View Full Version : The flu!!!!!!!!!!

12-02-2008, 08:29 PM
6 out of 10 of the team are down with the flu since monday. Tigger has not gotten out of bed all day. Sarah is going from roon to room being mom, and nurse. They all ate at a BBQ place sunday night and all got up mon. sick. Glad I didn't go eat there. It is snowy and cold where we are.

12-02-2008, 08:48 PM
6 out of 10 of the team are down with the flu since monday. Tigger has not gotten out of bed all day. Sarah is going from roon to room being mom, and nurse. They all ate at a BBQ place sunday night and all got up mon. sick. Glad I didn't go eat there. It is snowy and cold where we are.

A BBQ in the snow? :eek: You've got a tough gang there, Missy.
I hope they didn't catch the flu, just a little cold and are up again in notime.
They didn't eat poultry, did they?

12-02-2008, 08:52 PM
I saw my doctor the beginning of Nov and got my shots--flu, distemper, rabies, ...oh wait ...! Seriously, sounds like something was off with the food, but still the idea of BBQ right now is making my tummy tum tum rumble and my mouth water ...mmmm, mesquite smoked buffalo steaks! :D

12-02-2008, 08:56 PM
A BBQ in the snow? :eek: You've got a tough gang there, Missy.
I hope they didn't catch the flu, just a little cold and are up again in notime.
They didn't eat poultry, did they? They ate at a BBQ restaront, it was inside. and they do have the flu we had them all in to the DR. and they said give them fluids and keep them in bed and let it take it's course. I gess it is going around where we are at. They should be better in a day or two.

12-02-2008, 09:01 PM
I saw my doctor the beginning of Nov and got my shots--flu, distemper, rabies, ...oh wait ...! Seriously, sounds like something was off with the food, but still the idea of BBQ right now is making my tummy tum tum rumble and my mouth water ...mmmm, mesquite smoked buffalo steaks! :DTigger got his flu shot I know, but with his low white blood cell count all he has to do is be by someone sick and he gets sick. He takes about 6 pils a day due to his health problems. Sarah is spending a lot of time in with him, if he gets worse he will have to go to the hospital and stay so they can give him his meds in a IV. Had to do that last year when he was sick. I would bet that someone fixing the BBQ was sick and spred it to them.

12-02-2008, 09:06 PM
They ate at a BBQ restaront, it was inside. and they do have the flu we had them all in to the DR. and they said give them fluids and keep them in bed and let it take it's course. I gess it is going around where we are at. They should be better in a day or two.

Ah, I see, not that tough ... just kidding.

I hope they recover well and fast. I'm sure Sarah does all she can for them.

12-02-2008, 09:08 PM
Tigger got his flu shot I know, but with his low white blood cell count all he has to do is be by someone sick and he gets sick. He takes about 6 pils a day due to his health problems. Sarah is spending a lot of time in with him, if he gets worse he will have to go to the hospital and stay so they can give him his meds in a IV. Had to do that last year when he was sick. I would bet that someone fixing the BBQ was sick and spred it to them.

I hate to say it, but I've got Tigger beat on the med count--I take a dozen meds a day, 1 of them 3x, another 2x. I wish I'd gone, or been able to go, to the doctor before things got out of hand, but at the same time I've got a better appreciation for some things I wouldn't have had otherwise (sometimes you, or I, just needs a kick in the @ss, ya dig?).

And I'm not sure how many strains of the flu are out this year--they gamble a bit on which strain they think will be big and plan for that doing the ol' chicken egg thing to create the vaccine, but sometimes they miss the mark. There's something going around out this way, but not so serious as it sounds like Tigger & the team came down with. On the other hand, my grandpa spent a big part of last week in the hospital with the flu it was that serious, and he lives in upstate NY. Whatever it is, keep it on your side of the Big Muddy, will ya? (;))

12-02-2008, 09:17 PM
Most of Tiggers problems are from the cancer, as he put it " the cure was as bad as the sicknes" they kemo the hell out of him back in 1995 and did some damage . That was before they knew what too much kemo can do to them. and he was exposed to cemicals in the first gulf war that caused some problems that they are treating him for. the pore kid has been thru a lot in his 37 yrs.

12-02-2008, 09:39 PM
They ate at a BBQ restaront, it was inside. and they do have the flu we had them all in to the DR. and they said give them fluids and keep them in bed and let it take it's course. I gess it is going around where we are at. They should be better in a day or two.

Never eat BBQ North of the Mason-Dixon Line.

12-03-2008, 12:10 PM
It seems that for Tigger the troubles never end.

12-03-2008, 07:01 PM
Sorry to hear about Tigger and his crew Missy!. Wish them well from me.:)
Guess i'm lucky that i have never in my life had a cold or flu. I work outside all year round. I've worked in heatwaves and bitter winters. I think i'm lucky that whatever the weather throws at me. Whether it's heat or ice i always get through it without a sniffle.:)

12-04-2008, 12:40 AM
sorry to hear about tigger and everyone... the flu is not fun. i have had three friends come down with it after flu shots....

12-04-2008, 01:11 AM
They are starting to get better. A few of them got up and had some soup. The flu is just one of thous things you just have to let it do it's thing.

12-04-2008, 05:12 AM
Don't plan on getting the flu this season, got the shot today:D

12-04-2008, 06:15 AM
Don't plan on getting the flu this season, got the shot today:D

Nobody ever PLANS to get the flu. And the shot doesn't always work but it does give you a better chance of not getting it.

12-04-2008, 06:03 PM
Every one is up and pising and moaning.lol We are cleared to go back to work in the morning. Tigger is snuggled up with Amanda watching a NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC program about Lewis & Clark.

12-04-2008, 06:30 PM
That's Tigger. Never down for long. Glad Tigger and team are getting better Missy.:)

12-05-2008, 12:46 AM
Thanks guys. I got my flu shot and that didnt do me any good i still got sick. but as misssy said i have a low white blood cell count so im seseptible to geting sick varry easy. but sarah took good care of all of us and we all lived thru it.lol