Same here, re: caffeine. In fact, even though I understand there's more caffeine in tea than in coffee, it seems to affect me less coming from tea. Then again, I'm not a huge coffee drinker, so maybe its something else. So today I was puttering around again and thought about the weird things you pick up here and there and I got going on this genealogy-string thing that I thought I'd share. Since Rob takes a couple trips to Hawaii with FTVGirls every year, I thought I'd begin with James Dole, the founder of the pineapple company. His 1st cousin 1x removed was Sanford Dole who, with other businessmen, overthrew the Hawaiian monarchy (Sanford became the Pres of the Hawaiian Republic, then 1st Gov of it when Hawaii became a US territory). Sanford's 7th cousin 1x, was Rep. Robert Wilcox, aka Prince Kalani-hiapo (his father was from Rhode Island, his mother a member of the Hawaiian royal family from Maui). Rep. Wilcox's 12th cousin 1x was Jeannine Davis-Kimball, an anthropologist who studies the real-life Amazons of the Russian steppe. Jeannine is a 10th cousin of someone who co-starred with "Amazons" a few years back in Xena--Alexandra Tydings. Alex (whose mother was Miss California) is a 6th cousin of Marion Bradley Zimmer, author of The Mists of Avalon. Marion is an 8th cousin 3x of Nancy "Sylvia" Beach, founder of Shakespeare & Co. bookstore in Paris. Sylvia was an 8th cousin 3x of Velma "Valerie Taylor" Young, an author famous for her lesbian pulp fiction. Velma, or Valerie if you prefer, was a 10th cousin of Vaughan Bass, a pin-up artist. Vaughan was a 9th cousin 1x of another pin-up artist, Joyce Ballantyne Brand (who also created the Coppertone Girl). Joyce was a 10th cousin 1x of Craig Morey, the fetish & erotic photographer. Craig is a 9th cousin 1x of Candace Bushnell (author of Sex and the City). Candace is an 8th cousin 2x of Molly Yard, former President of the National Organization of Women. Molly is a 9th cousin of Barbara Grier, GLAD activist & founder of Naiad Press. Barbara is an 8th cousin 2x of Susie Bright, the erotologist (whose father is Robert Bright the linguist). Susie is a 9th cousin 1x of Mary Phelps Jacob (aka Caresse Crosby) who invented the bra. Mary was a 6th cousin of brothers DeVer & Lucien Warner, corset makers who bought her patent and formed Warner Brothers (the bra company, not the movie studio). The Warners were 6th cousins 4x of Hugh Hefner. I understand Mr. Hefner is more famous for getting women to take off their bras

. Hef is an 8th cousin 1x of sexologist Alfred Kinsey. Alfred was an 8th cousin 3x of Lydia Folger Fowler, the second woman to be awarded the degree of Medical Doctor in the US (the first who was native born; the 1st woman immigrated from England). Lydia was a 6th cousin 6x of recent Playmate Juliette Frette, the Feminist Playmate. Juliette was a 7th cousin 2x of Edie Sedgwick, one of Andy Warhold's troupe. Edie was a 1st cousin 1x of Kyra Sedgwick, and, since its the law, that brings us to Kyra's hubby, Kevin Bacon. Oh, and Kevin is a 9th cousin of James Dole. What? I was bored. Have a good night and pleasant tomorrow!