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Conversation Between LeoRex and geolarson2
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 42
  1. geolarson2
    11-02-2010 02:07 AM
    Passing through here, Leo. Did you ever join the Who site? I've been in & out (more out).
  2. geolarson2
    08-19-2010 04:09 PM
    Hey there, Leo--Sorry, I haven't been around the board since the beginning of the month. Yeah, Who is a phenomenon, I can;t think of another way to describe its impact. As much as its appreciated here in the US, its on a whole other scale in the UK. I did like Mary Tamm as Romana I--there was that elegance & sophistication which is funny when you consider that Lalla Ward's dad was Viscount Bangor, and yet she played someone a bit more playful, kittenish (that's the way I saw her anyway). And the Key to Time was an interesting plot device, I agree. A whole season devoted to a single quest--then again, coming in the age of concept albums I suppose it was also inevitable.

    I've been lucky--I've had BBC America for nearly 7 years now, even after switching cable providers (I'm now on U-verse so now I'll also theoretically be able to catch the new Torchwood on Starz next year--assuming I like U-verse by then and they don't jack the price up too high on me). The new series seems to either irk people or make them smile. It made me smile, for what that's worth. And both of my nieces adore Matt Smith (my older niece is sick of me calling her Amy (tho' she complains while hiding a smirk), but the little one like me calling her Amelia--when you see the shows you'll understand). The girls & I just had a 3 day marathon of Who--we caught something from nearly every doctor from Hartnell on (no McGann tho')--thankfully I save the season finale on my DVR.

    I'd have loved a 2d season with Eccleston myself, but he only agreed to play the role if it was for just 1 season. I guess he wanted to be one of those few who was The Doctor, but didn't want to loose too much time with his film career or wind up getting typecast. I can respect that, but it feels a lot like we hardly got to know Doc 9.

    The End of Time was absolutely brilliant! Yep. I am hoping we haven't seen the last of Bernie Cribbins. For that matter I'm hoping Tennant's departure doesn't mean we've seen the last of Jenny ("The Doctor's Daughter"). I have a theory that River is Jenny. I imagine a lot of people have that same theory though! Dalton was absolutely brilliant as well. I am hoping that Gallifrey returns again, and that Dalton reprises the role of Rassilon. That was just too good; as was seeing the Doctor's mother there.

    As for being a member of FTV, I'm not at the moment, unfortunately. I have missed out of some very lovely gentlewomen the past several months. I moved a couple months ago, changed ISP/Cable cos, and had some other expenses I hadn't planned on that took a toll. And I'm thinking about Christmas now for my nieces which means socking funds aside for them (there's a Tardis playset coming out in Sept. that I know my younger niece would go ga-ga over, and I now have enough to afford it while its available--these things seem to come & go very quickly). I had seen Aslyn Rae in some Girlfriend's Films releases and thought she was astoundingly lovely in them, so I'm learning to be patient and hoping to join FTV again, even for a month, sometime after I've made sure Christmas presents are sorted out--maybe a Christmas gift to myself. I'll have to keep an eye out for this Alley you mentioned as well, eh!

  3. LeoRex
    08-07-2010 11:53 PM
    Hi Geo - I have to say that Who is one of those Sci Fi shows that I believe is going to be eternal - I have been a fan of the series back from the Pertwee days - not only are the sci-fi concepts unique and original across the series, but the acting has always been superb - even back to the Pertwee days. I have to agree with you that the best Dr./Companion pair ever had to be Tom Baker and Liz Sladen - I was also really fond of the relationship between the Dr. and the first Romana from the Key to Time arc - the Key to Time arc has to be one of my favorite series of episodes in Who history - I know that some fans are not fond of them - but I find the whole concept of two Guardians battling over one object that can either set the universe right or destroy it fascinating, and I have to add that Stones of Blood from that arc has to be one of the best Who stories of all time.

    Have not had a chance to catch up with the new Matt Smith stories yet, unfortunately have not been watching a lot of TV lately so I let most of my cable TV channels go including BBC America - sigh I now depend upon ITunes to keep in touch with those few TV shows that I still follow, and unfortunately the new Who is not available on ITunes - again, sigh Am cannot wait to see them - here's hoping they come out on DVD real soon - as always I probably will have an entire day marathon session where I watch the whole series

    I do have to agree that from the new series the best pairing thus far has been with Chris Eccleston and Billie Piper, while I loved Tennant - I would have loved to have seen at least one more series with Mr. Eccleston - his interpretation of the role was, well to use his Dr's phrase - "Fantastic" - dark and brooding along with the whimsical charm of the classic Dr's plus a little bit of malice thrown in a well - a great package.

    What did you think of Tennant's final episode - I thought that it was a great send off, and as I have always been a big fan of the Time Lord mythology from Who this was a great comeback for the TLs, and of course Dalton was awesome as the Lord President. Here's hoping that we get the TLs venture out of the time lock again real soon.

    Are you presently an active FTV member - because I have to say if you are rush right on over to FTV and watch the Alley update - never thought that I would be saying this so soon after the Ashlyn update, but this is another one for the FTV record book - take a look at the Alley thread on the Forum and you will see how much I loved this one. As Alley is a true first timer and not in the business - I mighnt actually give Alley's update the nod over Ashlyn's. If you are not presently an active FTV member - renewing that membership is well worth the price just for Alley and Ashlyn's updates alone!

    Well - as always - hope that all is well
  4. geolarson2
    07-29-2010 06:16 AM
    I'd seen Ms Rae in some Girlfriend's Films videos in recent months and was immediately taken with her natural effortlessness. Too often you get that feel that the woman is holding something back, but my take on Ms R from her videos was that she is just who she is and that was pretty refreshing. I know there's at least 1 more GFF video to be released soon, but I hope that's not her swan song (likewise I'm holding out hope that sometime relatively soon she'll make her way back north so Rob has another opportunity to work with her).

    As for sci fi, I was watching Caprica and found myself comparing it too often to BSG. BSG was a brilliant, gritty show that just grabbed you by the collar and shouted "Come on!" in your face and dragged you along. Not may shows of any genre can do that. So shorter, yep I'm still going through some BSG withdrawls as well. But having said that, my A#1 favourtie show was and continues to be Dr. Who. I liked Matt Smith & Karen Gillan in the lead roles & liked the sense of humour. I thought that was the best pair since Chris Eccleston & Billie Piper when they re-launched the show, and I thought that the best pair since Tom Baker & Lis Sladen way, way, way back. My nieces are huge Who fans as well. The sad thing is that now we have to wait 'til Dec. for the next episode, and then another couple months for the next season. C'est la vie ...Cheers
  5. LeoRex
    07-27-2010 10:57 PM
    Hey there Geo - long time no talk to - sorry that I have been gone so long - life has taken me in many interesting directions in the past year. But for now I am back for the time being and will be posting from time to time - sort of like Dean Stockwell in BSG - I will show up every now and then to make some pithy remarks

    Absolutely - when I said that Ashlyn's update was one of the best that I have seen on FTV since I joined about 3 to 4 years ago and with all of the lovely ladies on FTV who are to numerous to count that is definatley saying something. Her outside shots are the absolute best - never seen an FTV girl so daring. Trust that when you get to see her updates you will be bowled over - with Ashlyn's pure and honest beauty and charm, plus Rob's skill in photography and video the update makes a feast for the eyes. Trust that if we were back in ancient Greek times - Ashlyn would definately be someone for whom I would launch a 1000 ships to defend her honor

    That being said - I saw Rob's post about her moving to Columbia with her new bf - well, while I certainly wish her nothing but the best let's hope that she decides to come back state side - the woman is definately a natural talent - and if she does not want to do the type of stuff that she has been doing outside of FTV (the b/g scenes) - I can think of nothing better than an association with Rob for her own site - a classy site for a classy lady - probably never happen - but I can dream can't I

    So - hope all is well with you - what's your favorite Sci Fi show of late - I myself am still going through BSG withdraw
  6. geolarson2
    07-27-2010 02:55 AM
    Welcome back, amigo. So Ashlyn's update was that good? Somehow I'm not surprised. I've seen a few of her GG films now and she is just simply lovely and natural. I am chomping at the bit to see how things panned out with Rob (he is a master, so I'm sure I'll be gobsmacked, and I don't say that often). Anyway, cheers having ya back, Leo.
  7. geolarson2
    04-05-2010 08:01 PM
    If you haven't seen The Eleventh Hour yet, I think you'll be pleased. If I have to sum the episode up in a word it would be "Promising". Two words: "very promising". I managed to see it early yesterday when it premiered in the UK (thank you English cousin & thank you Skype!). Cheers
  8. geolarson2
    12-31-2009 05:34 PM
    Happy New Year, Leo! (BTW, Caprica looks interesting; watched the other day on Hulu)
  9. geolarson2
    07-09-2009 03:02 PM
    Paz, Leo! Have a great day! Cheers-
  10. geolarson2
    04-08-2009 09:57 PM
    You might be surprised who is related to whom. I spent a decade collecting genealogical info and now have a program that can sort out the connections between anyone in my database usually in just a few seconds (a lot quicker than when I had to do it by hand). All things considered, it is actually amazing just how closely related a lot of people are to each other. I discovered a few years ago that a couple of my childhood friends were actually distant cousins, that a girl I once went out with (thankfully we didn't get too far!) was a long-lost cousin, that my brother's best man was also another missing cousin, and that my Mom's three best friends are all relatives of hers. And while within the past 400 years (or less) we shared the same great-great-&c. grandparents, we'd all stumbled across each other after our various branches of the family had taken long routes around the country.

    And about Kirk--I have a Mego repro of him on my bookshelf a few feet away, and my littlest niece has another she loves playing with (along with Spock, Bones, Uhura, Klingon & Zira from Planet of the Apes--oddly, they all seem to like driving around in a Barbie VW Beetle).

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