I'm really hoping I don't/didn't offend you with my comment. Seems to me when you can have someone as dedicated to the free market & libertarianism as John MacKey also be a tree-hugger there's no reason why anyone else on the conservative side of an issue can't own up to having some common ground with the stereotypical left-wing types. Likewise T. Boone Pickens. FWIW, I don't care who comes up with a good idea, just that folks are thinking & then putting those good ideas into practice. Whatever your reasons for going solar, I'm happy you're taking yourself off the grid (just think how much $$ could be saved and the national security implications if everyone with a south-facing roof went solar and took themselves off the grid?). I certainly don't want you to think I was back-handing you or anything like that. Labels just get in the way of too many good ideas (FWIW, I dislike labels so much I belong to no political parties either). Drive safe, stay healthy & welcome home.