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danielle_ftv danielle_ftv is offline


Visitor Messages

Showing Visitor Messages 501 to 510 of 1088
  1. Anoree
    02-09-2010 07:32 AM
    I saved the list. Thank you.
    The notify question was (halfway) ment jokingly, hence the winking smiley.
    I would do so, though, if you wanted that. I do everything in my power to support you, as you know.
  2. Anoree
    02-09-2010 06:32 AM
    Should I notify you the next time your mailbox is full then, too?
    I do all I can for you. You do bring out the best of me.
    Thank you very much for your nice comment on YouTube.
  3. Anoree
    02-08-2010 12:44 AM
    Hi Gorgeous!

    I tried to PM you, but your mailbox is full ...
    I set up another tribute video for you and posted it here and in the FreeOnes threads. I hope you like it and it gets you a couple more votes.
  4. mart
    01-28-2010 05:06 PM
    Thank you so much for the video log Danielle, yes you answered my questions well, of cause you looked absolutely stunning Danielle. But then you always look stunning Princess!.
  5. grande351
    01-26-2010 03:20 AM
    Thanks sweetie, My leg is much better now, but sadly that wasn't the end of it!! A day or so after I left you that last message I completely broke out in hives!! It turned out I was allergic to the antibiotic they gave me. It's been over a week since I stopped taking it and I'm still itching! It's getting better, but it's not gone. This has been the month from hell to be sure. February has got to be better, right? Oh wait, my birthday is next month and I'll be 42. Arrrrrgh!!
  6. ugo
    01-25-2010 10:07 PM
    Thanks very much Friend Danielle !!! Am very happy my life too now, Danielle. Do you doing at your life to school and boyfriend (??) ?
  7. grande351
    01-16-2010 03:19 AM
    I was running a really bad fever on Friday and Saturday of last week and had a lot of pain in my right leg below the knee. I couldn't stand it any longer and went to the ER on Sunday morning. Turns out I had cellulitis, which is a type of infection. They ended up keeping me for 72 hours and giving me lots of IV antibiotics. That knocked it down pretty good and they sent me home Wednesday and now I'm on an oral antibiotic to finish it off. I'm definitely feeling much, much better now!! How are you feeling, do you think you've gotten over what you had? Did you get any quality time with your sis and the little guy?
  8. ugo
    01-15-2010 11:30 PM
    Danielle, y're very friend of my life difficult always ( my sisters, my niece one, my colleagues, all evil.MY trust). Am very happy unique forum website for our friendship then we are want some time to be here.
    I have now a girl in love me at USA. I go USA next for my GIRL. But my life it's always very loneliness. ALWAYS. But am abitue from old-years.
    Now i am looking my first house my City for wait girl american me. I dont more writing or posting tread here for my not fantasies ( or things wrongs here). But i want stay here as our very friends as YOU, Danielle.
    Now i have this girl me as new life probably. Still it's confusion our love. I like to next USA first time my LIFe emotioned for my GIRL at USA. I dont thalk little my english yet.
  9. grande351
    01-13-2010 05:39 PM
    Hey girlie, just a quick note to say hi! Glad you had fun at the AVN's. I'm hunting around for photos, but haven't found any yet. I was stuck in the hospital for a few days and I just got home. It's nice finally being able to check in here. I had a laptop with me, but their network blocked any site having to do with "sex" (ooooh!) including your forum. Silly people...like this forum has anything to do with sex!
  10. herryboeloe
    01-13-2010 09:28 AM
    hi i'm a new member...

About Me

  • About danielle_ftv
    Phoenix, Arizona
    You can read about my interests in the "about me" section of the site :)
    Model, webmaster and model for DanielleFTV.com, assistant for FTVGirls.com
  • Signature
    Danielle FTV


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General Information
  • Last Activity: 12-20-2024 11:19 PM
  • Join Date: 09-09-2008
  • Referrals: 8


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