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Conversation Between mart and DWM222
Showing Visitor Messages 11 to 20 of 138
  1. DWM222
    10-01-2011 05:17 AM
    Well...guess who gets to take a few weeks off for a bit of traveling..this guy Its been busy in my area for 3 or 4 months & I've been getting the urge to head back east and have some fun...Want me to tell everyone I see hello for you?
  2. DWM222
    08-25-2011 03:42 AM
    Good point..but even on break..she is a great nurse..

    I agree...a riot never solves anything & usually is just about looting and terrorizing everyone. Stay out of those areas if possible my friend...
  3. mart
    08-19-2011 07:13 PM
    All the same David be careful, she may be a nurse but she'd be on lunch break

    The police and riot squad are doing a pretty good job in regaining order in most parts, purely because the govenrment have declared zero tolerance on the main rioters who will be facing prison sentences, only takes a few hooligans to start a riot and these are targets their after and i hope they catch them all.
  4. DWM222
    08-15-2011 03:02 AM
    I have been busy, but as you say..its good to have work. I do feel like a nice lunch is in order..& for a guy my age..its always better to be with a nurse in case I slip & break a hip...or choke on a chicken bone...lol
    I have heard a bit about the bad news over in your part of the world...too bad that kind of stuff has to happen, & like you, I hope it calms soon as well
  5. mart
    08-14-2011 09:57 AM
    You sound just like me, always busy and always working lol. At least we know it's all good having plenty of work, beats being unemployed!. Sounds like you've earnt lunch with a friend and i bet she's quite pretty lol, well i hope your lunches goes ok and remember not too pig out too much hehehe.

    The riots here are really bad, just glad i don't live in them counties. 5 days of it so far, just hope it calms soon.
  6. DWM222
    08-13-2011 03:51 PM
    Last few months I've been buried with work which hasn't been all that exciting However, rumor has it a young nurse friend of mine will be in our fair state of Colorado soon for a few days of sightseeing and R&R, so it looks like I might get to have a lunch or 2 with a pretty heath care professional, so that will be a cut above my normal routine (to say the least)..lol. How is everything across the pond..they get all the fires put out?
  7. mart
    08-09-2011 11:03 AM
    Anything exciting happening, way out Colorado way David?.
  8. DWM222
    07-01-2011 03:10 AM
    I have always wanted to go on a train trip just to see whats its like, but I have never had the opportunity. I always drive with lots of tunes turned up loud...just like a teenager. I couldn't get anything done without music. We have been so busy the last 4 or 5 weeks, I haven't had time to do anything but work..I guess I should be careful what I wish for...
  9. mart
    06-18-2011 07:23 PM
    Well our speed limit is 70mph, assuming you get a decent clear run, which isn't often.
    We do have high speed train services but it's quite costly, although it is very popular to travel long distances by train. Mainly because going by car can really be tiresome for some. I personally don't like trains anyway, so that rules out going anywhere by train for me.
    When i go to Edinburgh, i'll have plenty of music CD's or have the radio on all the way.
  10. DWM222
    06-16-2011 03:18 PM
    40 miles from London..that's a bit over a 1/2 hr here..(they only let us drive 75mph here in CO....On the other hand, we don't have very good mass transit here..no high speed trains from city to city...that would be handy with the price of fuel nowadays. I am one of those folks that like to drive as well..

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