View Full Version : Test and puzzle of Ugo's.
I have always had the passion of these amusing tests, riddles, puzzle and other. And I hope that this new thread can have a good time to you all and Danielle, to guess what I will show every time that I will have an idea to guess to you.
This is the first amusing idea of an enigma to guess: you see the face of a man. But then what do you think? Do you see something strange?
11-07-2008, 11:04 PM
I have always had the passion of these amusing tests, riddles, puzzle and other. And I hope that this new thread can have a good time to you all and Danielle, to guess what I will show every time that I will have an idea to guess to you.
This is the first amusing idea of an enigma to guess: you see the face of a man. But then what do you think? Do you see something strange?
The eyes seem to me to be the ones of a cat. Or is it a wulf? It's hard to tell.
The eyes seem to me to be the ones of a cat. Or is it a wulf? It's hard to tell.
The main point is to try to guess, friend Anoree. Also more times. For now your supposition it is wrong.:p
Now I have made an improvement. What do you see?:p
Well you got me puzzled Ugo lol. Any more clues?.:D
11-08-2008, 10:28 PM
Well, I seem to fail the test.
I turned the picture around, flipped it over, covered parts of it, all to no use.
I can't figure out what you hid in the picture, Ugo.:(
11-08-2008, 10:48 PM
got me stumped
11-08-2008, 11:35 PM
Where's the other ear?
11-09-2008, 12:04 AM
Well I'm like the others ugo, stumped. The sort of view I think I am looking at is the right hand side of a woman with a Black ponytail, face pointing away and her arm in the middle, but below that I just don't know. As I said you got me stumped m8, (and I'm usually quite good at these things!)
11-09-2008, 02:04 AM
Is it a penis? Former Us President Ronald Reagan?
Force boys!!!! We owe "to train" our brain. And I believe that WhyYou is an expert of these things.:D
Anoree, is not beautiful to try to understand so many other things on that picture?
Do you think that it is only a man? What in Italy it is said " That face it toasts you have!!! ".
I believe that something could guess GeoLarson (already, the ear,...). Or has gone very near YetAnotherDave (but I don't believe that it is an animal).
Nothing badly the supposition of MrSnook. But.....
Do you see Mart? I have given the clues.
11-09-2008, 10:24 AM
Force boys!!!! We owe "to train" our brain. And I believe that WhyYou is an expert of these things.:D
Anoree, is not beautiful to try to understand so many other things on that picture?
Do you think that it is only a man? What in Italy it is said " That face it toasts you have!!! ".
I believe that something could guess GeoLarson (already, the ear,...). Or has gone very near YetAnotherDave (but I don't believe that it is an animal).
Nothing badly the supposition of MrSnook. But.....
Do you see Mart? I have given the clues.
It's TWO women !!! (or possibly a man behind) in a sitting embrace What I thought was a pony tail is top of head of person furthest away, the "ear" is another arm coming round the back. Am I right ugo?
btw ugo "pony tail" is a hairstyle not the animal itself :) I found this translation for it: "ha la coda di cavallo" means "she's got a ponytail". Translation English - Italian Collins Dictionary
11-09-2008, 10:34 AM
I think you have guessed it yad!
11-09-2008, 10:38 AM
Aw, Y A D, you spoiled the fun. You should have sent Ugo a PM.
I finally got it, too, seing the third picture. (And not having red Y A D's reply)
In the second picture I see it, because I know it should be there, but in the first picture it's gone. At least for me.
Good puzzle, Ugo. I'm waiting for the next one. ;)
But attention!!! You have to tell well me: am I two women or one? There is at times a deceit (that is to understand better the figure. Because I had magnified for confusing). For to improve your great answer.:)
No problem for the tail of horse. I was confused. My respect for You.:)
I am sorry indeed Anoree. It was easy. But I wanted to have a good time becoming so hard for to guess.
I will see to do another. Even more difficult.:D
11-09-2008, 11:21 AM
Aw, Y A D, you spoiled the fun. You should have sent Ugo a PM.
I finally got it, too, seing the third picture. (And not having red Y A D's reply)
In the second picture I see it, because I know it should be there, but in the first picture it's gone. At least for me.
Good puzzle, Ugo. I'm waiting for the next one. ;)
Sorry m8, promise to PM ugo next time, and yes that 3rd picture clinched it for me. Especially after the "almost" from ugo.
@ugo: I hope there is a next time soon. Thank you for this one
From Ugo :
But attention!!! You have to tell well me: am I two women or one? There is at times a deceit (that is to understand better the figure.
Apart the victory of YetAnotherDave, do you have to understand if two women or an only woman are?:)
Is become even more interesting. And to understand that figure is. An expert of museum as me. The matter is still opened.:D
11-09-2008, 03:34 PM
Ohhhh, yeahhhhh ... the third picture makes it so much clearer! Hyper-magna-wicked cool, Ugo! :D
Now it is the moment of a serious thing. You have to find the hidden dog. I believe that with more imagination and fantasy you can understand better... the "situation of the photo.":p:p
11-09-2008, 11:51 PM
Now it is the moment of a serious thing. You have to find the hidden dog. I believe that with more imagination and fantasy you can understand better... the "situation of the photo.":p:p
There is an outline of a dog right in the middle of the picture. (just stare right at the centre of the pic and you will see the styalised face of what looks like a bull terrier)
OK OK. Traceyloves69.:p
You have been great. And I don't know how you have done.:D
11-10-2008, 12:02 AM
I have circled the dog
11-10-2008, 12:03 AM
OK OK. Traceyloves69.:p
You have been great. And I don't know how you have done.:D
TOO EASY and if you had drawn the first one correctly the first time that would also have been as easy
I thought that you have guessed. But it was not that. If you can try another time. Perhaps, if you have understood something... from me.:p
Tracey, Is strange that you have said me Bull Terrier.:eek:
11-10-2008, 12:16 AM
Tracey, Is strange that you have said me Bull Terrier.:eek:
Thats the kind of breed the dog looks like ( a staffordshire bullterrier)
For you, Tracey, I will give a good discount. Because something you have guessed well.:)
It looks at the picture fixing. And you will see something. Your prize.:p
11-10-2008, 12:27 AM
For you, Tracey, I will give a good discount. Because something you have guessed well.:)
It looks at the picture fixing. And you will see something. Your prize.:p
The dog that pops up is an English Bull Terrier
To me, this man is very strange. You thing you say?:p
11-10-2008, 03:49 PM
if you flip the picture upside down you will see a sailor smiling
give us some more
Oh, Yes Voncroy10.:D
Perhaps it was very easy.:p
I see to find others my imaginations. But also you can do something on this thread. :)
11-10-2008, 04:54 PM
here is one for you
what do you see ?
Too much easy for me. I prefer if they guess the others.:D
11-10-2008, 11:22 PM
here is one for you
what do you see ?
If you invert the colours (make a negative of the picture) you have what appears to be the face of Jesus H Christ
11-11-2008, 12:07 AM
What's hidden in the picture?
11-11-2008, 01:58 AM
A baby lying down
Traceyloves69 ( and others ), and if you turn upside-down the pic of Jesus thing does it appear?:rolleyes:
YetAnotherDave, it seems difficult.:D
But where is child seen by WhyYou?
11-11-2008, 08:25 AM
A baby lying down
Yup you're spot on WhyYou.
@ ugo (and ony others) Head is on left side, above and to the right of the couple you have the short little legs.
It's the classic baby in the womb shot
11-11-2008, 10:05 AM
about the pic of jesus
stare at the 4 dots in the middle of the pic for about 30 seconds then look at a wall beside you then blink your eyes
you will see jesus clearly
am not kidding try it
11-11-2008, 10:11 AM
what about this one
11-11-2008, 11:54 AM
Is written "Lear".:)
its liar....jk
its liar....jk
Pardon. At times I am confused. I wanted to say Liar.:o
Who is ?
11-11-2008, 02:09 PM
That's a picture of Jesus
Yes friend WhyYou. It was easy also this.:p
What is it?:p
11-11-2008, 09:23 PM
Oh, that's easy. It's a bduuncnky.:D
Oh yes Anoree. They are two animals.:p
11-11-2008, 11:58 PM
Squirrel and bunny
11-12-2008, 05:14 AM
A bunny and a duck
Thanks for the correct precise statement "Administrators Laranger and WhyYou.":p:D
"Difficult, true?":p:p
11-12-2008, 02:29 PM
Profile of an old lady and a young lady. The young lady is partially turned away.
11-12-2008, 06:47 PM
I knew the last one already. Young lady looking away, old lady looking down.
Also this was easy. And it is my turn to give the prizes to you two WhyYou and Anoree: Good!!!:p:D
11-12-2008, 09:49 PM
find whats hidden?
If I am not wrong, there is only a man (the head).:)
11-12-2008, 09:55 PM
that was quick !:eek:
Is very evident the man's face.:p
11-12-2008, 09:59 PM
good observant you are
it took me half an hour to find it
Thank you Voncroy10. My eyes were relaxed after my afternoon of job.:p
I am confused. (????) :D
11-12-2008, 10:40 PM
There are at least a dozen faces mixed in the surroundings.
Kind of reminds me of Mount Rushmore. :cool:
PS: I wonder if the horseman feels observed. :D
There are at least a dozen faces mixed in the surroundings.
Kind of reminds me of Mount Rushmore. :cool:
PS: I wonder if the horseman feels observed. :D
I am not sure if they are 12 (at times they seem 14). However, compliments Anoree!
Is true! They seem the sculptures of that American's famous mountains.
What does it make to think?:p
Do you feel like spending some time? You try to play with this.:p
What does it make to think?:p
Not too sure why. But the words "SUN,SEA and SEX" spring to mind.:D
11-13-2008, 09:48 PM
its a chalk drawing on a street.
its a chalk drawing on a street.
GOOD ONE, Tigger ! As you have done to understand?:p
Not too sure why. But the words "SUN,SEA and SEX" spring to mind.:D
Oh, this is nice for me Mart! I imagine,....:o:D
What will it be from far?
What will it be from far?
It's a mouse going through a time warp lol.:D
It's a mouse going through a time warp lol.:D
Wrong answer, Friend Mart.:p
11-14-2008, 08:17 PM
i think its two people sitting on a table
i think its two people sitting on a table
You have won Voncroy10!!:p
But from far thing it appears before of those two sat people?
Two people sitting on a table!!!.Ok i'm going for an eye test lol.:D
11-14-2008, 08:24 PM
But from far thing it appears before of those two sat people?
rephrase please
I have lost the original one that image animated. I have to go to find him.
I wanted to say: what from far it seems a particular form (person, animal, thing or other), and before it will draw near that form, will be seen then the two people sat around the table (that you have guessed, Voncroy10).
11-14-2008, 08:52 PM
I'd guess from far it's a cat looking at you.
Yes Anoree !!!:p
I now have to find the original animate.
Here is the original that stirs the magic effect.
What strange baby,....:p
Is it a mirror image of half a babies face Ugo?. One side is him and the other side a mirror.:)
Is it a mirror image of half a babies face Ugo?. One side is him and the other side a mirror.:)
Your answer can be accepted. The title was this: a Child to three faces (two profiles form a third: the face).
Compliment Mart! I knew that has arrived your time to win. I hope that Lia will give you a big kiss to You.:p:)
What does it make to come to mind?
11-15-2008, 07:55 PM
I wish I had three hands.
Consider that a divorce.
Get ready for a surprise!
Was it anything of answer? It tries again however MrSnook.:p
11-15-2008, 10:21 PM
I beg to differ
It's Kuato from Total Recall. Or atleast his brother.
You have really reason, MrSnook. I had forgotten as it called that" monster." But the movie I have seen him various times.
Good one MrSnook !!!!:p
Who this is?
He has a baby face?.:)
What does it make to come to mind?
11-15-2008, 11:31 PM
Who this is?
Anna Paquin. Then again I just watched True Blood.
Not badly that beautiful woman Anna Paquin!!:eek:
And then I love the movies of beautiful vampire sexy. But it is not her. I am sorry.
Who this is?
Strange. Is famous from you in America!!:eek:
Ummm, a wolf,..... there will be other's?
11-16-2008, 04:29 PM
I see at least 2 more wolves. :)
11-16-2008, 11:08 PM
I see three other wulfes:
I see three other wulfes:
It misses one wolf.
What happens after the man is finding something in the trunk?
We see who tells this way me:
- it gives flowers.
- from some object of the desire.
- it throws the ball.
You think and... with "irony."
11-30-2008, 11:53 AM
he takes a needle out and pops out the boobs
Yes, Voncroy. Is wrong.
It becomes now only two among those that I had listed. I have removed one because you have responded me.:p
- it throws the ball.
- it gives flowers.
Umm, But thing are?
Umm, But thing are?
Well i see a pig, lion, deer, elephant, horse. Just lots of animals. Am i right Ugo?.:)
Great Mart !:)
But they are everything 8 animals.:o
Also I have difficulty to guess what.:D
Great Mart !:)
But they are everything 8 animals.:o
Also I have difficulty to guess what.:D
Well i can see a few more but i'm not too sure what they are.
A pig, lion, deer, elephant, horse, cat, beaver, kangeroo. Am i closer Ugo?.:)
Well i can see a few more but i'm not too sure what they are.
A pig, lion, deer, elephant, horse, cat, beaver, kangeroo. Am i closer Ugo?.:)
Good one Mart.:)
The important one that you have seen 8 animals. And you have guessed. For me they don't seem only three: the deer, the kangaroo and the beaver.
But it seems the gazelle, the giraffe and a bystander above the cat that really I don't know what it is animal it is.
This enigma has not given the answer. But only to know how many animals are.
But what "beautiful tree of... Christmas.". I try to deceive you.:p:D
12-02-2008, 02:00 PM
But what "beautiful tree of... Christmas.". I try to deceive you.:p:D
A lionhead right of the trunk, a few fish below it and the obvious birds above the tree are all I see.
If the shape left of the trunk is supposed to be another animal, I don't get it.
12-02-2008, 02:11 PM
the other animal on the left is a gorilla
A lionhead right of the trunk, a few fish below it and the obvious birds above the tree are all I see.
If the shape left of the trunk is supposed to be another animal, I don't get it.
Anoree, crosses again the examination.:D
Is completely mistaken your supposition.:o:p
the other animal on the left is a gorilla
GOOD ONE, Voncroy !!:)
And the other to the right?:p
12-02-2008, 02:18 PM
like Anoree said its a lion
actually i already knew this one and i was gonna post it but you did
i'll try to look for more
like Anoree said its a lion
actually i already knew this one and i was gonna post it but you did
i'll try to look for more
No Lion. To the right (in front of the gorilla) there is another form that resembles to another animal. Is easy.:o
12-02-2008, 02:25 PM
No Lion. To the right (in front of the gorilla) there is another form that resembles to another animal. Is easy.:o
a tiger ??
Ok Voncroy. A discount for You: it is a dog.:p
What sensation... "to see that cascade.":p
You try to think: because the cat is this way?
The solution of the cat was this.
This is a beautiful landscape,.....:p
12-16-2008, 06:01 PM
The solution of the cat was this.
Just curious: Was there a clue that led to the bird?
This is a beautiful landscape,.....:p
I saw him ... it ... whatever. :o
While we're at solutions: Where was the missing wolf?
Anoree, I had told one sentence of mine to seem an enigma on that photo of the cat cut in two parts. I had said: does thing make you think to see a cat this way? If one wanted to play having a good time answering on my enigma sentence.
It needs to understand as the reality of the life that we live of every day.:p
To the second photo it needs to understand anything inside that photo. Also here use my enigma sentence.
12-16-2008, 11:50 PM
It looks like an upsidedown Abraham Lincoln.
I think that they resemble. Because the mysterious truth of that face it is Jules Verne, writer of science, trips and adventure.
Compliment WhyYou. At least you have guessed where the face is seen.:)
12-17-2008, 12:19 AM
I saw an upside down face, too, but didn't want to spoil the fun for the others with giving too much information. Hence "him ... it ..." ;)
I still can't figure out where the fifth wolf in the howling wolf picture is supposed to be.
And I can't see anything in or with the cascade.
Could you give us the solution, Ugo?
I have understood Anoree. I knew that you had guessed. But you have respected the others.:)
I have now understood that you wanted to know on the lacking wolf. I have posted the picture of the wolves. And with the arrows that point out the wolves hidden among the mountains. While the true wolf that he is seen in first position doesn't represent with the hidden wolves. I think that it is this way.
I think that the hidden wolves are 5.:o
The picture of the cascade is one form of mine of enigma. Do you see if it is really fallen in the middle of of the strange ancient mountains? They seem some people. We see if you have understood.:rolleyes:
12-17-2008, 08:10 PM
I have understood Anoree. I knew that you had guessed. But you have respected the others.
I was tempted, but complaining about WhyYou spoiling the fun for the others earlier in the thread I couldn't do the same, could I? ;)
I have now understood that you wanted to know on the lacking wolf. I have posted the picture of the wolves. And with the arrows that point out the wolves hidden among the mountains. While the true wolf that he is seen in first position doesn't represent with the hidden wolves. I think that it is this way.
I think that the hidden wolves are 5.:o
The head of the most left "mountain wolf" I saw, too. But I couldn't distinguish body and legs, as I could on the three in the middle. The one on the right I don't see even now. :o
The picture of the cascade is one form of mine of enigma. Do you see if it is really fallen in the middle of of the strange ancient mountains? They seem some people. We see if you have understood.:rolleyes:
I see some vague shapes there, but can't really say. Do you have a link to a picture with better resolution?
Anyway, thanks to let us see the solved puzzles, Ugo.
You could answer however if you have already guessed, Anoree. Who is bravo it is fast to answer (if it guesses).:)
Here are the solutions of the wolves from the original picture (they are really 5 hidden wolves. Also that is seen to the right), and of the cascade (they are seen some people covered by white veils).
Sorry if to someone won't have understood well. But playing.....:o
12-17-2008, 08:37 PM
Ah, I should have known you clipped the cascade picture ...
Oh, nice funny small animal.:p
Does it seem? What animal is it? But inside of that animal there another truth.
I hope that you have a good time on my puzzle.:o
12-17-2008, 09:18 PM
Oh, nice funny small animal.:p
Does it seem? What animal is it? But inside of that animal there another truth.
I hope that you have a good time on my puzzle.:o
Hmm, on top it seems to me to be a fish, but at the bottom there are feet of a water bird. Is it a little duck (flapper)?
And the "animal within" looks to me like a cat's head, Complete with sensor hairs showing out of the mask.
Unbelievable Anoree!!!
Have really guessed everything!!!!!!!:p
Here is your prize: a very nice cat that needs a new master.:D
12-17-2008, 09:42 PM
Unbelievable Anoree!!!
Have really guessed everything!!!!!!!:p
Here is your prize: a very nice cat that needs a new master.:D
"Come here, kitty, kitty ...
Let's take that 'hat' off. It doesn't seem comfortable to me."
"Outsch! Good, keep it on."
"Come here, kitty, kitty ...
Let's take that 'hat' off. It doesn't seem comfortable to me."
"Outsch! Good, keep it on."
It needs to give to eat good fish and meat (he recommends fresh stuff). Then some fresh milk. And as from contour very soft salty biscuits.
Saint sky! I have become a cook for the cats?:D:D
I have found this very strange and amusing pic. And a curious coincidence has come me. I would say childish. You say that it is a robot, and it seems.....
But I speak of another visual perspective on that pic. Correct to think and to play. To me it seems easy to understand that position of the robot.
It's almost as this picture of the child. That robots it seems sad and with the hands on the chin and to cover half face, and leaving the sad eyes. And the sat legs.
It seems an optic illusion to two images. This is one eccentric idea of mine.
I saw that you have found difficulty to answer.
We now see if at least you have a good time guessing on this nice blonde girl: what will be happened?;)
I think that all you will be ready to understand on a thing.:p:D
We see now..... I have widened the pic. Do you understand something?:p
We see now..... I have widened the pic. Do you understand something?:p
Is that snakes head aiming to go where it shouldn't?.:eek:
Is that snakes head aiming to go where it shouldn't?.:eek:
Compliment Mart! At least you have understood something. Here is the whole photo.:D
A white cat is looking at an animal. Which?
- mouse
- bird
- may-bug
A white cat is looking at an animal. Which?
- mouse
- bird
- may-bug
Is it a May-bug?.:)
Is it a May-bug?.:)
Good one Friend Mart !!! It's two !!!:p:D
I don't know who animal is this. But my question is this: where is it found this small animal ? Or better, where is it sat?
I don't know who animal is this. But my question is this: where is it found this small animal ? Or better, where is it sat?
I think i know the answer Ugo. But i'll give some else a chance.:)
I think i know the answer Ugo. But i'll give some else a chance.:)
I hope in Anoree and WhyYou.:p:D
01-05-2009, 02:09 PM
Well, my first thought was that it's a little hamster of sorts, sitting in somebody's palm.
Well, my first thought was that it's a little hamster of sorts, sitting in somebody's palm.
I don't know him, Anoree. It needs to ask to Mart.:D:D
01-06-2009, 12:46 AM
It looks to be a squirrel or chipmunk which usually nests in trees.
What does it hold the girl above her hands?:p
I don't know who animal is this. But my question is this: where is it found this small animal ? Or better, where is it sat?
Maybe he's sitting on a guys head.:D
Sorry my friend Mart.:o:)
Has won Anoree. But I not know animal is.
A curiosity: do you want that I stop me with my puzzles? At times tired to you.:)
Sorry my friend Mart.:o:)
Has won Anoree. But I not know animal is.
A curiosity: do you want that I stop me with my puzzles? At times tired to you.:)
I haven't a clue what the animal is either lol. I think you should carry on with your puzzles Ugo i enjoy them.:)
01-08-2009, 08:13 PM
How many people in this pic?
I am in doubt: to the first sight are 12; then to the second sight are 13. Then are 12 or 13 people.:o
01-09-2009, 10:29 AM
There are 12 people. The 13th is created at the positon of the second row from the left at the top. The feet are cut off when it moves from it's far right position and there are no bottom half for its feet to join with. Also, when you count 13 people, the head of the first person in the right bottom corner is cut off.
01-09-2009, 06:14 PM
What do you see?
There is a bird dog sniffing the trail.
What do you see?
Have to agree with Longhornbill. It's a dog sniffing the ground.:)
Good one Longhornbill. And Mart too. Bravi !!!!:)
It's really a beautiful frog!! Only that?:D
01-10-2009, 04:07 PM
It's really a beautiful frog!! Only that?:D
When I lie down I hear a nicker ... ;)
When I lie down I hear a nicker ... ;)
I wish i knew what that meant Anoree!!.:D
Here's the answer, Mart and Anoree.:)
Umm,..strange mountain.:p
01-11-2009, 11:05 AM
Umm,..strange mountain.:p
Hmm, I see a lying head from the left.
(Hair right, chin left in the picture, looking up)
The picture makes me think of a Native American Chief of Tribe.
Ummmm......I don't believe. We see what they say the others......:D:D
Umm,..strange mountain.:p
Well it looks like a face looking at the sky to me as well.:)
Well it looks like a face looking at the sky to me as well.:)
Good Mart !!!:)
That yes that it is a very correct answer. Even if Anoree had already guessed, but it is not an Indian Native American Chief of Tribe.:)
And this according to you?:p
01-17-2009, 08:21 PM
try this math game
but first get a calculator
lets begin:
1-multiply the number of your brothers by 2
(if u dont have any brothers skip this step)
2-add 3 then multiply by 5
3-add the number of your sisters (if no sisters skip)
4-multiply the result by 10
5-add the number of your living grandparents(if no living ones skip)
6-finally substract 150 from the result
now notice that the result consisit of 3 digits
the first one from the right is the nubmer of ur living grandparents the middle one is the number of ur sisters
and the last one is ur brothers
01-17-2009, 09:12 PM
I heard this one on the radio today, lets see who can gess it!
What is the dirtiest thing we all touch every day that is that cause of spreading the most germs?
01-17-2009, 09:38 PM
I heard this one on the radio today, lets see who can gess it!
What is the dirtiest thing we all touch every day that is that cause of spreading the most germs?
may be the remote control?
01-17-2009, 10:20 PM
may be the remote control?
nope not it.
try this math game
but first get a calculator
lets begin:
1-multiply the number of your brothers by 2
(if u dont have any brothers skip this step)
2-add 3 then multiply by 5
3-add the number of your sisters (if no sisters skip)
4-multiply the result by 10
5-add the number of your living grandparents(if no living ones skip)
6-finally substract 150 from the result
now notice that the result consisit of 3 digits
the first one from the right is the nubmer of ur living grandparents the middle one is the number of ur sisters
and the last one is ur brothers
Very clever Voncroy10 i'm impressed. It worked out for me even without a calculator lol..:D
Today 09:12 PM
tigger I heard this one on the radio today, lets see who can gess it!
What is the dirtiest thing we all touch every day that is that cause of spreading the most germs?
Is it door handles?.:)
01-17-2009, 11:06 PM
Sorry mart not it.
01-18-2009, 03:21 AM
try this math game
but first get a calculator
lets begin:
1-multiply the number of your brothers by 2
(if u dont have any brothers skip this step)
2-add 3 then multiply by 5
3-add the number of your sisters (if no sisters skip)
4-multiply the result by 10
5-add the number of your living grandparents(if no living ones skip)
6-finally substract 150 from the result
now notice that the result consisit of 3 digits
the first one from the right is the nubmer of ur living grandparents the middle one is the number of ur sisters
and the last one is ur brothers
Doesn't seem to work for me no brothers, no living grandparents, 1 sister = 160 minus 150 = 10 Maybe I missed a step.
I heard this one on the radio today, lets see who can gess it!
What is the dirtiest thing we all touch every day that is that cause of spreading the most germs?
01-18-2009, 07:11 AM
Doesn't seem to work for me no brothers, no living grandparents, 1 sister = 160 minus 150 = 10 Maybe I missed a step.
you got 10
0 : for no grandparents
1 : for one sister
no third number no brothers you cant put a zero there
What solution is it had to give? Only numbers?:confused::confused:
01-18-2009, 12:38 PM
1-multiply the number of your brothers by 2
(if u dont have any brothers skip this step)
2-add 3 then multiply by 5
3-add the number of your sisters (if no sisters skip)
4-multiply the result by 10
5-add the number of your living grandparents(if no living ones skip)
6-finally substract 150 from the result
now notice that the result consisit of 3 digits
the first one from the right is the nubmer of ur living grandparents the middle one is the number of ur sisters
and the last one is ur brothers
1&2 = Brothers * 10 + 3*5 (15) to obscure
3&4 = ((Brothers * 10 + 15) + Sisters) *10
= Brothers * 100 + 150 + Sisters * 10
5 = Brothers * 100 + 150 + Sisters * 10 + Grandparents
6 = Brothers * 100 + 150 + Sisters * 10 + Grandparents - 150 {get rid of obstacle}
= Brothers * 100 + Sisters * 10 + Grandparents
= Grandparents + Sisters * 10 + Brothers * 100
The result would read BSG.
My result would be 100.
It doesn't solve if you've got more than 9 sisters. 10 sisters would morph to 1 brother. ;)
01-18-2009, 03:36 PM
Money money money!
you gessed it it is money!!!!!!!!
you gessed it it is money!!!!!!!!
Nice one Captnjack!. No wonder i didn't guess right. I don't have any money lol.:D
What it will be thinking a visitor in love on that picture?:p
01-20-2009, 06:26 PM
Ugo shame on you!!!!!! J/k/:d
Ugo shame on you!!!!!! J/k/:d
It's not something of which to think about the dirties, but something amusing between the reality and the pretence.:o:p
01-20-2009, 06:41 PM
Yes I was just joking with you.:p
Yes Tigger, no problems.:D
I justified on the game of my quiz. My Help : The man like to have her with You,......What does?:rolleyes:
What it will be thinking a visitor in love on that picture?:p
He's just getting a different perspective on the piece of art.:D
He's just getting a different perspective on the piece of art.:D
Something you have understood and guessed well, Friend Mart.;):p
What happens ?
Does she flash her boobs Ugo?.:D
Yeah Mart,......"AAAA....":p:D
02-10-2009, 02:06 AM
He wants the gaurd to look thru the window.
Right. And then it starts to laugh.:D
The sign large says :
What makes you think?:
Presence sexual maniacs."
What makes you think ?
02-10-2009, 05:47 PM
Yes Tigger !!! Never to trust of sexual maniacs !!!:D
"Curiosity is not always a well."
Says the little sign.
The great curiosity of the boy. What happened at the end ?
02-11-2009, 06:58 PM
Did he produce a circle pathway without any grass left around the beauty?
(Hey, THAT'S where the crop circles come from! ;) )
Yeah Anoree. Digging the circle several laps.:D
The wife wants to make love. He .....
What do?
Does he make love to her and balances the laptop on her head Ugo?.:D
Almost almost, my Friend Mart.:)
He has a good idea: to do all is two together.:D
Where is this affectionate kitten?:p
Where is this affectionate kitten?:p
This ones got me really stumped Ugo. I couldn't even guess. Can you give us a clue?.:)
Think: what animals are best friends?:rolleyes:
He's surely not snuggled up to a dog Ugo!.:eek:
Yes Mart !!
He's "Friend" Dog with Kitten.:p
Yes Mart !!
He's "Friend" Dog with Kitten.:p
That's a cute picture Ugo.:)
Ummm,.....Something strange.:confused:
02-15-2009, 07:29 PM
Ummm,.....Something strange.:confused:
It looks like a boy with his dog! Or, maybe, a large cat. Definitely not a girl.
Yes i think you could be right Geezer!. I think it's a dog the lad is sitting next to as well.:)
It looks like a boy with his dog! Or, maybe, a large cat. Definitely not a girl.
As you were quick!:eek:
You have really guessed!
Yes i think you could be right Geezer!. I think it's a dog the lad is sitting next to as well.:)
Go Friend Mart !!!!!:)
02-16-2009, 01:16 AM
what animal is it?:eek:it is a girl with her body painted like a cat. Her boobs are the eyes!
Again i have to agree with you Tigger!. It's a nice piece of body-art, breasts with eyes.:D
Are me and Tigger good or what!!!.:D
02-16-2009, 09:01 PM
Are me and Tigger good or what!!!.:D
I'll vote for the "Or what.":)
I'll vote for the "Or what.":)
Your too kind.:)
Woman's misterious famous,....Umm.
Woman's misterious famous,....Umm.
Ugo is it Jennifer Lopez?.:)
Ugo is it Jennifer Lopez?.:)
It seems to me that this is very similar to that mysterious. It's another, Mart.:)
It's angelina jolie :eek: i'm sure it is. She's one of my favourite actresses.:)
It's angelina jolie :eek: i'm sure it is. She's one of my favourite actresses.:)
Goooo, Mart !!!! You has win !:)
03-10-2009, 09:39 PM
Thats neet!!!!!!!!!
Do have you idea by pic ?
Do have you idea by pic ?
Is it Julia Roberts Ugo?.:)
Is it Julia Roberts Ugo?.:)
Yes, Mart.:)
But there an another part mysterious. Two mixed in the picture.
Do have you idea by pic ?
Do you have two photomontages noticed in one pic?
One was guessed as J. Roberts. But there is another character mixed on the person of J. Roberts. ( someone loved by children)
See if you understand.:p
03-13-2009, 08:09 PM
Well, the hair reminds me of Lisa Simpson. (cartoon character)
Well, the hair reminds me of Lisa Simpson. (cartoon character)
Good one Friend Anoree !!!:)
Now I do another one.
Two fairly well-known characters. Easy to say.
Two fairly well-known characters. Easy to say.
Is it Michael Douglas and his wife Catherine Zeta Jones Ugo?.:)
Yeeeess Mart !!!!:)
It's very easy.:p
Yeeeess Mart !!!!:)
It's very easy.:p
It wasn't that easy! lol.:D
Two personages very easy.;)
Think you very well to study the whole picture you see.
To pass of time training our memory.:rolleyes:
Two personages very easy.;)
Think you very well to study the whole picture you see.
To pass of time training our memory.:rolleyes:
I know this one lol it's Bill Murray and Geena Davies from the movie "Quick change".:)
I know this one lol it's Bill Murray and Geena Davies from the movie "Quick change".:)
Ahem,...Sorry my Friend Mart.:o
You have not guessed. It's an actress, more something strange on the actress..
Ahem,...Sorry my Friend Mart.:o
You have not guessed. It's an actress, more something strange on the actress..
Damn lol. Well you got me there Ugo. I'm stumped on this one i actually thought it was Geena Davies.:)
Damn lol. Well you got me there Ugo. I'm stumped on this one i actually thought it was Geena Davies.:)
Let's see if someone else can understand, Mart.:)
(The figure seems to look like Geena Davies.
But it is an actress of the past).
My help : A Hollywood star of the past. And something about on the star.
Two personages very easy.;)
Think you very well to study the whole picture you see.
To pass of time training our memory.:rolleyes:
Well i think you've got everyone stumped with this one Ugo. How about a new test or puzzle if you fancy doing more that is, my friend.:)
04-13-2009, 10:18 PM
I see a naked woman on the horse's face :D
Oh Yes Yes Yes Great WhyYou !!!!:)
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