Yes i kinda understand you more concentrate on family and kinda improving your outlook on life, i think. I basically just go with the flow, what will be, will be. No i've never been to the U.S, not sure if you've ever read my posts on my fear of flying. Sounds silly to some, but i am terrified of aircraft especially the noise they make. I can't even go near an airport without breaking into a sweat, i have even tried a fear of flying course and managed to board a plane but soon passed out due to the extreme anxiety on actually being on one. I've had a few panic attacks in the past due to low flying aircraft. I have been abroad only by boat, such as cruises to the Bay of Biscay and France, i love the sea so ships are no problem. Maybe i could go by boat, it would only take 2 to 3 weeks, according to Google lol.