FTV Girls Danielle Forum

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ugo 05-25-2009 09:30 PM

Alison is the one girl that I continue to dream. :)

Because Alison is a real sweet girl of my dreams.

That dream, which sometimes gives me the moral support of my life.

I believe and I think to be a real man always dreaming sweet Alison.

In a sign of my total respect and genuine friendship towards Alison Angel.

you're giving me the position to continue to admire the real sweetness of Alison.
I am late with my videos.
I'm sorry.

WhyYou 05-25-2009 09:44 PM


Originally Posted by ugo (Post 11961)
Alison is the one girl that I continue to dream. :)

Because Alison is a real sweet girl of my dreams.

That dream, which sometimes gives me the moral support of my life.

I believe and I think to be a real man always dreaming sweet Alison.

In a sign of my total respect and genuine friendship towards Alison Angel.

you're giving me the position to continue to admire the real sweetness of Alison.
I am late with my videos.
I'm sorry.

Ugo, we are all aware of your love for Alison. But please try to remember that this is Lia's forum. Continually posting about just Alison is violating the guidelines.

mart 05-25-2009 09:48 PM

Ugo! Lia and Alison are special to me as well. That's why i do so many of these videos, just for the sheer enjoyment it brings to me and sharing them.:)

mart 05-25-2009 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by WhyYou (Post 11962)
Ugo, we are all aware of your love for Alison. But please try to remember that this is Lia's forum. Continually posting about just Alison is violating the guidelines.

I'm sorry WhyYou it's my fault, maybe i shouldn't add Alison's tributes here?.:)

WhyYou 05-25-2009 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 11965)
I'm sorry WhyYou it's my fault, maybe i shouldn't add Alison's tributes here?.:)

The key word is "just"...if you put a Lia video and an Alison video in the same post then you're okay because of the Lia content.

ugo 05-26-2009 06:57 AM

I apologize to Lia.
For other things that I would likely give tributes to Alison Angel (meaning my total respect) that I can post from my thread for She in FTVchat.

captnjack 05-26-2009 09:20 AM

I liked those Mart and even though they are some of your early tribute video I think they are quite good.

mart 05-28-2009 06:17 PM

Had a few hours spare last night. So i thought i'd throw together another Lia tribute lol. This ones called "Beautiful Lia" with the soundtrack "Beautiful life" by Ace of base. I really hope you like this one, i mean i'd hate to think i've wasted an evening lol j/k.:)


T-bone Thomas 05-28-2009 08:14 PM

Another great video Mart. Wonderful! And guess what, I didn't know that one yet, lol. And there's still plenty of space in my "Mart's videos" folder.

Anoree 05-28-2009 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 12156)
Had a few hours spare last night. So i thought i'd throw together another Lia tribute lol. This ones called "Beautiful Lia" with the soundtrack "Beautiful life" by Ace of base. I really hope you like this one, i mean i'd hate to think i've wasted an evening lol j/k.:)


The master of tribute videos strikes again! ;)

It's a beautiful video. You definetely didn't waste that evening.
Great work, again.

mart 05-29-2009 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Anoree (Post 12162)
The master of tribute videos strikes again! ;)

It's a beautiful video. You definetely didn't waste that evening.
Great work, again.

Thanks Anoree, although i did have a feeling i wasn't wasting my evening.:D

mart 05-29-2009 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by T-bone Thomas (Post 12161)
Another great video Mart. Wonderful! And guess what, I didn't know that one yet, lol. And there's still plenty of space in my "Mart's videos" folder.

Thanks T-bone it's always fun doing these videos, or is it because i like watching Lia too much! lol.:D

DWM222 05-29-2009 11:21 PM

Once again...good job Mart:)

mart 05-30-2009 09:57 AM

Thanks DWM222 glad you like it.:)

ugo 06-08-2009 08:36 AM

Friend Mart,

Are not there others your new photoshops?
I am alone. And without also Willi and Shink1m.:(

mart 06-08-2009 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by ugo (Post 12732)
Friend Mart,

Are not there others your new photoshops?
I am alone. And without also Willi and Shink1m.:(

Your never alone in the photoshop department Ugo, i'm working on one now and will soon post. Just been a little busy lately.:)

ugo 06-09-2009 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 12750)
Your never alone in the photoshop department Ugo, i'm working on one now and will soon post. Just been a little busy lately.:)

My pleasure to see others new your special photoshops devoted to Lia and Alison Angel !!:)

mart 06-17-2009 07:36 PM

Here's another fun video of Lia, well i had a few spare hours this afternoon lol. This one is called "Loving Lia 2" music by Alice Dj. Hope you like it.:)


laranger 06-17-2009 07:55 PM

Another great video from Mart, thanks for all of your work on these.

Anoree 06-17-2009 10:23 PM

Yes, it's another awesome one from the Master of Tribute Videos. Great work, Mart!

CVphotoart 06-18-2009 02:32 AM

Great work! You put some time into these and I am impressed and I know we all really appreciate your videos! Beautiful work

Geezer 06-18-2009 07:35 AM

I'm sure some of the "tribute videos" are top quality but I just do NOT have the time to watch them. It is hard for me to believe so many people literally obsess over girls who are "retired" and gone from the Adult Scene. It's sad some people just don't have a life of their own.:(:(

mart 06-18-2009 09:06 AM

Thanks Laranger, Anoree, CVphotoart. Happy you all liked it, i get a lot of enjoyment making them and sharing them.:)

mart 06-18-2009 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Geezer (Post 13117)
I'm sure some of the "tribute videos" are top quality but I just do NOT have the time to watch them. It is hard for me to believe so many people literally obsess over girls who are "retired" and gone from the Adult Scene. It's sad some people just don't have a life of their own.:(:(

I'm just a big fan of Lia's and i would never consider myself obsessed with her Geezer. I like creating videos of FTV girls Lia19, Alisonangel, and Danielle and have always had an interest in video. As far as i'm aware Lia hasn't retired, even if she has i'll still make tributes of her because it's what i like to do in my spare time. As for not having a life of my own. I live alone since i parted from my girlfriend some years back and i guess i don't have much of a life on my own, but i'm happy.

ugo 06-18-2009 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Geezer (Post 13117)
I'm sure some of the "tribute videos" are top quality but I just do NOT have the time to watch them. It is hard for me to believe so many people literally obsess over girls who are "retired" and gone from the Adult Scene. It's sad some people just don't have a life of their own.:(:(

I was not the only me "obsessed" for Alison Angel. We have to get habituated to our lives of deadly commune.

And also they has one true life of theirs and clean. Alison Angel teaches.

ugo 06-18-2009 03:17 PM

To see the clean videos of Mart is as to see the beautiful dreams of in love sweet toward her queen Lia. The merit of Mart is the gentleness and the sweetness. How to know to love well a woman.:)

Geezer 06-18-2009 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 13120)
I'm just a big fan of Lia's and i would never consider myself obsessed with her Geezer. I like creating videos of FTV girls Lia19, Alisonangel, and Danielle and have always had an interest in video. As far as i'm aware Lia hasn't retired, even if she has i'll still make tributes of her because it's what i like to do in my spare time. As for not having a life of my own. I live alone since i parted from my girlfriend some years back and i guess i don't have much of a life on my own, but i'm happy.

I apologize! I wasn't in the best of moods and wrote something I shouldn't have. I think, more than anything, I'm jealous some of the members have so much free time and skills to create photoshop displays and videos. I've tried a couple of times to use Photoshop but I just don't have the patience nor artistic ability.

I do use XP moviemaker to create my travel videos but I don't know how to add music or voice over. Again, sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings.

captnjack 06-19-2009 06:28 AM

Mart you have a gift for putting the tribute videos together. I always enjoy them.

mart 06-20-2009 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by Geezer (Post 13129)
I apologize! I wasn't in the best of moods and wrote something I shouldn't have. I think, more than anything, I'm jealous some of the members have so much free time and skills to create photoshop displays and videos. I've tried a couple of times to use Photoshop but I just don't have the patience nor artistic ability.

I do use XP moviemaker to create my travel videos but I don't know how to add music or voice over. Again, sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings.

Thanks for the apology Geezer, to be honest i was annoyed at your post, nice to know it wasn't meant. Never mentioned this before, but i also make family videos i have a lot of family home videos and it's always been me to put them together. I had three sisters, two of which i sadly lost. Also a brother and 9 nieces, 5 nephews so there's a lot of family material i have lol. My first tributes i made were of my lost sisters who i obviously miss, but keep their memories alive by the home videos i made of them. I have about 30 homevideos of family holidays and various events and i watch them quite often.:)

Thank you for your kind words Ugo, Lia, Alison and Danielle are just quite special girls and of cause FTV is a special site because of it's uniqueness.:)

Thank you also Captnjack, i'll always have a fascination in video editing and i'm happy there are people out there who like them as well.:)

mart 07-23-2009 06:51 PM

Here's another fun tribute video of Lia. This ones called "Lia19 chills out" with the soundtrack "you can't touch this" by McHammer, mister baggypants himself lol. This is just another one i thoughly enjoyed making.:)


Anoree 07-23-2009 10:58 PM

Another one of your great videos, mart!
I really enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing.

captnjack 07-23-2009 11:05 PM

Very good Mart. "Can't touch this!"

mart 07-24-2009 01:36 PM

Thanks Anoree, Captnjack always a pleasure in sharing fun videos like this one.:);)

DWM222 08-16-2009 12:49 AM

Mart...almost missed this one..I like it..Thanks!

mart 08-16-2009 03:05 PM


Originally Posted by DWM222 (Post 14908)
Mart...almost missed this one..I like it..Thanks!

Better keep up!, i have many more to add soon.:D;)

DWM222 08-17-2009 03:02 AM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 14924)
Better keep up!, i have many more to add soon.:D;)

Looking forward to it Mart...Looking forward to it:)

mart 09-13-2009 01:47 PM

This is another earlier one of Lia "Lia19 the look" with the soundtrack "Got my mind set on you" by George Harrison. Hope you like it.:)


DWM222 09-13-2009 06:32 PM

I like it..thanks (remember...I have plenty of room for downloads:) )

captnjack 09-13-2009 06:49 PM

That's a good one Mart I think the sound track fits well.

willi 09-14-2009 06:55 AM

wowwwww mart !!!!!!!!!!
thanks for this LOOK....:)


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