View Full Version : How can my dream come true?

05-09-2011, 04:19 PM

I really adoe Robs work, absolutely wunderfull allmost every time. As a amateur photographer, who is into women portraits, I dream of only once taking picture like Rob does, any clue how this can come true ?

08-14-2011, 06:58 PM

I really adoe Robs work, absolutely wunderfull allmost every time. As a amateur photographer, who is into women portraits, I dream of only once taking picture like Rob does, any clue how this can come true ?

Lots of practice. It's also good if you have an "eye" for photography...and especially Rob's style of photography.

08-15-2011, 03:35 PM
Hi freak-o. Want said drem to com true? You can contact The Rob any time; if He says "yes", you might go move nearby his main base, and then sign up as FTVIntern. Good luck. To both.

08-26-2011, 02:42 PM
question is: where can I find girls that show off like they do for Rob ?

08-26-2011, 07:16 PM
question is: where can I find girls that show off like they do for Rob ?

Find any good looking young girl down on her luck and offer her a $1,000 to get naked.:cool:

08-26-2011, 08:42 PM

I really adoe Robs work, absolutely wunderfull allmost every time. As a amateur photographer, who is into women portraits, I dream of only once taking picture like Rob does, any clue how this can come true ?

Gathering from what I read Danielle has to pay dearly for her shoots. What is the difference btwn amateur and pro? If I go to a pro photog I would normally have to pay. Maybe not if i took my clothes off, or maybe more if I did! :cool:

thefreak, I would advertise myself as a pro nude photog, and charge. It's my time, talent and materials, it is my profession, IF I was a pro photog. I asked a pro in CA once who does boudoir photos. Let me say, it don't come cheap. She estimates that about 20% of beautiful women are interested in having nudes shot of themselves. You know, for the grandkids someday.

I was going to be a pro, took 2 yrs of classes in HS, got caught in the darkroom developing a nude (photo, lol) of a gangsta friends girlfriend, got in twubble, stayed with music, photo'd wives, couples & GFs nude on the side. It's not that hard. Unless it is.

I would get nice biz cards, good equip, set up a space, advertise, cop an attitude, and go for it! :) No reason to pay unless she's a name pro and maybe not even then, especially if you get a name for yourself. Besides, if a woman won't take off her clothes she's weak, I don't want her.

Like I say, you can have, do, and be anything you want. Good equipment and a lot of nerve works. Just do it. Send me a postcard.

08-27-2011, 04:01 AM
Check this:: Finding Models for Nude Photography http://www.pixiq.com/article/finding-models-for-nude-photography

There are more links at the bottom.

I don't know how I do it, I just ask & chit comes up out of...nowhere...

I was reading an article about a Clinton cop threatening to kill a citizen and saw a link to this. What's the conneciton? You tell me LOL. :)

08-27-2011, 04:18 AM
I was reading an article about a Clinton cop threatening to kill a citizen and saw a link to this. What's the conneciton? You tell me LOL. :)

Maybe the threatened citizen had made nude photos of the cop's wife? ;)

08-27-2011, 04:39 AM
Maybe the threatened citizen had made nude photos of the cop's wife? ;)

Ooooh yeah. And as we all know, that's where it starts. :D