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05-13-2009, 06:26 PM
Hey Guys, and girls! I don't think I've seen a Travel Thread so I'll start one. Where do people like to go on vacation? What are you favorite destinations?

I am all packed and about to depart from San Francisco today and will land in Frankfurt, Germany. I am doing a tour that begins in St. Goar (Rhine Valley) and ending in Vienna, Austria. In between, we'll spend nights high up in the Swiss Alps along with Baden-Baden, Munich, Salzberg, and, of course, Vienna.

Normally, I go with a lady friend or, at least, mean someone there. Not this time. I will be totally on my own. I paid a single supplement to ensure my own room throughout. There are ten married couples, me, and four single women. I hope at least one of them wants to hang out with me.

In Munich, on May 24, I might meet up with T-Bone if he's not busy. It was fun meeting him in Vegas and would love to discuss more about Lia and Alison with him over some beers.

I am taking a small laptop and my iPod Touch with WiFi capabilities so I'm sure I'll be checking in from time to time.

Danielle, if you read this, Happy Birthday and I'm sorry I won't "be around" for you big day.

05-13-2009, 08:29 PM
Hey Guys, and girls! I don't think I've seen a Travel Thread so I'll start one. Where do people like to go on vacation? What are you favorite destinations?

I am all packed and about to depart from San Francisco today and will land in Frankfurt, Germany. I am doing a tour that begins in St. Goar (Rhine Valley) and ending in Vienna, Austria. In between, we'll spend nights high up in the Swiss Alps along with Baden-Baden, Munich, Salzberg, and, of course, Vienna.

Normally, I go with a lady friend or, at least, mean someone there. Not this time. I will be totally on my own. I paid a single supplement to ensure my own room throughout. There are ten married couples, me, and four single women. I hope at least one of them wants to hang out with me.

In Munich, on May 24, I might meet up with T-Bone if he's not busy. It was fun meeting him in Vegas and would love to discuss more about Lia and Alison with him over some beers.

I am taking a small laptop and my iPod Touch with WiFi capabilities so I'm sure I'll be checking in from time to time.

Danielle, if you read this, Happy Birthday and I'm sorry I won't "be around" for you big day.

Have a safe trip!

05-13-2009, 11:18 PM
Likewise have a safe trip Geezer.

05-13-2009, 11:52 PM
have a safe trip geezer.

i am packed and ready for a trip to hawaii in three days. my favorite place to visit.

05-14-2009, 06:52 AM
Where do I like to go on vacation? Well, since I can't go anywhere and I have no money to spend and I don't work...I spend all my "vacation time" sitting in my recliner in front of my computer. I can visit almost any place in the cyber world but that's it. No overseas trips for me...oh well (shrug).

05-14-2009, 03:16 PM
Have a safe trip!

If you want to see a day without night you should head to Northern Sweden, Norway or Finland this time of the year. Close to Arctic Circle the sun currently rises at 3am and sets at 11 pm, and there is light for an hour before and after the sun sets/rises. So, it's 21+ hours of light a day.

It's a funny feeling to wake up at 5 am and not be able to tell if it's 10 am already. :eek:

06-02-2009, 05:48 AM
Hey Guys and few gals!

I got back from my 20 days in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland today (June 1st) around 2:00 PM (west coast time). Great trip and I saw so much it's impossible to describe it.

But, the thing I do want to make public is meeting up with T-Bone in Munich. The tour group had a "free day" and T-Bone drove nearly two hours from his home to meet me at my hotel. Unlike most of my group who blindly wandered around Munich not knowing what to do, T-Bone drove ME over to the site of the 1972 Olympics, took me up on the high tower for an incredible view of the city, bought me lunch below the tower, and then drove us over to a huge sprawling palace called Nymphenburg.

Afterwards, he drove me back to my hotel and we chatted over a coffee about our favorite girls: Lia, Alison, and Danielle.

Unfortunately, my stomach wasn't feeling too good and I had to send him off sooner than I would have liked. T-Bone is one hell of a good guy and I hope some of the other forum members get a chance to hang out with him.

Thanks T-Bone!!!:D:D:D

06-02-2009, 09:52 AM
I'm currently researching a Halifax-to-Vancouver train trip.

The amazing part is that it's only $199 for a plane ticket to halifax from Phoenix.

Has anyone else done train across Canada? Or know anyone who has?

T-bone Thomas
06-02-2009, 09:01 PM
Hey Guys and few gals!

I got back from my 20 days in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland today (June 1st) around 2:00 PM (west coast time). Great trip and I saw so much it's impossible to describe it.

But, the thing I do want to make public is meeting up with T-Bone in Munich. The tour group had a "free day" and T-Bone drove nearly two hours from his home to meet me at my hotel. Unlike most of my group who blindly wandered around Munich not knowing what to do, T-Bone drove ME over to the site of the 1972 Olympics, took me up on the high tower for an incredible view of the city, bought me lunch below the tower, and then drove us over to a huge sprawling palace called Nymphenburg.

Afterwards, he drove me back to my hotel and we chatted over a coffee about our favorite girls: Lia, Alison, and Danielle.

Unfortunately, my stomach wasn't feeling too good and I had to send him off sooner than I would have liked. T-Bone is one hell of a good guy and I hope some of the other forum members get a chance to hang out with him.

Thanks T-Bone!!!:D:D:D

Hi Geezer, good to see you're back safe and sound. It was a pleasure to meet you again and show you a bit of Munich. I'm glad you recovered quickly so you could enjoy the rest of your trip. See you in CA the next time.

06-03-2009, 12:25 AM
Don't know if I'd call it a true vacation but I'm headed to Las VEgas later this month, although I am going a few days early to have a small "mni-vacation" for a few days. First time there for me.

06-03-2009, 02:55 AM
Don't know if I'd call it a true vacation but I'm headed to Las VEgas later this month, although I am going a few days early to have a small "mni-vacation" for a few days. First time there for me.

If you're in LV on the 26th/27th, you might be able to meet Danielle.

06-04-2009, 02:55 AM
If you're in LV on the 27th/28th, you might be able to meet Danielle.

Damn! I fly out on the 26th. My timing sucks.

06-04-2009, 05:25 AM
Damn! I fly out on the 26th. My timing sucks.

:eek::( My memory isn't what it was anymore. :o

I will probably be attending EDC in LA in late June. Most likely I will only be going to the Friday concert (it's two days...Friday and Saturday) so Saturday will be free. If any of you are in the LA area and would like to meet me on Saturday, June 27th please contact me through P.M. and hopefully I will be able to meet some of my members/fans.

So it's the 26th and the 27th. You might be barely able to meet Danielle on the airport.
I don't know about Danielle's exact plans, though. You should contact her via PM.

I'm very sorry about my mess up. :o

06-04-2009, 10:53 AM
I think someone's confused, Dilbert said he's going to Las Vegas. Danielle, I believe, said she's going to Los Angeles! Not the same place (lol!) I think you've got LV and LA mixed up. :D

06-04-2009, 11:20 AM
I think someone's confused, Dilbert said he's going to Las Vegas. Danielle, I believe, said she's going to Los Angeles! Not the same place (lol!) I think you've got LV and LA mixed up. :D

Aaaargh! Right. Total mess up.

I guess I shouldn't write messages like my first reply to Dilbert when I just woke up in the middle of the night. (It was just 4:55 AM for me.)
Not a good excuse for a mess up like this.

Again, my sincerest apologies for screwing this up.

Thanks, grande351, for the correction.

06-04-2009, 11:17 PM
I think someone's confused, Dilbert said he's going to Las Vegas. Danielle, I believe, said she's going to Los Angeles! Not the same place (lol!) I think you've got LV and LA mixed up. :D

Hmm...I wonder how long it would take to drive from Las Vegas to Los Angeles...

06-05-2009, 12:19 AM
Hmm...I wonder how long it would take to drive from Las Vegas to Los Angeles...

It's about 230 miles as the crow flies. It's probably a minimum of a 4 hour drive each way. Add in traffic, who knows?

And to Anoree: There's no need to apologize, it's an honest mistake. :)

06-06-2009, 11:56 PM
It's about 230 miles as the crow flies. It's probably a minimum of a 4 hour drive each way. Add in traffic, who knows?

And to Anoree: There's no need to apologize, it's an honest mistake. :)

That may not be too bad. Truth is, as dumb as it may sound, I have thought about making a "day" trip to LA simply because I've never been there and don't know that I ever will be that close again (given that I live in Kentucky).

06-12-2009, 09:05 PM
Well I'm off to Wales for a couple of weeks on holiday.

We're just doing the usual boring thing of pulling our caravan behind the 4X4, right out to the tip of South Wales at St David's. Hope the weather stays fine, fingers crossed.

See you all when we get back at the end of June. :)

06-13-2009, 04:39 AM
I hope you enjoy your vacation.

06-20-2009, 08:14 PM
I was looking forward to a 9 day vacation in the US, touring a bit through Arizona (see the Grand Canyon for example), visit the Electric Daisy Carnival in LA and hopefully meet up with Danielle on a day or two.

It's not to be.

US Customs and Border Protection in Detroit, where I arrived first from overseas, asked me about my intentions in the US. I answered their questions truthfully, as I was expected, and as is the way I am.

Wrong idea. I guess I shouldn't have mentioned the meeting, even though I was asked. All they wanted to know then was how I got to know Danielle, what she does for a living, what we would do (we hadn't fixed anything) and so on.

I guess you all know Danielle and me enough to know we wouldn't do anything illegal. US Customs thought otherwise and sent me right back out of country. How are you supposed to proof that you won't engage in acts you didn't even think of? They didn't have prove for their assumptions, because we weren't about to do what they assumed, but suspicions are enough for them to deny entry into the United States with the Visa Waiver Program I took part.
Now, if I ever want to come into the United States again, I've got to apply for a visa through an embassy.

So, no spontaneous visits to the US for me anymore, and I doubt I'll ever get allowed to meet Danielle.

06-20-2009, 08:42 PM
If I had to do a travel to USA (or US) they also stop me to me (example) ? Without a because? Is it not a democratic country? Is it only in Detroit?
Have you brought something illegal? Because they ask questions?
I think that T-bone has gone well.

06-20-2009, 10:50 PM
If I had to do a travel to USA (or US) they also stop me to me (example) ? Without a because? Is it not a democratic country? Is it only in Detroit?
Have you brought something illegal? Because they ask questions?
I think that T-bone has gone well.

They ask questions to anybody who enters the US and isn't a citizen. I didn't bring anything illegal with me. I guess I "found" an officer who had more time to ask questions, or I just had bad luck.
I had been more or less awake for 33 hours straight, with only a few short naps inbetween, and my brain was working on truth-autopilot already.

I guess T-Bone just wasn't asked who he'd meet. ;)

I've got to admit me driving three hours home from Amsterdam myself after all that was careless. When I arrived home I'd been up for 50 hours, minus a few hours of interrupted sleep on the flight back to Amsterdam. DON'T TRY THAT YOURSELF! I almost fell asleep while driving and had to make a few stops to get halfway awake again. Not recommended at all.

06-20-2009, 10:52 PM
Anoree! DUDE!!!!

I can't believe you flew all the way to the US from Germany and got sent right back home! WHAT did you do wrong! Don't Europeans from all countries come here on vacation successfully? Sure, T-Bone has a trade show to attend but, still, HE spent several glorious days with Alison and Lia and even met Rob - but not Danielle.

I travel to Europe once or twice a year. NO ONE asks me who I am seeing or what I'm doing. WHY did you tell them you were going to meet Danielle, and even worse, tell them what she does??? You could have just said she's a student! Or, you could have said you were going to meet Rob - an "old friend."

Why didn't you just tell them you were to drive around the US and do some sightseeing?

There must be something you aren't telling us here! Has American reached a point where we don't even accept tourists? Man, I feel bad for you! Airfare isn't cheap and you probably got screwed changing your flight back home.

As an American, I'm sorry for your troubles. I don't think it's right burt, you know government, they ALWAYS go over board in everything they do.:eek:

T-bone Thomas
06-20-2009, 11:14 PM
So does that mean if I want to meet a so called "pornstar" I will be sent back straight away at the imigration? I can say only one word: UNBELIEVABLE.
But I'm afraid its kind of normal in these crazy times we live.

06-20-2009, 11:25 PM
Anoree! DUDE!!!!

I can't believe you flew all the way to the US from Germany and got sent right back home! WHAT did you do wrong! Don't Europeans from all countries come here on vacation successfully? Sure, T-Bone has a trade show to attend but, still, HE spent several glorious days with Alison and Lia and even met Rob - but not Danielle.

I travel to Europe once or twice a year. NO ONE asks me who I am seeing or what I'm doing. WHY did you tell them you were going to meet Danielle, and even worse, tell them what she does??? You could have just said she's a student! Or, you could have said you were going to meet Rob - an "old friend."

Why didn't you just tell them you were to drive around the US and do some sightseeing?

There must be something you aren't telling us here! Has American reached a point where we don't even accept tourists? Man, I feel bad for you! Airfare isn't cheap and you probably got screwed changing your flight back home.

As an American, I'm sorry for your troubles. I don't think it's right burt, you know government, they ALWAYS go over board in everything they do.:eek:

I did tell I wanted to do sightseeing, which was the truth. The meeting with Danielle they teased out of me.
When dealing with Officials I usually go well by telling the truth. This time it backfired BAD.

For the flight back they used my return ticket from LA, which was for two flights. My connection flight to Phoenix wasn't used either. One flight back for three not used shouldn't be too bad of a deal for the flight line.:rolleyes:

In the whole process about $1k of vacation cost were blown to dust, including hotel and rent car, which won't be funded back. But that's only a minor thing compared to the rest.

06-20-2009, 11:50 PM
Me still are incredulous!!!
Does it mean who goes to US it has to declare what you are doing?
I am not now understanding more nothing! There is love of tourism among USA and Europe.
I think that would also have happened to me as Anoree. And does it mean that we are hated for this? Absurd!!
Someone makes me understand better, please.

06-21-2009, 08:48 AM
that sucks! I do know about a few things that i cant talk about but we are at a elivated security rate right now and that is pry the reason thay stoped you. and some of thous customs guys think they are just gerks. but that just goes to show you what the world is comming to!

06-21-2009, 08:42 PM
Tough break Anoree!