View Full Version : Had a boo boo

01-04-2009, 05:07 PM
The day after Christmas I had my sister over and her two little boys. I was trying to get some laundry done and while going down the stairs I steped on one of their toy trucks and fell down the steps laundry went flying and I went down head first. I have a hair line fracture on my right arm. So I'm in a cast for the next 5 weeks. I'm still working, typing with 1 finger.lol I'm left handed so I'm not too bad off. Ya ever tryed to get a bra on with a cast on it's a bi**h. Jeromy has been a sweetheart helping me. gess I can't call Tigger a cluts any more. :o

01-04-2009, 05:28 PM
I hope you heal quickly. i don't have stairs in my house but have tripped over the hotwheels that nephew or friends kids have left on the ground. but nearly knocked myself out. and all i heard from the kid is "good, my car is not damaged!" yeah, not invided back now.

01-04-2009, 05:30 PM
Wow Missy, sorry about your injury. A broken arm is bad enough, but it could have been much worse! Thank goodness it wasn't!!!!
I really hope your arm heals quickly and you're soon back to having two good arms :)

I'm sure Tigger won't mind helping you with your bra ;)

01-04-2009, 07:49 PM
ow missy that is not good.

01-04-2009, 07:53 PM
Her middle finger still works!!!!!!!!!! She is such a lady!lol i dont think jeromy would let me touch her bra, and amanda would pry smack me if i tryed!

01-04-2009, 08:01 PM
Ya ever tryed to get a bra on with a cast on it's a bi**h.

Sadly no, but I did spend most of my life trying to take them off.;):D

01-04-2009, 08:38 PM
sadly no, but i did spend most of my life trying to take them off.;):d

I bet you did! Lol

01-04-2009, 08:39 PM
I'm sure Tigger won't mind helping you with your bra ;)

I think Amanda would have somthing to say about that!

01-04-2009, 08:45 PM
I found this photo of Jeromy and I last year at the Marine Christmas party last year. He looks sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-04-2009, 10:13 PM
I found this photo of Jeromy and I last year at the Marine Christmas party last year. He looks sexy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Forget Jeromy, Look at you, you're cute! :)

01-04-2009, 10:31 PM
Sorry to hear about your broken arm. But as grande351 said, it could have been much worse.
A birthday with an arm in cast sucks enough.

Get well soon! And tell them kids not to let cars lying on the steps (or somewhere other in the way). Maybe keep the cast as a warning for next time they're comming around.

01-05-2009, 01:15 AM
I hope you get well soon. A broken arm does suck...and especially the physical therapy afterwards.

01-05-2009, 12:07 PM

I understand how much he is badly about to have ugly misfortunes during the parties. Luckily has been all right. Could be worse. I hope that you recover. As Tigger is recovered well.
It imagines to me if my insane colleagues would have broken me. Every day I am always afraid, but also cold blood and a lot of courage. And always thinking about my mother that needs support.

Can I say one good gentleness of mine and without any offense, Missy? You're NICE indeed!!!:)

I now see two attractive women: Danielle and Missy. And also Lia.

Unusual this beautiful site of Danielle.:D

01-05-2009, 03:37 PM

Sorry to hear about your skydive down the stairs, ouch!

Get well soon :)

01-07-2009, 01:29 AM
Missy you look pretty hot in that Evening gown..Red also happens to be my fave color. :D

01-07-2009, 01:50 AM
See, that's why I wear a parachute at all times, carry a gas mask and duct taped all my windows. Well, alright, the gas mask is for when my brother is around, and I only wear the parachute when my nieces or my mom's dog are around, and I don't even have a roll of duct tape in the house, but the really seriously important thing here, the thing to remember, the thing which trumps all else, is that age-old idea that laughter's the best medicine--got that from that lefty mag, the Reader's Digest (learned it was communist from MASH--take out the 3d, 5th & 6th letters and whatcha got? "Red's Digest"). Snd Missy, if you aren't at least giggling yet, or haven't shot milk out of your nose (Tigger, Jeromy, DUCK!) then I've done a crappy job. Honestly, I hope you're feeling better, Missy Melissa (PS, you maybe shouldn't have posted your photo--either that's my cousin's ex's biker gang outside, or I'm hearing a collective rrrRRRRRRrrrrr! from all the guys here--sorry couldn't resist :rolleyes:

01-08-2009, 12:00 AM
The day after Christmas I had my sister over and her two little boys. I was trying to get some laundry done and while going down the stairs I steped on one of their toy trucks and fell down the steps laundry went flying and I went down head first. I have a hair line fracture on my right arm. So I'm in a cast for the next 5 weeks. I'm still working, typing with 1 finger.lol I'm left handed so I'm not too bad off. Ya ever tryed to get a bra on with a cast on it's a bi**h. Jeromy has been a sweetheart helping me. gess I can't call Tigger a cluts any more. :o

Been out of town for a while...every time I do that some one gets hurt (gonna stay home this week)...Sorry to hear you got hurt & I hope you have a speedy recovery. Good luck with the bra thing, sorry I can't be of assistance in that area:D
BTW..Someone in that pic you posted does look wayyyy sexy (I'll give you a hint...its the babe in the red dress)
Can't even see the thigh holster..LOL

01-08-2009, 01:30 AM
You guys!!!!!!!! lol It's not that bad, iches a little. From the time I was able to walk I broke some bone in my body about once a year. It has gone 6 yrs till this one. And it's my fav. color! :p

01-08-2009, 01:31 AM
See, that's why I wear a parachute at all times, carry a gas mask and duct taped all my windows. Well, alright, the gas mask is for when my brother is around, and I only wear the parachute when my nieces or my mom's dog are around, and I don't even have a roll of duct tape in the house, but the really seriously important thing here, the thing to remember, the thing which trumps all else, is that age-old idea that laughter's the best medicine--got that from that lefty mag, the Reader's Digest (learned it was communist from MASH--take out the 3d, 5th & 6th letters and whatcha got? "Red's Digest"). Snd Missy, if you aren't at least giggling yet, or haven't shot milk out of your nose (Tigger, Jeromy, DUCK!) then I've done a crappy job. Honestly, I hope you're feeling better, Missy Melissa (PS, you maybe shouldn't have posted your photo--either that's my cousin's ex's biker gang outside, or I'm hearing a collective rrrRRRRRRrrrrr! from all the guys here--sorry couldn't resist :rolleyes:
You are a strange one!:D

01-08-2009, 03:07 AM
You are a strange one!:D

Agreed, I'm the product of maybe a little too much Bugs Bunny, Rocky & Bullwinkle, Fat Albert (speaking of which I'm like school on a Saturday--no class!), Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park and so on and on. In other words, I'm a loon. But more importantly, did it make you laugh?

01-08-2009, 01:58 PM
Yes I got a laugh from it.

01-09-2009, 01:09 PM
You guys!!!!!!!! lol It's not that bad, iches a little. From the time I was able to walk I broke some bone in my body about once a year. It has gone 6 yrs till this one. And it's my fav. color! :p

I would have preferred.... blue.LOL:p
I think that you have a weapon of defense.j/k:D

I believe that you are a strong woman.:)

01-20-2009, 12:56 AM
Missy got her cast off today. she broke it banging it agenst the bumper on the van. Jeromy took her to the er and they exrayed it and said it could come off. her arm looks gross where she has been scratching it with what ever she could stick down there. i took Amanda and Marcy to the shooting range. and some guy was trying to tell Amanda how to shoot she put up a new target and blue the crotch out of it with the m4. that guy didnt say one word after that. i think i will stay on my side of the bed tonight!

01-20-2009, 01:24 AM
I took Amanda and Marcy to the shooting range. and some guy was trying to tell Amanda how to shoot she put up a new target and blue the crotch out of it with the m4. that guy didnt say one word after that. i think i will stay on my side of the bed tonight!

Now that made me laugh so hard I pee'ed a little.