View Full Version : Photo Shoot

06-21-2009, 03:16 PM
I'll be doing a photo shoot with a cute local model in July while I'm on vacation.Something I'm looking forward to since part of the shoot is a body painting with Rubber latex.Also doing a few photos with a "Vintage photo theme" to it where I actually using vintage clothing I had purchase.

Hey Danielle if you're reading this..still hoping we're get to work together if you're ever in my area of Texas. :)

06-21-2009, 11:03 PM
That sounds cool! I didn't know that you did photography. Make sure you post a few samples so we can see your work! :)

06-22-2009, 12:32 AM
I'm a Avid Amatuer photographer for the past 20 odd years.Had shot a few local models over the past few years and posted a few pictures in my online portfolio with 2 different modeling sites.
Can you think of a better way to past your free time then photographying beautiful women? :D

06-22-2009, 02:07 AM
I'll be doing a photo shoot with a cute local model in July while I'm on vacation.Something I'm looking forward to since part of the shoot is a body painting with Rubber latex.Also doing a few photos with a "Vintage photo theme" to it where I actually using vintage clothing I had purchase.

Hey Danielle if you're reading this..still hoping we're get to work together if you're ever in my area of Texas. :)

Yep...I will be going to Texas in either July or August. Just waiting to get the family reunion invite so I know exactly when. Good luck with the shoot too.

06-22-2009, 05:33 PM
Can you think of a better way to past your free time then photographying beautiful women? :D

No i certainly couldn't.:D

06-22-2009, 05:50 PM
No i certainly couldn't.:D

Sleeping with them, maybe????:eek:

06-22-2009, 06:06 PM
Sleeping with them, maybe????:eek:

Not if you want to be faithful to your wive / love.

06-22-2009, 09:46 PM
Not if you want to be faithful to your wive / love.

NOT a problem. I'm single. I'm sure many more guys here are single, also, or they wouldn't be here.:cool:

06-22-2009, 10:11 PM
Have a great shoot, Texasdrake-there's not much more fun that composing a photo that I can think of-thinking about the light, framing the shot, &c.-the whole creative process is a real kick, isn't it? I've been working with a camera for 1/4 century now doing mostly landscapes-love scrambling around trying to get into that sweet spot that captures a feeling (I imagine its at least as much fun working with a model). Anyway, have a great time!

06-22-2009, 10:59 PM
Sleeping with them, maybe????:eek:

Yeah sleeping with them is even better then photographying them,but tell me how often a photographer get to sleep with thier models?
Photographying Danielle and then make whoopee afterwards would be the ultimate dream come true,but this is reality and that doesn't happen. (LOL)
Besides when you photograph beautiful women in the nude you have to be on your best behavior or you will find yourself with a very bad rep among the models and all you be photographying nude is yourself..and I'm not going there. (LOL)

06-23-2009, 02:27 PM
Sleeping with them, maybe????:eek:

All of them!!!:eek:, how long you been a stud Geezer?.:D
I could manage one or two maybe, (i'm single so it's ok for me lol) but not all of them!.:D

07-04-2009, 09:11 PM
Well the photo shoot I had for Monday the 6th was cancelled by the model at the last minute.It pissed me off she waited till AFTER i had spent a small fortune and time scouting locations,etc then tells me me that that agent she signed with a few days before told her to cancel it due to me not having references.She had asked me early on about my references and told her about the models I had worked with,but the references were outdated due to most either retired or moved on to other things and she was still ok with shooting with me.End up having to E-mail her "agent" who uses a freebie yahoo addy as his business E-mail address hoping I can salvage the shoot..if not then f-- it.Hate it when they penalize non professonals like myself who enjoys taking pictures just for the enjoyment of it and not do it for monetary gain.I wonder why I even bother trying to take pictures involving females...not offend to Danielle..at least she probably won't flake out at the last second AFTER the photographer had spent a small fortune on the shoot.

07-06-2009, 06:15 PM
Sorry to hear about that Texasdrake, hope you have better luck with the next model, if there will be a next model. Sounds like she had a dodgy agent Texasdrake.:)

07-07-2009, 09:12 PM
Well her "agent" E-mail me today saying he couldn't check out my references,but believe that I had good intentions,but he be allowed to come to the shoot as a silent bystander.Also he quoted her modeling rate which was higher then what she said when we first set the shoot up.had a feeling her rates would be jacked up cause of her "agent".Told him in the E-mail that her rates was lower then what he quoted and that session should be done at the lower rate and any later sessions be at the new higher rate.
As for her "Agent" using a freebie E-mail account for his "business" she explained that it was new and don't have the website up yet.He already manage to signed a few models..how he manage that who knows and he set up a few jobs for her.Well most likely all the jobs her set up wasn't some high in emand jobs...something he probably came across on the online casting forum and called that person up to set it up....to me its the same as a "Job councelor" opening up a newspaper to the job want ads and circling them for the peroson seeking a job and hand the ads over to them.

07-08-2009, 12:59 AM
Well her "agent" E-mail me today saying he couldn't check out my references,but believe that I had good intentions,but he be allowed to come to the shoot as a silent bystander.Also he quoted her modeling rate which was higher then what she said when we first set the shoot up.had a feeling her rates would be jacked up cause of her "agent".Told him in the E-mail that her rates was lower then what he quoted and that session should be done at the lower rate and any later sessions be at the new higher rate.
As for her "Agent" using a freebie E-mail account for his "business" she explained that it was new and don't have the website up yet.He already manage to signed a few models..how he manage that who knows and he set up a few jobs for her.Well most likely all the jobs her set up wasn't some high in emand jobs...something he probably came across on the online casting forum and called that person up to set it up....to me its the same as a "Job councelor" opening up a newspaper to the job want ads and circling them for the peroson seeking a job and hand the ads over to them.

Whatever...you definitely don't want to work with snobby models who are going to flake out on you at the last minute due to "not having references". There are plenty of other great models out there that won't even require getting paid to model for you.

07-09-2009, 03:17 AM
Well she had a few bad incidents with photographers and was trying to avoid anything like that again.She had asked eariler before signing with the agent if I had references.I told her all my refeences were outdated due to most of the models retiring or moving on.The only two models I knew that were still modeling had joined together to run a site with both of them and guest models.
Anyway I asked her then if that was a probelm and she said no and the shoot was still on.It wasn't till she signed with the agent when she decided that it was a problem.Well guess it looks like I won't be shooting her cause I had E-mail her agent 2 days again about the rate differences and he never got back to me.Guessing he/they think I'll be too much touble cause I had a problem with he/her boosting the rate up AFTER she quoted me one rate and I'm seeing as it being the same shoot.