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laranger 07-24-2009 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 14232)
I fully agree Texasdrake guess he just wanted that first fine under his belt, yet my niece has been driving for about 2 years and has never received any kind of driving fine for speeding or parking. Does that say anything about male v female driving? lol.

Well, for one thing, it might say that she is not a risk taker.

Texasdrake 07-24-2009 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 14232)
I've decided not to be annoyed with him. I might have done the same at his age which was quite a long time ago, if only i could remember lol. I fully agree Texasdrake guess he just wanted that first fine under his belt, yet my niece has been driving for about 2 years and has never received any kind of driving fine for speeding or parking. Does that say anything about male v female driving? lol.

Well as for male Vs Female drivers its hard to say.Think it mostly depends on the personThink over all most teenage boys are risk takers as for driving ,but you'll find a few girls who would make the Duke boys (Dukes of Hazzard T.V. show) look like timid drivers.

mart 07-25-2009 11:15 AM


Originally Posted by laranger (Post 14244)
Well, for one thing, it might say that she is not a risk taker.

Your absolutely right Laranger, she is a very good driver with good consideration for other drivers. Even when the odd driver would cut her up by changing lanes without indicating or is overtaken, all she'll say is "what an idiot" as for me i would be tooting my horn and swearing very loudly and even waving a fist occasionally lol. In heavy traffic she remains calm, not the case for my nephew like most young drivers he would be revving the hell out of the engine always edging forward to getting as close as he can to the front car. He has absolutely no patience for slow traffic. In my opinion i just think woman are generally more careful drivers than us men. It always seems to me that men and speed go together, rather than women and speed. Although i'd like to hear from any female members here, such as MISSY as to what they think.

Texasdrake 07-25-2009 01:08 PM

Yeah when someone cuts me off if you was sitting next to me you be getting an earfull of very colorful phrases and giving the other driver the 1 finger salute. :D
I was being "Nice" compare to a few people..you might have heard some stories from the states where people have a bad case of the road rage and use thier hand guns instead.Here in Texas its legal to carry a hand gun as long as you pass a course and carry the gun license.I bet every case it was a man not a woman pulling the gun out. :(

mart 07-25-2009 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Texasdrake (Post 14278)
Yeah when someone cuts me off if you was sitting next to me you be getting an earfull of very colorful phrases and giving the other driver the 1 finger salute. ::D. :(

But which one of us would be the louder Texasdrake?, i can be very loud lol.:D

As for guns, that's just the ultimate in roadrage. That is seriously crazy. So i guess in the states you just have be careful as you just don't know what the other driver is thinking or carrying. To me that is scary.

tigger 07-25-2009 08:37 PM

I got the dreded blue screen of death on my acer computer. Missy thinks she is going to have to whipe it out totaly and reinstall windows in it. She got me hooked up on my panasonic toughbook till she can get my other one working.

Texasdrake 07-25-2009 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 14289)
But which one of us would be the louder Texasdrake?, i can be very loud lol.:D

As for guns, that's just the ultimate in road rage. That is seriously crazy. So i guess in the states you just have be careful as you just don't know what the other driver is thinking or carrying. To me that is scary.

Well wouldn't know who be the loudest,but think it be fun hearing a Brit saying a few colorful phrases..always thought the english accent was pretty cool and hearing it when someone is cussing doesn't sound so bad.You most likely have someone say well thank you instead F**K Y*U. (LOL)
As for the ultimate roadrage yeah well we had a few cases of road rage locally that had a driver pulled out a gun and used it.Some might get lucky and the shooter is a bad shoot and just end up with holes in thier car.So far hand gun road rages are rare and not a normal everyday thing.

Texasdrake 07-25-2009 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 14290)
I got the dreded blue screen of death on my acer computer. Missy thinks she is going to have to whipe it out totaly and reinstall windows in it. She got me hooked up on my panasonic toughbook till she can get my other one working.

That sucks Tigger hopefully Missy can fix it.

mart 07-26-2009 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 14290)
I got the dreded blue screen of death on my acer computer. Missy thinks she is going to have to whipe it out totaly and reinstall windows in it. She got me hooked up on my panasonic toughbook till she can get my other one working.

Sorry to hear that Tigger, i've heard of the blue screen of death but never seen one. Hope MISSY can sort it.:)

mart 07-26-2009 07:05 PM

Now this is what i call a cool video, a homemade bandsaw and the cut is pretty straight. You Kentucky boys certainly know how to cut wood. Wish they'd make me one like that lol.:D


captnjack 07-27-2009 07:51 AM

Pretty handy alright but you should see what they can do with a tank, some copper tubing, sugar and corn mess!

tigger 07-28-2009 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by captnjack (Post 14338)
Pretty handy alright but you should see what they can do with a tank, some copper tubing, sugar and corn mess!

I do . lol

Texasdrake 07-28-2009 08:42 PM

Yeah good old fashion Moonshine..too bad I never had a chance to see what it taste like.

MISSY 07-29-2009 02:08 AM

Boy must be somthing in the air, Tigger got pissed at Amanda today. I can't say I blame him for being mad eather. He has thies old pair of shoes that he likes to wair sometimes, he calls them his comfy shoes, we all have that fav pair of shoes we like to lounge in, well Amanda thru them out and bought him a new pair, same kind. what she dosent relise is they were comfy because they were broke in. He is so mad that he is in with Jeromy and I , he is already sound asleep. and i have not been able to fix his other computer yet. Windows is fryed in it and he does not have a back up disk so he is going to have to weight till he gets home and can use Sarahs disk to reinstall windows. and the first thing im going to do is make him a backup disk incase this ever happens again. It apears im the only one still awake, Jeromy and tigger are snoring away. Amanda is pry still crying her self to sleep and pry just cant understand why he is madd!!!!!!

mart 07-29-2009 05:33 PM

I can understand why Tigger's mad, but tell him at the end of the day their only a pair of shoes. I'm sure Amanda's sorry and actually meant well by buying him a new pair. We all know everyone makes mistakes from time to time. Hope Tigger makes it up with Amanda soon and maybe buy her a little gift because she meant well. Just my pennies worth MISSY.

MISSY 07-30-2009 12:17 AM

Well he is back in the room with her. He is already out for the night. we got here to pick up a load and it has not gotten here yet, was suposed to be here at noon and it is 8 pm it wont be here till about 11 pm so we have to got up at 3 am and get on the road so we can del. it on time friday. Mrs Parker is chewing on the other drivers butt for not having it here on time.

mart 07-30-2009 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by MISSY (Post 14390)
Well he is back in the room with her. He is already out for the night. we got here to pick up a load and it has not gotten here yet, was suposed to be here at noon and it is 8 pm it wont be here till about 11 pm so we have to got up at 3 am and get on the road so we can del. it on time friday. Mrs Parker is chewing on the other drivers butt for not having it here on time.

Obviously i don't know the routes these guys take, but it may not be their fault entirely. Maybe they hit bad traffic or road accident. I know it's a completely different field but we have late deliveries quite often of timber loads even when their promised at a certain time and it's usually because of bad traffic. Personally i think there is just too traffic everywhere. I've been late for work many a time all because of unpredicted heavy traffic, which can't be helped.

tigger 08-12-2009 11:03 PM

Please click one of the Quick Reply icons in the posts above to activate Quick Repl

captnjack 08-13-2009 02:14 AM

Hey tigger u back? Did you get your computer up and running?

Immortal 08-14-2009 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by Texasdrake (Post 14375)
Yeah good old fashion Moonshine..too bad I never had a chance to see what it taste like.

Tastes like FIRE Texasdrake. My grandfather had a still when i was about 10 years old a friend and i got into the shed and uncapped what we thought was water, even today that was still the mother of all hangovers.

Geezer 08-14-2009 03:26 AM

Anyone know where Ugo is? His last post was July 18th, I believe. I wonder if something happened to his mother or, maybe, the Mafia got him?

mart 08-14-2009 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by Geezer (Post 14828)
Anyone know where Ugo is? His last post was July 18th, I believe. I wonder if something happened to his mother or, maybe, the Mafia got him?

I was wondering the same thing Geezer, truely hope he's ok and his mum.

DWM222 08-15-2009 11:43 PM

Out of the loop
Since I've been out of the loop for a month or so, it looks like I have a bunch to catch up on in here..lot of good stories & pics I see..

Internet was out for over a month, just had service on my "Berry" then went on vacation in Tenn..Just got everything working again.

& Tigger..good to see you are making progress on the house..lookin good..(I just happen to be an interior trim carpenter if you need a bid on the finish work..LOL)..& I see you are having computer problems too..:)

tigger 08-16-2009 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by DWM222 (Post 14896)
Since I've been out of the loop for a month or so, it looks like I have a bunch to catch up on in here..lot of good stories & pics I see.. Internet was out for over a month, just had service on my "Berry" then went on vacation in Tenn..Just got everything working again. & Tigger..good to see you are making progress on the house..lookin good..(I just happen to be an interior trim carpenter if you need a bid on the finish work..LOL)..& I see you are having computer problems too..:)

computer is dead! im on my cell. have to get a new one.

DWM222 08-17-2009 02:28 AM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 14930)
computer is dead! im on my cell. have to get a new one.

Tigger...bummer man..I just had trouble with my service..got way better new service now though..Hope the new "puter" doesn't cost much:(

mart 08-18-2009 07:56 PM

Had bad drive home tonight, i knocked a young girl off her bicycle. I just didn't see her as i came round a bend on one the country lanes i use, luckly i was only going about 20mph and she wasn't hurt just had a few scratches. She assured me she was ok, just shaken up like me, i'm still shaking at the moment. I gave her lift home with the bicycle in the back. I offered to pay for any damage to the bicycle, but she said it was ok, just so glad i didn't hurt her. The more i think of it, the more i shake. We were both lucky it wasn't worse. First time i've ever hit a cyclist and i certainly never want to again. I've never been so scared before, seeing her in front on the ground, boy was i relieved for both of us that she was ok. So guys please don't make my mistake and remember cyclists and bikers, which i'm sure you do.

Immortal 08-18-2009 08:13 PM

Wow, sorry to hear that Mart. At least she is Okay and you are too. I had the same expirience about 20 years ago. Sadly though, mine did not have a happy ending. The kid (16 y.o.) had been drinking and tried to cross a busy highway, so i was not charged with anything. I try not to think about it.

Anoree 08-18-2009 08:49 PM

I feel with you, mart. I'm glad nobody got hurt.

A couple of years back I almost knocked a woman off her bicycle, too. Those moments stick with you for quite a while, making you rethink your driving habits.

I had been driving off our company's parking area, on a small, short side road with hedgerows on the sides. My incident happened on the intersection to the next bigger road. On the left, where I expect traffic to come from, the hedge is low enough to look over. On the right side the hedge is too tall to look over.
I was driving slow at the intersection to look for traffic. "My" bicyclist came from the right, driving on the pedestrian walk, and wanted to turn into my street. She had to break hard and bumped lightly into the front of my car's right side and started yelling at me.
She would have had the right of way, coming from the right, but she wasn't supposed to drive on the footpath. I couldn't see her at all through that hedgeway. To see her coming I would have had to drive halfway onto the intersection.
I think she was just as startled as I was. The steet I came from is mainly used by foot or by bicycle as a shortcut into the city. Cars aren't allowed to drive all the way, but it is one of two ways towards and from our parking lots.

I'm more or less back to my old habits, now. There wasn't much I could have done better anyway. I am still extra cautious at that intersection, though.

I agree, those moments get you shaking like a leaf.
Again, I'm glad nothing more serious than scars and the shocks happened.

Anoree 08-18-2009 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Immortal (Post 15010)
I had the same expirience about 20 years ago. Sadly though, mine did not have a happy ending.

I'm sorry to hear that, Immortal. I know you don't get over something like that completely, but I hope you got over it mostly.

captnjack 08-18-2009 11:13 PM

Glad both the girl and you are ok Mart. Cyclist are so difficult to see and because of their much slower speed you are upon them before you realize it.

captnjack 08-18-2009 11:15 PM

Sorry your incident didn't have a happy ending Immortal.

Immortal 08-18-2009 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Anoree (Post 15012)
I'm sorry to hear that, Immortal. I know you don't get over something like that completely, but I hope you got over it mostly.

Thanks Anoree, and i'm glad "yours" was minor as well. "Mine", well It's gotten easier to deal with over the years that's for sure.
I know what Mart is feeling right now, "What if she were badly injured" " She could have been killed!" I know the latter all too well. It took about two years to finally start to get on with my life. What keeps me sane when i do think about it is, If your drunk and riding a bike in heavy traffic, you get what you deserve. I know it sounds harsh, but i still to this day send flowers every year to the family for his grave.

mart 08-19-2009 05:38 PM

I'm so sorry i brought back a bad memory Immortal, i know it can't be easy to put it to back of your mind. that's really kind sending flowers for the boys grave.

Thanks for the words Immortal, Anoree, Captnjack.:)

Anoree 08-19-2009 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by Immortal (Post 15026)
If your drunk and riding a bike in heavy traffic, you get what you deserve. I know it sounds harsh, but i still to this day send flowers every year to the family for his grave.

I don't go as far as saying they get what they deserve, but some ask for accidents to happen. Whether they drive on the wrong side of the street, drunk, without light in the dark, ..., or all together.

I think it's comforting for the biker's family that he is not forgotten.


Originally Posted by mart (Post 15040)
Thanks for the words Immortal, Anoree, Captnjack.:)

You're quite welcome. :)

Immortal 08-19-2009 07:26 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 15040)
I'm so sorry i brought back a bad memory Immortal, i know it can't be easy to put it to back of your mind.
Thanks for the words Immortal, Anoree, Captnjack.:)

You are very welcome Mart. No you did not bring back a bad memory, you can't bring back what never goes away i just deal with it my own way so i can live a normal life.

Immortal 08-20-2009 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by captnjack (Post 15024)
Sorry your incident didn't have a happy ending Immortal.

Thanks captnjack, It was a life changing event.

mart 08-20-2009 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by Immortal (Post 15045)
You are very welcome Mart. No you did not bring back a bad memory, you can't bring back what never goes away i just deal with it my own way so i can live a normal life.

Of cause your right Immortal, guess my post didn't help though, sorry my friend. Time for a new subject.

captnjack 08-20-2009 11:00 PM

Time for something completely different as John Cleese would say.
Any Monty Python Or Fawlty Towers fans out there? Love the dead parrot sketch.

Immortal 08-20-2009 11:57 PM


Originally Posted by captnjack (Post 15081)
Time for something completely different as John Cleese would say.
Any Monty Python Or Fawlty Towers fans out there? Love the dead parrot sketch.

I love John Cleese! Monty python, Fawlty towers, Keeping up appearances, Benny hill, the young ones, OMG the list goes on. So yes, Big fan of British comedy here. Anyone remember the show, "Prisoner, cell block H"? whatever happened to that one?

Texasdrake 08-21-2009 12:04 AM

I'm a big fan of Brittish Comedies.First fell in love with them with Monty Python.Some I love better then others Red Dwarf was pretty much at the bottom of the list and Coupling is one of the top 5 for me.Had just finish rewatching all the seasons thanks to netflix.

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