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DWM222 06-13-2009 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by captnjack (Post 12836)
Bit of bad news for me today. My house was broken into while I was at work. I got a call from my security company saying they were detecting a front door intrusion and a motion sensor alert in the living room. Took me about 40 minutes to drive home and when I arrived a policemen was waiting and the front door was open. I was hoping the sound of the burglar alarm had frightened the thieves off and only the front door was damaged. But when I got out of my car the policemen came up to me and said that my house had indeed been broken into and it looked all that was stolen was my TV. He said that another house in my neighborhood was broken into yesterday and all the thieves took was the TV. Both neighbors on either side of me weren't home but my neighbor the street said he saw a red car in my driveway but just though I had company. I have insurance but with the deductible which is the lowest I could get it will still set me back several months.

Sorry to hear this...I hate thieves

tigger 06-13-2009 11:42 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 12925)
Sounds like a good lad Tigger.

He is a good kid. his sister needs a little guidence witch she is getting. After loosing his father he likes to hang around me when im home and i dont mind.

mart 06-14-2009 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 12952)
He is a good kid. his sister needs a little guidence witch she is getting. After loosing his father he likes to hang around me when im home and i dont mind.

He may see you as a sort of father figure i guess Tigger, i lost my father when i was young and i can understand how he must feel at times. I latched on to my Uncle til he sadly past on a year later. Toughest part of life, losing a parent.

captnjack 06-15-2009 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 12967)
He may see you as a sort of father figure i guess Tigger, i lost my father when i was young and i can understand how he must feel at times. I latched on to my Uncle til he sadly past on a year later. Toughest part of life, losing a parent.

A little added responsibility I guess Tigger, but I am sure you will do fine as a father figure.

Sorry to hear of your early lost Mart, that must have been difficult to have lost a farther and uncle at an early age. I lost a close uncle when I was a teenager but fortunately my farther who is 92 years old is still with us.

tigger 06-15-2009 06:28 PM

I will definetly do all that i can to help him out. and i need some one to go fishing with. as Sarah gets older she wants to be with her friends more witch is understandable. she is going to wair out her phone while she is out with me keeping up on all that is going on back home. And i will go and tell ya all sinced i know missy is just dying to . I hit a state trooper this morning, he was escorting us into ST. LOUIS MO. and it was raining like there was no tomarrow and the trooper was cut off by a car and spun out and i nailed him right in the drivers door. We were going up i270 my team pluss 3 MO. troopers and all our blue lights going looked like christmass coming up the road and some moron coming down the ramp to get on cut in front of the trooper he spun out Jeromy swerved and missed him but i cant swerv or the truck will tip over and i think we all rember what happen last time my truck tiped over. so i stayed strait and hit him. not much dammage to my truck his car is totaled. no one was hurt load was ok and im up delivering it now. had to go pee in the cup when i got here ,that is standered any time your invalved in a wreck you get to pee in the cup. I dont think i should repeat the words that came out of Marcys mouth at the time she noticed the car comming sideways in front of us they were a bit notty!

tigger 06-15-2009 06:36 PM

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the only dammage to my truck!

mart 06-15-2009 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by captnjack (Post 13011)
A little added responsibility I guess Tigger, but I am sure you will do fine as a father figure.

Sorry to hear of your early lost Mart, that must have been difficult to have lost a farther and uncle at an early age. I lost a close uncle when I was a teenager but fortunately my farther who is 92 years old is still with us.

Thanks Captnjack, but at least i still have the memories even to today. 92! well i hope he reaches 100 and more.:)

mart 06-15-2009 07:39 PM

Glad to hear no one was hurt Tigger, but what's the idea behind peeing in a cup?. Is it to check for alcohol content? i've never heard of that before.

tigger 06-15-2009 09:20 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 13028)
Glad to hear no one was hurt Tigger, but what's the idea behind peeing in a cup?. Is it to check for alcohol content? i've never heard of that before.

Yea it is to check for alcohol and drugs. im not worried about it have to do it about once a month for random test.

Anoree 06-15-2009 11:13 PM

Glad to hear nobody was hurt in the crash.

Boy, is the ramp driver in deep s#!t. With all your video surveillance and your team's testimonals there's no denying he totally messed up.

I guess someone not seeing all those lights shouldn't be driving anyway.

MISSY 06-16-2009 01:02 PM

The weather was so bad yesterday, Jeromy chased down that guy that cut off the trooper, he didn't get far. there were 6 wrecks within 4 miles, there was a lot of standing water in the road. Im glad i was wairing my belt ,I sit sideways in my seat in the back of the van so i can see my computers and when Tigg hit his brakes Amanda hit her brakes and i was heald by my seatbelt from rolling to the front of the van. Did it once before and it hurts! They should have delayed us coming into the city till the wedather cleared and trafic was better but the city picked the time we entered the city. too top it all off we were hauling a spec. load that had to be hauled on a certian trailer that had 16 tires to handle the added weight all together he weighed 97 thousand pounds. Tigger is madd about it happening he is proud of his safty record but it is just one of thous things when you drive 130,000 miles a year somthing is going to happen sonner or later.

MISSY 06-16-2009 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by captnjack (Post 13011)
A little added responsibility I guess Tigger, but I am sure you will do fine as a father figure.

Tigger is a wonderful father and i think he will do the right thing in helping tommy in growing up. Tigger helpes with the local boyscouts. he is gong to miss going to camp with them this year he has to go to his resurve time when they will be at camp. but he is looking forward to old butler days this aug. when he will be camping out with them and Jeromy and I will be joining them this year. I want some of Tiggers good cooking and his cobbler. yummm

tigger 06-18-2009 06:22 PM

Got to my sisters yesterday. we all went out for lunch my nieses are getting so big. I could hardly breath ( alergys) and my sister gave me some benidril and 1/2 houre later i was out like a light, I woke up this morning about 0500 to my niece (`12yrs) sitting on te floor staring at me, i opened my eyes and she said "you snore" and she went up stairs and told my sister i was awake. then i noticed somthing was on me, all 3 of my sisters cats were sleeping on me, gess they thought i made a good bed. Im all by my self right now, my sister had to work half the day and my older niece took Sarah and Amanda to the mall.( god help me) There will be 85 of my family here by tomarow night for the reunion saterday. I didnt know there were that meney still living!!!!! I have to pick my aunt up at the airport at 1700 and then go back and get a few more at 2100. my sister designated me for that!:rolleyes: Im the ony one she will let drive her car. i went to the store and got all the stuff for my cobbler and beans. Didnt know i was doing beans till Sarah told my sister about the beans i made for old butler days and now im doing the beans witch is fine i like to cook. but so far all is going well. the shelter my sister rented is right on th lake at red top mountan park. and it is going to be in the uper 90 on sat so im bringing my bathing and im just going to jump in the lake when it gets hot.:D

tigger 06-21-2009 09:05 AM

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My reunion went great yesterday, other than the fact that im red as a lobster. I let Amanda talk me into going into the lake with all the kids and my white pale skin is now a nice shade of red!:o Amanda got a little sunburn too but not as bad as me. Sarah rubed me down with alo last night and i was able to sleep most of the night but about 3 i woke up and my pillow was wet i already had water blisters on my shoulders. it dosent hurt unless i breath!:D the piture is me cooking with my dutch ovens, i made beans and apple cobbler.

Texasdrake 06-21-2009 02:46 PM

Tigger sounds like you had a great time at your reunion.You do have to be careful about getting too much sun.I know everyone loved your cooking.

Speaking of reunions..I had my 30th year High School reunion last night.It was ok since I wasn't close to nay of my classmates since all my friends went to another High School.It was still nice seeing the old classmates...some looked alittle like they did back then,but alot had changed.Some of the Hot Girls back then still looked Hot 30 years later. (LOL)

mart 06-23-2009 01:53 PM

Went to work, had an accident, been to hospital, just returned home.:(
I had a stupid accident this morning i climbed on top of a high stack of timber packs to check the "bill of laden numbers". Normally a forktruck is used to lift the packs down for me to check which i wouldn't have to check had it have been properly checked by the guy who unloaded the timber in the first place. Anyway like an idiot i didn't wait for a forktruck or get one myself. I really don't know was i was thinking climbing up, guess i was in too much hurry. I was walking along the rows of timber and i slipped trapping my left leg between two timber packs twisting my leg at the same time. I really thought i had broken it but luckly it wasn't. I was lifted down in a cage via a forktruck. My first thoughts were, this is embarrassing lol. My leg was in agony so it was straight to the local hospital and i had an xray to check if there's anything broken, and there wasn't although i have a torn knee ligament and some may be frayed. Which they reckon will take about a month to fully heal. At the moment it's a little swollen and the bruising is coming up which i'm told is normal. I am so angry with myself for being that stupid, i should know better. When i first started at the sawmill, climbing sets of timber was common because if you only wanted two of three lengths, it was easier and quicker than getting a forktruck move a lot of packs in front just to get a few lengths. But of cause nowaday with safety regulations being much higher, climbing packs should be a thing of the past. But it still happens from time to time. I was just unlucky. It's unlikely i'll get sick pay so i'll use some of my holiday to cover it. Which isn't really a problem because at the end of the day it was entirely my stupidity and fault. I must have had my brain switched off this morning. Guess it could have been worse i could have fallen to the ground and landing on concrete doesn't bear thinking about. So if i'm on the forum more often, it's because i can't do anything else at the moment lol.:(

Anoree 06-23-2009 02:47 PM

Mart! Man!

I won't ask you "What the hell came over you?", you'll ask it yourself enough the next few weeks. Just don't do that again.
Accidents often come along with hurry. I know it is worse when you know that and do it anyway.

I'm glad you got "just" a torn knee ligament when it could have easily ended much worse.

I hope your knee will heal good and fast, my friend.

ugo 06-23-2009 03:34 PM

Mart, Im sorry really, my Friend !

Can happen that there are some negative days. And that the out brain can be had. And particularly in the dangerous job of tools and handlings.
Friend Mart, has been all right luckily, indeed for your life. Very better also for your leg.
I hope only that you are very careful when you are not in great form during the man days.

Also I always have moments depressed in my job and family. And for the stupidity of my colleagues they have me almost ruined my life. When I tried to work and to think only for me and my mother.
At times we have to have a double strength against what is fatal.

mart 06-23-2009 04:48 PM

Your right Anoree, i have been asking myself what came over me to climb that stack. Especially knowing how dangerous it can be, At the time i was a bit angry at having to check pack numbers when they should have been checked already. Even now i still can't believe i climbed five packs high just to get the "bill of laden numbers". If there's an award for the stupidest forman, then i won first prize this morning. What makes me angry at the moment is thinking back to the moment of climbing and actually thinking, i shouldn't be doing this and i still did it.(:mad: at myself) at least i can guarantee to myself, i'll never do that again.
Thanks Anoree, Ugo, although i really don't think i deserve too much sympathy

ugo 06-23-2009 05:17 PM

True Mart.
At times we are taken to do more assignments of job that don't belong us to do him. We have to be careful to the cunning ones.

T-bone Thomas 06-23-2009 08:19 PM

Hi Mart, Sorry to hear about your accident. I'm glad you didn't fall off that stack and didn't break any bones. Could have been worse. Don't be too strict with yourself. We all make mistakes every day. It's just human. Or like Lia would say: "Nobody’s perfect all the time". And that is so true! This quote I used to make a T-shirt for her many years ago, I wonder if she still has it.
Get well soon my friend! I'm sure Lia's smile will make you feel better, lol.


Texasdrake 06-23-2009 08:22 PM

Glad you're ok Mart sounds like it could have been alot worst.

eastbill 06-23-2009 09:48 PM

Mart glad your ok... having to usually work on injury reports at my plant, not waiting usually leads to an accident. my corp would write up someone who does that(not always right in my opinion) but corporate is a stickler for accidents. that asside glad you ok. except for feeling stupid.

mart 06-23-2009 10:38 PM

Thanks T-bone for the picture of my favourite girl. She certainly always brings a smile to my face and thanks for the get well wish my friend.:)

Thanks Texasdrake, in a way i was lucky not to come down on concrete.:)

Thanks Eastbill, i will be required to fill out an accident report and will just tell the truth. As will the yard forman. Although John who is the yard forman will problably want to help me as much as he can in getting compensation for me. But i will tell him no bending of the truth, i have no excuse other being my fault. I really wished i'd stayed in bed today. My leg is throbbing at the moment and it's not gonna be a comfortable sleep tonight. Like you said T-bone we all make mistakes, i just wish i was thinking this morning.

captnjack 06-23-2009 11:56 PM

Hindsight is 20/20 hope your knee mends quickly. Too bad you have use your vacation time, maybe Lia will send you some TLC!

mart 06-24-2009 09:11 AM

Thanks Captnjack, there is a good side to this, i'll have plenty of to watch Lia's videos which i have lots of lol and of cause some of Danielle's videos.:)

mart 06-25-2009 06:07 PM

Not having much luck lately, my mate who brought my car home after my accident. Parked it on the main road instead of down my cul-de-sac. Because there was too many other cars already in my part. a cul-de-sac means it's a dead-end road with no throughway. It can be difficult to get a parking space where i live, we all usually have to try to park as close as possible to each other so all neighbours cars are in. You've heard the term bottlenecked road! well that's it exactly here lol. A lot of cars in a very small space, chaos reigns lol. Anyway back to my bad luck a neighbour come round this morning to tell me one of my wing mirrors was smashed off by a van going too fast down the road clipping the mirror off and to add insult to injury the following car ran over it lol. Why me!!!:(

captnjack 06-25-2009 11:15 PM

Well Mart you're just not having any good luck at all! I ask the nurse to stop by and cheer you up!


mart 06-26-2009 12:02 PM

Thanks Captnjack i recognise that nurse!!! lol. I'm sure she's that beautiful web girl Lia. But then she can nurse me anyday, even if she isn't a real nurse.:D

ugo 06-26-2009 12:32 PM


Originally Posted by captnjack (Post 13341)
Well Mart you're just not having any good luck at all! I ask the nurse to stop by and cheer you up!


Lia's spectacular. For Mart.:)

mart 06-27-2009 06:53 AM

Anyone heard from Tigger or MISSY?.

laranger 06-27-2009 07:06 AM

Tigger is doing his obligation for the military for this year. Missy's husband is also. She is busy doing other things until they return.

I hope they both return soon as I miss their posting also.

tigger 06-27-2009 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 13380)
Anyone heard from Tigger or MISSY?.

Alive and kicking! We "Jeromy,David and I" just got back this morning, have been training out in the field since monday with only 12 hours off time all week. I am wiped out!!!!!!!!!!:o I hurt in places i didnt know i could hurt! they squeezed 2 weeks worth of training into 1 week. I have to go again in october for a nother week of training. learned some new medical procedures and did a lot of field work. and it was hot!!!!!!!! and my sunburn didnt help , tuesday my shoulders were bleeding from the straps on my pack rubbing agenst them and rubbing the dead sundurn skin off. I put thick bandages on my shulders to cushon the straps but it still hurt. we did 113 air evacks all together between 4 birds, thats got to be some kind of record! The purpos of the training was a simulated mass evac. after a durty bomb det. It all went well, we had 6 guys go down from the heat and had to treat them. one of the people playing a victom fell while getting into place and we had to do a real evac on her, just a sprained wrist. but we flew her to the hospital anyway. we had a field hosp. set up in a field but every once in a while we would take one to the local hosp. they were in on it and it gave them some training too. had one guy vomit while we were winching him up into the bird and the down wash from the blades blew it every wair.:eek: i was able to get a few pitures i will poast later i have to dig my camera out of my pack and im dying for some real food! i do not know where Missy is. Mrs Parker had a project for the girls to do but i dont know what it was. up Jeromy just told me the girls are all at a camp for special needs kids helping out there.

tigger 06-27-2009 03:16 PM

Mart soulds like you have had a ruff go of it too. hope you are feeling better!

DWM222 06-27-2009 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 13336)
Not having much luck lately, my mate who brought my car home after my accident. Parked it on the main road instead of down my cul-de-sac. Because there was too many other cars already in my part. a cul-de-sac means it's a dead-end road with no throughway. It can be difficult to get a parking space where i live, we all usually have to try to park as close as possible to each other so all neighbours cars are in. You've heard the term bottlenecked road! well that's it exactly here lol. A lot of cars in a very small space, chaos reigns lol. Anyway back to my bad luck a neighbour come round this morning to tell me one of my wing mirrors was smashed off by a van going too fast down the road clipping the mirror off and to add insult to injury the following car ran over it lol. Why me!!!:(

Mart...sorry to hear about all your recent misfortune..hope you heal up soon. Bummer about your car too..
(someone crashed into me from behind this week & messed up my pickup):)

DWM222 06-27-2009 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by tigger (Post 13390)
Alive and kicking! We "Jeromy,David and I" just got back this morning, have been training out in the field since monday with only 12 hours off time all week. I am wiped out!!!!!!!!!!:o I hurt in places i didnt know i could hurt! they squeezed 2 weeks worth of training into 1 week. I have to go again in october for a nother week of training. learned some new medical procedures and did a lot of field work. and it was hot!!!!!!!! and my sunburn didnt help , tuesday my shoulders were bleeding from the straps on my pack rubbing agenst them and rubbing the dead sundurn skin off. I put thick bandages on my shulders to cushon the straps but it still hurt. we did 113 air evacks all together between 4 birds, thats got to be some kind of record! The purpos of the training was a simulated mass evac. after a durty bomb det. It all went well, we had 6 guys go down from the heat and had to treat them. one of the people playing a victom fell while getting into place and we had to do a real evac on her, just a sprained wrist. but we flew her to the hospital anyway. we had a field hosp. set up in a field but every once in a while we would take one to the local hosp. they were in on it and it gave them some training too. had one guy vomit while we were winching him up into the bird and the down wash from the blades blew it every wair.:eek: i was able to get a few pitures i will poast later i have to dig my camera out of my pack and im dying for some real food! i do not know where Missy is. Mrs Parker had a project for the girls to do but i dont know what it was. up Jeromy just told me the girls are all at a camp for special needs kids helping out there.

If this was me, I'd be writing this from the grave..OUCH
Yer a better man than me..:)

mart 06-27-2009 09:30 PM

Thanks Tigger, sounds like you've been working hard with all that training, your a tough cookie Tigger and i thought i was fit!!!. Sorry to hear about the sunburn, you with bad sunburn, me with a damaged knee! we're getting too old for this Tigger! lol.:D

Thanks DWM222, is this bad luck catching? lol, i hope not!. At least it was only a wingmirror for me. Hope you get the pickup sorted in your favour DWM222.:)

DWM222 06-27-2009 09:50 PM


Originally Posted by mart (Post 13407)
Thanks Tigger, sounds like you've been working hard with all that training, your a tough cookie Tigger and i thought i was fit!!!. Sorry to hear about the sunburn, you with bad sunburn, me with a damaged knee! we're getting too old for this Tigger! lol.:D

Thanks DWM222, is this bad luck catching? lol, i hope not!. At least it was only a wingmirror for me. Hope you get the pickup sorted in your favour DWM222.:)

Yep I did...Its going into the shop Monday for repairs...:)

tigger 06-28-2009 12:32 AM

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Originally Posted by mart (Post 13407)
Thanks Tigger, sounds like you've been working hard with all that training, your a tough cookie Tigger and i thought i was fit!!!. Sorry to hear about the sunburn, you with bad sunburn, me with a damaged knee! we're getting too old for this Tigger! lol.:D

Thanks DWM222, is this bad luck catching? lol, i hope not!. At least it was only a wingmirror for me. Hope you get the pickup sorted in your favour DWM222.:)

My cookie is all crumbled.:rolleyes: My hole body hurts, the sunburn is about healed up. I got lucky when my co saw my shoulders he stuck me in the helicopter for most of it. we just got back from clean up. everything is put away and training is over for now, Im going to sleep till monday. David fell asleep talking to his wife and Missy took the phone and spoke with her for a bit, he is out for the count. He spent most of the time on the ground carring litters and running around he is bushed. Jeromy was all over ,half the time on a helicopter and half in the field. They did some good jobs on the wounded it looked so real. in this photo it is all fake!

tigger 06-28-2009 12:36 AM

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Here is Jeromy standing next to one of the med helos. he is wairing a med. vest.

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