don't seem to know what a nuisance their child is to the rest of society.) I think there is a possibility I may have another devil child neighbor....I pray that it's not so.

danielle_ftv 04-29-2010 08:36 AM

Apr. 18, 2010
Okay so last time I wrote a journal entry was before Miami Winter Music Conference, The Phoenix Forum and Coachella. So I'll start off telling you guys about WMC.

I've never been to Miami before, so it was great visiting a new city. The service there is absolutely horrible (especially for the prices you pay). I stayed at the National hotel (there was 3 people staying with me in this tiny room.) The first day (Thursday) we got to the hotel around 4ish and walked around the streets, shopping and stuff. We stopped by this cute restaurant for food and sangrias (I love sangria). We saw Biz Markie (I think that's how you spell his name). I had no idea who he was until my friends pointed him out to me and sang the songs that he sang. Dallas and I both got pictures with him. That night we went to Karu and Y to see Above and Beyond (and a ton of other DJ's). I can't believe how huge that club was...by far one of the biggest clubs I've ever been in. We didn't get back to the hotel until pretty late (this seemed to happen quite a bit during the trip.) The next day we went to the Surfcomber pool party. It was pouring rain outside which was a bummer at first but then became very amusing for me (watching girls in 5 inch heels running around trying not to get wet is hilarious!) We met this super nice couple from Ohio there and ended up hanging out with them the whole pool party. Later on the group went to Nocturnal (this was my friends birthday so I wanted to make it a lot of fun for him.) I didn't stay too long there because I was feeling super sleep deprived (I only got a couple hours of sleep Wednesday night because I was so excited...so I was really running low by then.) Saturday day we stayed at the hotel for their pool party which was a ton of fun....totally chill. Dallas and I walked around the beach for a bit and took some pictures (we both decided it would be terrible to be in Miami and not visit the beach/ocean once.) Saturday night was Karu and Y again. That night I didn't get back to the hotel until like 5 in the morning. Finding a taxi to take us back to the hotel was a pain in the butt. We found a taxi that was trying to get $50 for taking us to the hotel. I was okay with that but my friends got mad at the taxi driver for trying to rip us off. I ended up getting pretty sick that night (sleep deprivation plus being in the sun all day, drinking will do that to me.) Sunday I ended up staying in the hotel all day. I was supposed to go to the Surfcomber pool party again but ended up giving my extra tickets to my friends. Sunday night we were supposed to go to Bed where some of the local DJ's from Phoenix were going to be spinning. I'm sad that I missed it but I definitely did not feel up to it at all. We left on Monday....honestly I was pretty happy to be getting home. I think two days of partying is my max for sure.

The Phoenix Forum was at the beginning of this month. I was super excited about it (I had a ton of fun last year there.) The first day was awesome. Dallas was able to get a ticket through one of the guys that visits the club she dances at (it normally costs around $275 for a ticket and you have to be in the industry to get one.) I ended up doing a shoot there. The shoot turned out really well in my opinion. I did get an airbrush tan the day before so I do look super tan (and maybe a little orange in some of the pics). It was a super public shoot, possibly the most public shoot I've done so far. I was pretty nervous about doing public nudity around everyone but it was pretty chill and nobody really bothered us. I was supposed to shoot a second time but FTVRob didn't want to be at the forum any longer so we ended up stopping at one shoot. Dallas and I ended up hanging out at the pool with some of our friends who are in the industry for a couple hours before getting something to eat and leaving to get ready for the night. I had to drop Dallas off at her place since I picked her up and she decided not to go out again (I guess she wanted to see her boyfriend). I ended up going back for about 30 minutes but left because I started getting sick (you see a pattern here....I get in the sun and I get sick.) I felt terrible the next day too so I didn't end up going the rest of the time which I kind of regret but at there is always next year. I didn't do the topless dodge ball tournament because I didn't feel like I was in good enough shape for it this time.

Coachella in Indio, California was amazing. I have never been to a real concert before (I don't really count seeing DJ's perform as a concert) so seeing bands play live was an awesome experience for me. We saw David Guetta, Deadmau5, Muse, Kaskade, Dirty South, Bass Nectar, Tiesto and a couple other bands there (mostly DJ's though...hehe.) The house that we stayed in was gorgeous. It was about 25 minutes away from the concert but that was perfectly fine with me since I was worried that we weren't going to be able to get a place to stay in the first place. I started looking for rental homes pretty late and apparently everything sells out really quick. The tickets for Coachella sold out and so one of my friends wasn't able to go and the other one had to sneak in the first day. This was by far the most chill music trip I've ever taken. I had maybe one drink the whole weekend and ended up getting plenty of sleep. The festival music started at like 11 AM and lasted until 1 AM but there was no way that I was going to the festival before 4 PM. The first day we ended up getting there at about 7 (Dallas made us take the wrong exit and we got stuck in traffic for like an hour at least.) The second day we got there around 5ish, which was pretty tiring. My one friend Erik ended up taking off, doing his own thing. Apparently he snuck into the VIP area and saw Beyonce, Jay Z, Pink and a couple other celebrities. Dallas and I both got pictures with the famous burlesque dancer Dita Von Tease. I thought I had booked the house only until Sunday but when I went through my emails I realized that I actually had it until Monday (the "check out" time was ridiculously early too....like 10 AM!) Dallas and her boyfriend ended up leaving on Sunday since he had to work on Monday. I didn't end up going to the festival on Sunday which I should have. Apparently my two guy friends ended up sneaking into the VIP area again and met a ton of celebrities. They met Jay Z and Beyonce, one of the guys from Hot Tub Time Machine, the guy from Crank, Paris Hilton, Tommy Lee, and a bunch of other celebs. I was totally jealous when they got back to the house and told me about it!

I just recently got a new puppy. Her name is Love Bug. She's about 16 weeks old and a Papillon (I had a Papillon before...they are the best small dog breed ever!) I named her Love Bug because she is a super cuddler. She follows me around everywhere and sleeps about as much as I do. I was thinking about doing a residential boarding training program for her but when I really started thinking about it I realized that I want to be part of her training (plus some of the programs last like 3 months.) She's been doing amazing so far....potty training has been relatively easy. The only problem we have is that she hates her crate and when I take a bath or shower. She absolutely flips out when I take a bath/shower even though she can see me the whole time. It's been a pain since I love taking long baths and take like 3 a day sometimes. The chinchillas and her get a long very well. Actually they don't really pay attention to each other which is probably a good thing. The chinchillas cage is off the ground so Love Bug probably can't even really see them.

School is going to end really soon here. We have about two weeks left which I'm really excited about. This summer is going to be full of trips (as usual). For my 22nd birthday we will be going to Vegas again. We are all staying at the Hard Rock so that we can get passes to Rehab on Sunday. Saturday night we are going to have a party bus for 4 hours and then we will end the night at Rain in the Palms where Paul Oakenfold plays. Like last year I will have a stretch limo pick us up and drop us off at the airport. I would like to go to the Anthony Cools show again because I really want to be hypnotized but I'm not sure how we will be feeling on Sunday night after all the partying we will be doing during the day. This weekend my friend is throwing his first pool party. This will be the start to the summer. I want to try making sangria for the party...that will be my first time making an alcoholic drink (well actually it's my second time...but I don't want to even remember my first time...jello shots that were the consistency of gel candles.)

danielle_ftv 05-14-2010 07:36 AM

May 14, 2010
My glasses are ready so I will probably be picking them up tomorrow. I will for sure shoot in them on the 21st when I have my shoot day. I will also be doing my birthday shoot since I didn't get to shoot it on the 10th like I thought I would (I ended up studying for my finals instead.) If you didn't know, school is over...yippee! I checked my class scores....and I ACED my classes. Still a third year freshman though lol.

Picture of the cat that I want to steal from the vet...and no I won't steal it!

danielle_ftv 05-14-2010 08:37 AM

May 14, 2010
Don't you like when I'm bored...I take pictures!

My 22nd birthday is coming up so soon here. Honestly I'm not all that excited about it. I was going to celebrate it during Memorial day weekend but my friends were all like "Nooo! Las Vegas will be so expensive then. Let's go to Lake Havasu instead". Of course my friends being the flaky friends they are completely bailed out on Lake Havasu. What really irritates me is that I had planned on going to LV Friday through Sunday but then my friends were like "Nooo! If we are doing Rehab on Sunday then we don't want to have to leave early, all drunk to get to the airport on time." Well of course out of the 9 people that are going half of them are staying Friday through Sunday instead of Saturday through Monday. I can kind of understand though since Dallas has to go to school (she is in real estate school right now) and her boyfriend has work. I was hoping that everyone would stay at the Hardrock hotel (where I'm staying) but apparently nobody is staying there. It should be interesting to see how we coordinate everything. As long as everyone is on time to get on the party bus on Saturday then I will be happy. I was trying to get everyone to stay at the Hardrock because you get free passes to Rehab and the passes can get kind of expensive (like $50 for women and up to $150 for men.) But whatever, it's their money. I have to cancel the limo though since nobody is staying in the hotel with me (it would be kind of stupid to have only one or two people in a Cadillac Escalade stretch limo.) But then again, that saves me money to spend on random nick-nacks (did I spell that right?).

I really want to put Love Bug in this residential doggie boot camp. I thought it would be cool to train her myself....it would give us a chance to bond, but to be perfectly honest I'm way too much of a pushover to train her. She's totally gotten into the habit of begging for food...and of course I give it to her (though I would probably give it to her even if she was trained...I just don't want her to beg.) Plus I think she has wicked seperation anxiety. She's pooed in her kennel quite a few times even if I take her out right before I put her in. I assume that's because she's freaking out without me around. AND everytime I take her out of the kennel when I get back she completely freaks out on me. The doggie boot camp is pretty expensive (like $1,900 or something) and it lasts like 4 weeks but I think it could totally be worth it. The only things I would be concerned about is the other dogs around her and how they train her. I want the trainer to understand that when LB comes home that she will only be in her kennel when I have to leave (and that's not very often.) I don't want to have to put her in her kennel all the time. I would also want the trainer to train her to ring a doggie doorbell to go outside and potty. That would be so helpful to me. I've looked up the boot camp and they seem to be really good. I've found no complaints on them so far and the website gives a lot of info about what they do. I really want to get a cat for LB to have as a companion (though the cat has to be friendly to the chinchillas too.) I would love a cat that is super cuddly and very friendly like my old cat Idaho. I love this cat that I saw at the vet...she would've been perfect for me (picture in "continued" part of message).

EDC (Electric Daisy Carnival) is next month. This will be the second time I'm attending it. My friends kind of irritated me with the hotel situation here too. I was planning on staying at the Bonaventure Westin but my friend Mike was like "Nooo! Let's stay someplace cheaper and closer." So I started looking into it and we decided on staying at an Economy Inn or something similar. Well apparently it's the same distance away as the Bonaventure AND most of my friends aren't staying there...they are staying at the Bonaventure! So aggravating! The group this year going there is going to be huge. Dallas and I are wearing costumes like we did last time. One of the nights we are going as video game characters. I'm going as Yuna from Final Fantasy and I think Dallas is doing the Mario Brother's princess. The other night we are going as a cat and mouse. I am trying to get some of the guys to wear t-shirts that say "Cheese" or "Catnip" on it (I thought this was hillarious!). I actually need to get those t-shirts made pretty soon here.

My sister's 21st birthday was last weekend. We are Irish twins BTW. Irish twins are siblings that are the same age for a short period of time. We went to Romano's Macaroni Grill for dinner and Em started off with two fruity martinis while I had one sangria since I was going to be DD (designated driver.) We went back to my mom's place so everyone could get ready. My dad, Em's boyfriend, Em and I were the only one's who went (though that's the way Emily wanted it.) Nobody really knew where they wanted to go so I kind of forced everyone to go to American Junkie in old town Scottsdale. I payed for everyone's drinks there which ended up costing quite a bit. Emily had like 5 shots in the 30 minutes that we were there including a 3 Wise Men shot (I heard this shot was quite nasty but get's you really drunk.) We then went to this country bar in Cave Creek which was like 45 minutes away from old town. It was pretty interesting. I pretty much just sat by myself, drinking my Coke and eating peanuts while they all played pool. Emily was pretty drunk by this point (I think she had another 5 more shots there....her theme song that night was that song "Shots"..."shot, shot, shot, shot, shot...".) When the bar started clearing out we went to another country bar (this was at about 1 or 1:15...the bars here close at 2.) Everyone continued getting drunk. Emily and I had the best heart to heart conversation about our past and us not being able to show how much we love each other and things like that. I'm sure it was pretty funny to watch...two girls that don't look like they belong in a bar like that (though Em looked like she belonged there more than I did), holding hands, crying. I've got to admit I don't enjoy being around drunk people but being around my sister, her boyfriend, and dad was pretty amusing. The drive home was interesting to say the least. Emily kept shaking her booty right in front of my face while was trying to drive. We had to stop on the side of the road because all of them needed to pee. I thought it was hillarious how they were all lined up peeing (though I was kind of worried about a cop seeing and giving them a ticket for public indecency...though I'm sure my sister would've tried to talk him/her out of it since it was her birthday.) What sucks is that I couldn't even go straight home when I dropped them off. I had to pick up one of my friends because he didn't have his vehicle and drive him to his place...though it was only 10 minutes away from my house.

The next day was mother's day. I don't know how hungover everyone was...I'm sure it was pretty bad. We were supposed to do a bbq but mom decided to cancel it and went to the movies instead with dad. I'm going to give her the mother's day gifts I got her (a necklace, a sunflower windchimes, and a bunch of home videos that I had converted to DVD's) on Saturday when I go over to their house for dad's birthday. We are going to Famous Dave's and then going to see some movie (hopefully it's not Bounty Hunter or Date Night since I just saw it, though I know it won't be Iron Man 2 since my mom and dad just saw that.) Actually I just realized that we are going to see Robin Hood which should be pretty cool.

I had to get some cavities filled the other day. I've never had cavities before so it was kind of weird to get this procedure done. I guess the cavities were really deep because they had to drill into the teeth and fill them. I was so freaked out about getting the anesthetic shot. I scheduled the appointment later in the day so I would for sure get enough sleep and I ate a little before the appointment (I try to do these things so I don't pass out when I get stuck with the needle.) It's really weird because I hate needles and always get super faint when I have to get shots or get blood drawn but the thought of doing it to someone else doesn't really freak me out that much. Anyhoo so they had to give me 5 anesthetic shots which I thought was a little much but turned out to be perfect. The drilling wasn't bad at all and didn't really faze me though it was super cold on my teeth. The only thing that sucked was keeping my mouth open really wide the whole time (it took like an hour to do.) There was one point were my jaw started quivering and I couldn't really keep it open. My mouth still kind of hurts. I can keep my mouth open pretty long hehe...but that was a little too long for me. It was weird how much of my face was numb. I couldn't feel myself breathing and my eyes were numb too. When I got home I noticed that I had snot running all down my face. Hopefully that wasn't there for too long. Unfortunately they still have to fill in another spot. That appoinment is in another two weeks I think.

danielle_ftv 05-20-2010 09:32 AM

May 20, 2010
2:30 in the morning. Still up (completely typical of me though.) Just got done editing 2 1/2 candid photo sets. Took me about 3 hours to do. Should probably go to bed soon since I have a busy day tomorrow (got to get my nails done, my tires changed, and LB groomed.)


danielle_ftv 05-20-2010 09:33 AM


danielle_ftv 05-20-2010 09:34 AM


danielle_ftv 05-21-2010 07:26 AM

May 21, 2010
Hey everyone, I finally made an Amazon wish list. There is some pretty interesting stuff on there.


danielle_ftv 05-22-2010 04:55 AM

May 21, 2010
Todays shoot went fantastic! I got to meet Geezer (one of my members here) and I got to see T-Bone Thomas again for the second time. They assisted my shoot (and took some pictures during it) and we had a really tasty lunch together with FTVRob. I got an "Earth Goddess" video and picture shoot done (yet again shot in another purple outfit), my 22nd birthday video and picture (I wanted to do my first squirt scene but it didn't happen...also didn't get as much pictures as I normally do for this shoot ) and a dressy, public resort video shoot (didn't get as much video footage as I normally do for this shoot.) But all in all today went great.

Here are some pics from today

danielle_ftv 05-26-2010 01:42 AM

May 25, 2010


Some of you were requesting pictures of me in my glasses so here they are.

This one was taken a few days ago.

danielle_ftv 05-28-2010 12:29 AM

May 27, 2010
I forgot to show you this site that I was on. If you are a Packers fan then you should LOVE it!

danielle_ftv 06-02-2010 12:30 AM

June 1, 2010
My dog seriously just took a poo on my book right during my webcam schedule. Guess she doesn't like the Kings and Queens of England and Scotland.

danielle_ftv 06-04-2010 06:53 AM

June 3, 2010
Listening to Sneaker Pimps "6 Underground" by far one of the sexiest songs on Earth.

Honestly it's kind of depressing going through my website statistics on CCBill. I get thoroughly p!ssed when I see the chargeback numbers (a big F U to people who do that....I hope you burn in hell!) and especially when people cancel from my website and list the reason as "unsatisfied". What the heck are you unsatisfied about? Everything that is in the members area is listed in the non-members area. You pretty much see everything you are going to get before even entering the members area. I've covered pretty much everything that I can...and plan on covering a lot more in the future. I probably shouldn't be telling people how much this affects me (not that it really does all that much...just when I go on CCBill and I've only recently gotten a logon for the site.) I'm tempted to go through every single account and contact them and ask why they put down that they are unsatisfied (though that could take a pretty long time.) I always get a kick out of when people list their cancellation reason as "minor used card" (I have about 13 of those so far this year)....that's pretty sneaky! Glad to see that I'm popular with the under 18 crowd ;). Looking at the statistics it looks like the Americans seem to be the shadiest people. They are the ones who are getting refunds and doing other shady stuff. SHAME ON YOU! I completely understand listing "fraud" on the cancellation reason...actually I've had my card stolen and used only to join up on various porn sites (I got a kick out of that after I had gotten over the fact that someone stole the info in the first place.)

Today was a pretty busy day for me. I got my nails done, my eyebrows waxed, and my eyelashes done. I also got a smoothie (same kind as usual....passionfruit cove...kind of craving one right now) and went to Best Buy to buy the little tapes for the little video cameras but they were completely sold out so I bought a purple memory stick, a new charger for my camera, and some speakers for the computer Robbie Robhead gave me for my birthday/Christmas present. I was so tempted to buy a Flip Ultra HD camcorder (it's the perfect size to carry around in your purse for a random candid video) but since I'm trying to be less frivolous and financially responsible this year I decided it wouldn't be the best thing to do (though it would be tax deductible!) I was supposed to get airbrushed tanned but was so tired when I got home that I ended up taking a nap instead.

Since I am a total hypochondriac I know think I have hypersomnia....or maybe I have narcolepsy. Either way I tend to sleep at least 10-12 hours at night and then still want to nap during the day. I have an annual physical coming up so I will have to ask my doctor about that. I assume that I will have to do a sleep study at a sleep clinic, but how do you test for hypersomnia? I mean I assume that they will let you sleep as long as you want (I hope they do at least otherwise I will be grouchy as heck when they wake me up), but do they also keep you there like 24 hours to see how long you sleep?

danielle_ftv 06-11-2010 09:35 PM

June 11, 2010
Should I call/text him or not? I met this Englishman in Vegas last weekend at the Rehab pool party. I was totally not expecting to hook up at all in Vegas since I'm not into one night stands and generally don't like meeting people in a club type atmosphere. But we got along really well. The funny thing is I was the one to approach him (which is highly unusual for me). I was hanging out around his area for like an hour with my friends before I found an excuse to say hi. He was digging around in his man purse and I thought he was looking for suntan lotion (he has that super white English skin that seems to burn really easy) so I did a total ninja move and whipped out my lotion asking him if he needed any (apparently he was looking for a camera...not suntan lotion.) He's very funny and doesn't take any crap from me (which is a good thing since I need a guy that can "dish it" right back to me....Dallas says that we both like guys that have a teensie bit of a$$holish quality to them...I would disagree and say that I just like it when a guy can stand up to me and take charge like a real man should.) He's also very charming and has fabulous manners. We ended up spending Sunday and Monday together and I extended my trip to Tuesday so that I could spend an extra day with him. I feel so stupid because the last night I ended up crying a bit in front of him. I just get attached so easy and tend to fall in love really quick (not that I'm saying I'm in love with him or anything.) The thing is I can really only be with one person at a time. When I'm given my "heart/emotions" to someone the thought of being with anyone else is just so unappealing an that's what is happening right now. Dallas thinks I'm crazy and that I should look for someone else (especially since he lives in London) but I really can't. He knows about my website and is totally cool with it (I showed him a few of the videos). We talked about him visiting and I told him that since I work from home I could visit pretty much anytime. I know there is a weird unspoken rule about not calling or texting for three days, but I find that completely ridiculous. Dallas doesn't think I should call or text and that I should wait for him to do it first. I've added him on Facebook (actually I did that Sunday night) and he hasn't yet accepted my friendship request. Grr....I really want to cry right now. I'm so tired of all the mind games and B.S. that comes with relationships. Last night while reading a book I almost started crying because the main characters relationship seemed so perfect to me...something I definitely want and seem to have been looking for, for so long now. I seem to always have people tell me to enjoy being single and young but honestly I was never one to really like being single.

So anyways, Vegas was a lot of fun. The plane ride there was really easy. I ended up riding with Mike (Dallas' room mate) since everyone else was already in Vegas. The only people who went was Mike, Dallas, Dallas' boyfriend, Nikko, and Dave. I totally forgot my phone in Arizona and was supposed to meet up with one of my members at the Pink Taco a couple hours after I landed but wasn't able to since I couldn't figure out where he was. I ended up hanging around the Rehab pool where Pink Taco is hoping that maybe the member would recognize me. It was pretty freaking hot there and I was already pretty irritated because the Rehab pool people wouldn't let me bring my video camera with me into the pool area so I had to check it. My room also wasn't ready until a couple hours later (but that was okay since they upgraded my room.) What also sucks is that the room rate I got (I ended up getting a 20% discount when I called in to change the room dates) didn't include passes to Rehab so I really didn't save any money at all. The hotel room was very spacious which I was very happy about. At about 6 o'clock Dallas and I went to the Mac cosmetics store to get our makeup done. They were already super busy when we got there and when we tried to talk to someone about setting up a makeup makeover time the lady turned away and started helping these other girls. We were in a huge rush because the party bus was supposed to be at our hotel at 8 and it would take about an hour to get the makeup done and an hour to get ready, so we ended up complaining to the manager and she got us in about 10 minutes later which was so cool of her. The makeup job they did on me was absolutely gorgeous.


We did end up being late to get on the party bus but that was because of Rob F (Dallas' bf), Dave, and Nikko. We had the party bus for 4 hours so we drove around Las Vegas the whole time. We went back to the hotel to pick up some of our friends who live in Vegas....which Mike was all happy about since that meant he wasn't girlless anymore. The girls that we picked up were pretty interesting. One of them ended up getting completely trashed and kept on offering to lick my ***** (which I would've gladly accepted if Dave, Nikko, and Rob F weren't on the bus.) Her friend and her also got completely naked and started traumatizing Nikko which made her boyfriend Dave mad. Mean while me being the completely sober one I go over and try to diffuse the situation. We ended off our night at Rain which was also another fiasco. Mike ended up disappearing with the two girls from Vegas...we later found out that he had an all night threesome with them. We met our LA friends Scott and a girlfriend and David who was there for the poker tournament. Scott was supposed to get us into Rain but apparently we weren't on the list (which he had been told we were) so we had to wait in another line for about 45 minutes while the group tried to figure out what to do. We were able to make it in because Scott finally talked to the right person and got us passes in. Rain was a ton of fun but the group ended up splitting up so I ended up spending most of the night with David. I met some guy and girl from Vancouver. They were a ton of fun and we went to Drai's afterhours club with them at about 2:30.

I only got about 3 or 4 hours of sleep on Saturday night so I was kind of iffy about going to Rehab and having to sit in the sun all day but I am so glad I did. Mike's old ex had a table near the Englishman I was writing about earlier so that's how I ended up around him. I really didn't drink much that day since I didn't want to get sun stroke (and alcohol tends to bring it on quicker.) Dallas was all excited because there was several times that the Rehab t.v. show cameras were on her. We ended up staying all day (I stayed even longer because I was hanging out with the Brit.) Dallas and Rob left because Rob had to catch a flight in a couple hours since he had to be at work the next day. That night Dallas, Mike and I met up with the Brit's group who had a table at Vanity. I loved the set up of the club but the music was terrible. None of my group really listens to rap or hip hop and that was really all they were playing. We didn't stay there too long...maybe until 3 or so then we all went back to my room and crashed out for the night. Monday we went to the Rio buffet. I absolutely love that buffet but the only reason I really go there is for crab legs and they weren't serving them at that time. Dallas and Mike ended up taking off for the airport while I went with my Brit to his hotel were we ended up crashing out again until later on that night. We didn't really do much that night since none of them wanted to get so drunk that they would be hungover on the 10 hour flight the next day. We ate at Outback (btw the sangrias there are pretty good), rode on the New York, New York roller coaster (my Brit didn't because he is scared of heights), then him and I went back to the hotel room while the rest of them went to the hotel bar. Tuesday day was spent walking around the Caesar's Forum shops. I didn't know this but apparently England doesn't have Victoria's Secret, so one of the guys was buying a bunch of body spray from there for his girlfriend (who he also met in Vegas the year before...she lived in Canada and moved to England to be with him and they've been together for 9 months now).

Leaving my Brit sucked big time. I'm really not sure if we will ever talk again. I really hope so because I really, really like him and can definitely see myself with him (and yes I know I've only known him for a few days...but so what....I believe in love at first sight and soul mates.) I have a bunch of presents from you guys that I have to do a video log for. I got a printer from someone but I think FTVRob accidentally took the gift tag off of it because I can not figure out who it's from. The other day I went out to eat at the Persian Room (one of my favorite restaurants) with FTVRob then we watched about 4 hours of Heroes. Yesterday was pretty busy for me. Dallas came over and we worked out together. We also went to the mall for books on juicing diets, Victoria's Secret clothing (which I really didn't need), and random stuff for my house. We also went to Petsmart were I almost adopted a kitten. Thank gawd I talked myself out of it because I don't even have all the necessary items for a cat yet.

I have a shoot this Sunday. I will be doing my 4th of July update and a shoot with Love Bug. I bought some very cute clothes for the both of us to wear during the shoot.

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