FTV Girls Danielle Forum

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LeoRex 03-16-2009 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by T-bone Thomas (Post 9306)
Danielle, all you do for your members here and on your site is amazing. There is no better interaction between a model and her members than here. I'm sure 99% of your members here are so happy and thankful for what you do for them. Don't let your mood be ruined by one single post!
Enjoy your Spring Break.

Here here T-bone Thomas. After a bit of a hiatus I am back on the forum, and I was going to wait a while to read over some of the threads before making my first comeback post - but this definitely deserves comment.

Danielle - you are the absolute positive best - I have seen no one ever put as much into their site as you have - not only are you very attentive to your members and care about them, but you put your all into it especially with your very busy life. I can't thank you enough for your site, there is a reason why I only subscribe to your site and FTV - it is for the quality and for the attention that is paid to members by both Rob and yourself. Trust that your members appreciate you and all that you do - you are 100% gorgeous, 100% outgoing, 100% kind, and most importantly of all 100% genuine.

Along with T-bone Thomas I wish you the very best of Spring Breaks!!!

P.S. - Trust that I am going to be back for good now - no more long absences:cool:

CK1 03-16-2009 11:55 PM

Danielle is a rare kind of person. she is smart, sweet, caring and there is really no better way to describe her as just being amazing. To use an insult (and i don't care how you try to rationalize it, it was an insult) to try to get attention is the mark of an immature and inconsiderate person who really has no place on these message board. She puts 100% of her effort on everything she does including making her site as great as it is and spending so much time answer all our questions (which she does both written and on video... she doesn't have to do that) puts on web cam shows (where she takes request from the fans and goes out of her way to make as many people as she can happy) and even does special theme shoots for us. for who? US!!!!

Danielle, you are wonderful. have a great time on Spring Break. don't let the one loud SOB drown out the words of encouragement and admiration that the rest of use have because you an incredible person who deserves admiration and RESPECT. i hope you have a happy and safe Spring Break.

T-bone Thomas 03-17-2009 12:27 AM


Originally Posted by LeoRex (Post 9308)
Here here T-bone Thomas...

Does that mean I'm posting too much HERE? :)

geolarson2 03-17-2009 12:28 AM

Well, first off it takes one to know one, and as I could stand to lose a "few" pounds I can honestly say, Ms D, that you are absolutely perfectly perfect the way you are. You are the best you that you could be. In my be it ever so humble opinion, you never were fat, you never needed to worry about that. Physically, your figure is simply gorgeous--you are an artist's dream! For that matter, you are a work of art (and my little addition there is that women are proof that there is a God, that God is a woman, and men are proof that God has a sense of humour). And then there is the other, more important part of you--your personality that we see through your words and the time and effort you put into not just this site, but your devoted following, paid members or not. You are probably the most giving, kindest person I've encountered in a very long time. For me, the real beauty of you is what you write and share in your video logs, more so than in the rest of your work (and with that in mind, its considerable!). For what its worth, I adore and admire you for your openness and desire to make something fresh in a world that's gotten increasingly cynical and jaded, and that you choose to do it in this form, with all the social stigma some people will attach to it (hey, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Picasso and so on worked with lovely souls to create masterpieces in their day, and you are clearly the equal (at least) of Lisa Gherardini). You done something special here, Ms D, and you have my deepest and sincerest respect for it. I hope that a week of space will allow you the time to sort through all the rubbish you've gotten recently and find that peace within again. Be safe, have fun, and just breathe ...peace!

Dilbert49 03-17-2009 01:51 AM

Danielle, I don't post much, but rest assured I am a fan - just one of few words. I can only imagine how difficult it is to do what you do, but trust me, you are appreciated. I may, from time to time, check out some other site, but I almost always cancel within a day or two of signing up. This is the one that I keep.

I know that it is easier to say than to do, but try to keep your focus on those in this group who have shown that they care for you and appreciate you, rather than on those who seem to feel the need to be critical or hurtful. They don't deserve it.

Anoree 03-17-2009 04:05 AM


Originally Posted by danielle_ftv (Post 9301)
Question for all my members and fans on here:

Why should I continue putting so much of myself into this site when I get mean comments like "looks like you've gained some weight?" As much as I do for this site and you guys I just wonder why somebody would say something like that. I'm really hurt right now...do you people realize how hard it is to eat right and try to work out and look good, on top of running this site, shooting for other photographers, going to school, etc? It's not easy AT ALL! Maybe we should make this site more like the other generic single girl sites out there...where I might answer your messages but most likely I'll have someone else do it for me. And screw answering anything on this board or making PERSONAL video logs...what other single site girl does anything like that? NOBODY. I've put 110% of my heart and soul into this site. I share everything with you guys and have become friends with many of you. I've always been super honest about my life and haven't given false answers. F@ck it...I'm going to go enjoy my Spring Break now.

Danielle, I can only hope that you continue your interaction with us. That statement from kennyhello is so far from the truth that I didn't even found it worth a comment. You know I'm in awe about how much you do for us fans, from successfully loosing weight, over answering all our PMs, taking on to our suggestions in photo and video shoots, to making those precious personal video logs. All that while going to college full time, assisting Rob at FTV and supporting your family. You are certainly outstanding in what you do for your members.

I wish I had the willpower you have.

I said it before: From time to time there will be some idiot, sending you a PM or posting a comment on the board which will hurt you. Please don't take that to heart. I know, that's easy to say and hard to do. I hope the mass of admiring fans (and maybe the intensive friendship of a few fans) outweight the comments of a few brainless commentators.

Now go out, have a nice and safe spring break, and forget that comment.

Anoree 03-17-2009 04:21 AM


Originally Posted by kennyhello (Post 9304)
Sorry, I propably wouldn't have said. Because I didn't know that was hurtful to you. If I reconsider it again or I knew it was hurtful to you, then I wouldn't have said it. Sincerely appoligize, let forget what I have said. I always said something wrong, how are you doing?

Hello?!? Did you think at all while posting? Of course that comment was hurtfull! Even more so, as it's most untrue, and said to someone who made it clear what efforts she goes through to tone her figure.


I remember there is a idiom goes like this words don't hurt, sticks or rocks hurt. I am sure you understand what it means.
I heard somewhere the world is flat and pigs can fly. Words CAN hurt a lot, and your's did.


I really don't think you gained any weight, I just wanted to get some attention. Wasn't real. I hope it is understandable after my explanation.
Well, you succeeded in that. You've got all our attention, in the worst possible way.
And no, I can't understand at all what's gotten in to you to write that.

JiffyJeff_84 03-17-2009 05:34 AM

Your discovery and dreams!
Hello Danielle,

I am very happy to be able to get a chance to speak with you. Before I get to my question I want you to know that I'm a true fan. Not just of your work but everything else about you that I've seen on your site. To paraphrase a particualr cereal masscot I think you're, "GREAT!" LoL! Corny I know HA HA! :D

Here are my questions for you...

Your involvement with the adult industry has begun at such a young age my first question is.... Can you tell me how you first were discovered/ began your involvement in the adult industry?

Secondly, If you were to end your adult career tomorrow what would you like to do??? What dreams would you like to strive towards achieving? Any goals for yourself?

JiffyJeff_84 03-17-2009 05:57 AM

Danielle, Keep your head up!!!
Dear Danielle,
I prior to posting my above question to you I had originally begun it with the following letter below in the next paragraph. I had cut it out because I thought it might have been a little too much too soon. But, after seeing how the insensitivity of that person who posted before me hurt you so much I felt obligated to repost my letter to you because you deserve so much more than getting cutting remarks that hurt you....Btw Thank you for all you give us I'm truly thankful that you put so much of your heart and soul into your work.... I hope this makes you feel better ;)

To start out with I just want you to know that I think you are GREAT! You are really a positive role model for an industry too often rooted with the seeds of corruption. Seeing you perform as well as reading your profile or watching your video blogs has had an impact on not only myself but many others as you can see... I have so much respect for you because you've shown, where so many others fail, that you don't have to compromise your morals, integrity or pride to make it make in the adult entertainment world. Most importantly, Your website has torn down this mental wall in the A.E.I. world that separates fantasy from reality. You've given us a great gift by allowing us a chance to see you as a REAL person and not a sex toy, porn star or as moral majority might tag you... a slut. You seem like such a strong woman, When I look at your picture I see true beauty. Of course your thinking I'm talking about your body. Although you are extremely beautiful and very desirable (physically)
(B.T.W. your eyes are my no#1 favorite feature on you, they remind me of the the most radiantly beautiful diamonds you could ever find) ;)

...what I really think makes you beautiful is your personality. You seem to be so down to earth and intelligent. I was completely struck by your profile and seeing so many of your interests are those of my own too. Like paranormal/metaphysics, reading, walks, moments of randomness (like random drives to nowhere or sharing random facts)...
I feel like we could have so much to talk about. I just hope that, in time, we can become good friends. I apologize for the lenght but I just had so much on my mind that I thought you deserved to know about.

ugo 03-17-2009 10:20 AM


Originally Posted by Anoree (Post 9326)
Hello?!? Did you think at all while posting? Of course that comment was hurtfull! Even more so, as it's most untrue, and said to someone who made it clear what efforts she goes through to tone her figure.

I heard somewhere the world is flat and pigs can fly. Words CAN hurt a lot, and your's did.

Well, you succeeded in that. You've got all our attention, in the worst possible way.
And no, I can't understand at all what's gotten in to you to write that.

On the other hand we can not try to respond to someone who may not be mature in understanding the true values of a woman's dignity female as.
The woman is superior on man. But is forced to be lower to suffer bad words for those who love to talk about meaningless things.
Sometimes it's age which creates confusion in our social world really confused about women's spiritual valor.
I think to the ignorance of genital mutilation. Sexual exploitation. To the hypocrisy to trivialize things meaningless.

haseo626 03-17-2009 01:44 PM

here qustion
ehy ehat up i know your busy with class and stuff and well i got brithday coming on the 18 of march before i move i move and also i had a qustion what you favorite movie? and what your favorite type of food?

tigger 03-17-2009 01:53 PM

Wow. I just read what was said I cant belave some one would get on here and say somthing like that if it wasnt meant to be hurtfull. DANIELLE you are not fat!!!!!!!!!!! I think im correct in saying 99.9 % of us think your perfect the way you are dont let one over grown child upset you. just ignore him an let the rest of us show ya some love.

MISSY 03-17-2009 02:22 PM


Originally Posted by kennyhello (Post 9262)
??i don't know if it's illusion you looked skinnier a few months ago??:confused:
anyway, by the way, danielle, you are taking math, right? forget the previous question. totally disregard it.

all right, i am gonna borrow some space and some time in this question thread to ask you some really serious question, ready???

my question is "what is the area between y=sinx and y=cosx from one crossing to the next?"

i hope you can do my homework for me by tommorrow, thanks a lot. million kisses and hugs.

BOY you need a good a** whopen for that! I cold not believe it when tigg told me what was said. You never,never,never and never tell a lady that YOU think she is putting on weight. NEVER If you wanted some attn. try telling her how good she looks! Jeromy has done some stipid things but you take the cake. you need to get ( talking to woman for dummies) and study up a bit! :mad:

MISSY 03-17-2009 02:26 PM

Danielle you look fine. don't listen to that scum. the rest of your members love you and think the world of you!

ugo 03-17-2009 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by MISSY (Post 9342)
BOY you need a good a** whopen for that! I cold not believe it when tigg told me what was said. You never,never,never and never tell a lady that YOU think she is putting on weight. NEVER If you wanted some attn. try telling her how good she looks! Jeromy has done some stipid things but you take the cake. you need to get ( talking to woman for dummies) and study up a bit! :mad:

You said well Missy.

eastbill 03-18-2009 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by MISSY (Post 9342)
BOY you need a good a** whopen for that! I cold not believe it when tigg told me what was said. You never,never,never and never tell a lady that YOU think she is putting on weight. NEVER If you wanted some attn. try telling her how good she looks! Jeromy has done some stipid things but you take the cake. you need to get ( talking to woman for dummies) and study up a bit! :mad:

Missy i agree one thousand percent.

Danielle... you are amazingly beautiful. More than words can describe....nothing i write can truly attest to you.

eastbill 03-18-2009 12:31 AM


i hope you are not too hurt by those coments i would never consider anything so rude. you obviously put so much into this site... more than i could think possible. and i know by your true fans here all truly love you and hold you in the highest reguards. even as friends.

DWM222 03-18-2009 02:47 AM


Originally Posted by MISSY (Post 9343)
Danielle you look fine. don't listen to that scum. the rest of your members love you and think the world of you!

Yep...I agree with this quote..:)

birdie 03-18-2009 07:47 AM

hi danielle
Do u prefer wearing underwear or not?

CK1 03-18-2009 11:12 AM

If you look at video 107 on http://www.danielleftv.com/videos3.html you will see she answers that question.

danielle_ftv 03-20-2009 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by grande351 (Post 8274)
In Orianna's FTV update, she describes what an orgasm feels like to her. Could you please describe, as well as you can, what a really good "O" feels like to you?
If this is impossible for you to answer, I apologize. Being a guy, and therefore having no idea what a woman feels, I'm kind of curious. :)

This was a super difficult question to answer. Here is the VIDEO reply to your question.

danielle_ftv 03-20-2009 07:59 PM

BTW...thanks you guys for the super nice comments.

Seth 03-22-2009 09:00 AM

Danielle, you rock, you are the best :cool: I hope you are able to continue what you do here for a long time.

fgth45l 03-23-2009 02:12 PM

how difficult it is to talk about orgasm , much better to got them :):)

Texasdrake 03-25-2009 03:51 AM

Anything you want for 1 year?
Don't know if this question had already been posted..sorry for repeating if it was.
If money wasn't an issue or school..what would you do for 1 year if you had the means to do so?

danielle_ftv 03-25-2009 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Mergathal (Post 8346)
Hey Danielle,
First , Happy Valentines Day!

Second, I have to ask as a number of the sports you list are sports I have enjoyed or currently do enjoy.
You listed golf club/team on your page so I am curious as to what your handicap was/is and if you are still playing? And do you enjoy golfing still when you actually get the chance?
And what events in track and field did you do? I ran mostly the distance races like the mile, 800m, 4x400 relay and the 2 mile myself.
I also enjoy volleyball, soccer, and basketball but I hardly ever play but when I do, I find I am a little too competative, no matter that I may not be all that great at them! Do you ever find yourself getting that competative?
Another question I have to ask since you love to read (like me) is have you ever read any of the Wheel of Time books by Robert Jordan? That is a good fantasy series... too bad he passed away before he finished it. Oh and I have to add Isle of View is a part of my one of my favorite series of books by Peirs Anthony and if you liked those, I think if you have not read Robert Asprins Myth Adventures you should check that series out.

Anyway, I will stop at that. I guess I am just amazed because when you think of nude models, you don't really ever see the other side of them and I think it is great that you are not afraid to do so.:)


Here is the VIDEO reply to your questions.

Kent 03-26-2009 03:53 AM

Danielle, you are so awesome. You are sweet, generous, fun, and beautiful. I consider you a good friend. So, for me, awesome seems to cover it pretty well.

On the recent topic of orgasms, I was wondering how much you enjoy anal sex, and anal toys? Do they help you have an orgasm, or do you prefer vaginal and clitoral stimulation?

Either way, I sure hope you have a great orgasm while you read this :D

Thanks Danielle. You are a great gal, and every picture and video of you is a spectacular one!!

mart 03-26-2009 12:19 PM

I'm fascinated by you doing belly-dancing classes. Is this something you've always wanted to do?. Or is it purely for fun. Hopefully we'll get to see a hot belly-dance routine some day.:)

daniellemybelle 03-26-2009 06:37 PM

Hi Danielle,
You have said one of your goals is to pose for playboy and penthouse,maxim,etc. how are you working on achieving this?....other than having all us guys write in and demand you be in each magazine? Also what would your answers be to their questions of who you would like to meet?
turn ons? and turn offs?

versus 03-26-2009 08:58 PM

questions for danielle
Some of the questions


How is the weight
Your favorite characters
sport Favorites

and What are you doing in your spare time

my friend versus :)

tigger 03-26-2009 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by versus (Post 9704)
some of the questions


how is the weight
your favorite characters
sport favorites

and what are you doing in your spare time

my friend versus :)

first of all you dont ask "how is the weight" if you dont like the way she looks go else wair. There is nothing wrong with her weight! All of your other questions can be answered in the " about me section"

bockwurstwasser 03-27-2009 07:06 AM

Sweet Danielle,
I have several Questions:

Who are your favourite female porn actresses?
any why do you like them?

Do you know or met Amy Ried and Ashlynn Brooke?
They are my favourites. If you know them, pls tell me how they are and if you like them.


birdie 03-27-2009 07:46 PM

hello sweet danielle
How do u like to be pleasured?what havent you tried?

danielle_ftv 03-29-2009 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by Danny (Post 8381)
Hi Danielle,

One of my 'turn on's' is interracial sex. Have you ever been sexually attracted to men or women of another race? Would love to know. Thanks for everything you do!:)

Here is the VIDEO reply to your question.

cute_teacher75 03-30-2009 03:47 AM

Hey Danielle;

It may be kinda late (seems everyone has already jumped in on the "weight" issue), but ya know what? The one saying that I (try to) live by is:

"The people who mind don't matter, and the people who matter don't mind."

You are a gorgeous woman with amazing eyes and a sweet voice. And if anyone doesn't like it... f--k 'em ;) (not literally)

Anyway... this may have been asked before, but what attracts you to a guy/ what do you look for in a guy? If it's been answered before, someone will probably redirect me :D

raman_bharti 03-30-2009 03:21 PM

Danielle, do you love and respect yourself?
Hi Danielle

How are you?
Hope you are doing well..

Few days back, during net surfing, i found your site. You look very beautiful and off the course you are..

Every time i see something, someone beautiful i admire the creation of GOD. i feel him in beauty.
If i could be the most richest man in the world i would have given my entire money to you..And would have not let you serve your self to others for sake of money..
Anyways thats not the case..

Do you respect yourself?
You have to realize that you are not respecting his creation. love and respect yourself, Danielle. And HE equally loves you..

Money is something if we use little head can be earned through other means..

Everybody in this universe is like a beautiful kid..
Have you ever observed yourself.
See what are you doing with yourself ?

Respect your self Danielle before it is too late for life..


T-bone Thomas 03-30-2009 07:16 PM

My comment to Raman_bharti's post
Raman_bharti seems to be one of those people who always know better how other people should live their life and earn their money. Sorry, but I think only one person has the right to determine how Danielle should live her life and earn her money and that's Danielle herself. Don't try to make Danielle feel bad about what she's doing.

tigger 03-30-2009 11:23 PM


Originally Posted by T-bone Thomas (Post 9776)
Raman_bharti seems to be one of those people who always know better how other people should live their life and earn their money. Sorry, but I think only one person has the right to determine how Danielle should live her life and earn her money and that's Danielle herself. Don't try to make Danielle feel bad about what she's doing.

I agree with this 100% why cant people mind there own bisness?

cute_teacher75 03-31-2009 01:33 AM

Let me get this straight - this guy is online, just HAPPENS to come across Danielle's site, and takes it upon himself to "save" poor ol' Danielle???

Question: How do you spell "loser"? I think we know the answer to that one - these sad individuals who feel they need to "save the world".

If we think about this, our pal Raman_bharti would have to have done a search for Danielle's site, meaning he willfully looked up a "sinful" site like this. If we follow this to its logical conclusion, I think Raman_bharti, if he was honest, would probably admit he was looking for nudie sites, then felt bad so he had to lash out and "save himself" by trying to "save" Danielle.

It's easy to find fault in others. Not so easy to admit fault in ourselves.

eastbill 03-31-2009 02:19 AM

i agree there.... you dont click on a site by accident.

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