View Full Version : My neighbor has passed away

09-14-2008, 12:32 PM
I have just received some bad news. My neighbor Dave has passed away. He was diagnosed with throat cancer several months ago. Yes unfortunately he was a smoker. His breathing got worse and there wasn't much the doctors could do for him as it was in the late stages and he had several other ailments. Which complicated the drugs he was on and being 69 years old i guess it was too much for him. He passed away in hospital last night and Val his wife has just phoned me. She's staying with friends at the moment and i will be seeing her later. This is really upsetting to write at the moment.

09-14-2008, 12:36 PM
Sorry for your loss mart . I know hOW hard it is to loss some one you care about. I have losed 14 of the guys i have served with. And i attended each one of there funerals. Its hard. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

09-14-2008, 12:38 PM
Condolences, friend Mart. You are still in my heart.

09-14-2008, 12:42 PM
Sorry that you lose a friend Mart.I know whats thats like since I lose both my grandmother and a younger cousin within 2 months last summer. :(

09-14-2008, 01:05 PM
Sorry for your loss mart....

09-14-2008, 02:46 PM
Sorry for your loss mart. I've known the heartache of losing someone who you care about. It's good of you to help out your neighbor's wife during this stressful time. Stay safe and take care. You are in our thoughts.

09-14-2008, 05:44 PM
My sincerest condolences to you mart - having lost several folks near and dear to me I certainly can understand what you are going through right now - I am sure that your friend's wife will always remember the support that you gave to her in this difficult time. As WhyYou said - trust that all of our thoughts will be out there for you.

09-14-2008, 06:27 PM
I'm sorry for your loss also. Losing people that you care about is really difficult. Give our condolences to his wife.

09-14-2008, 06:49 PM
Sorry to hear that Mart.

09-14-2008, 10:43 PM
Mart, my condolances to the family and to you after losing your friend. Be there and support all you can.

09-15-2008, 03:35 PM
I am very sorry to hear that, Mart. I honestly don't know what else to say.

09-15-2008, 06:03 PM
Thank you friends for your condolences. He wasn't only a neighbour but a very good friend. I had known him for 22 years. I lost my father when i was a child and saw Dave as a kind of second father as it were. It may sound strange to some but that's how i saw him. He helped me through some bad times which i'll never forget. Always gave me good advice on almost any problem i had. I'm really gonna miss him and his wise words. Val may not becoming back to the house. She is staying with Michelle her daughter who's a great woman. She will be ok it will just take time and i told her. If she needs me i'm here for her. At a guess she may sell up and move in with Michelle. Which i would be happy with as i wouldn't want her living on her own next door.

09-16-2008, 04:45 AM
Sorry for your loss Mart, it is tough losing people in life who are important to you.

09-16-2008, 08:05 AM
Thank you friends for your condolences. He wasn't only a neighbour but a very good friend. I had known him for 22 years. I lost my father when i was a child and saw Dave as a kind of second father as it were. It may sound strange to some but that's how i saw him. He helped me through some bad times which i'll never forget. Always gave me good advice on almost any problem i had. I'm really gonna miss him and his wise words. Val may not becoming back to the house. She is staying with Michelle her daughter who's a great woman. She will be ok it will just take time and i told her. If she needs me i'm here for her. At a guess she may sell up and move in with Michelle. Which i would be happy with as i wouldn't want her living on her own next door.

When it loses him someone that has given you his life, it means that the continuous life. And it is beautiful after having had so much love to teach to the others that need love.:)

09-16-2008, 02:53 PM
Thank you Ugo. I learned a lot from Dave and will never forget him.

09-16-2008, 03:05 PM
You see, friend Mart, I have learned to be strong in my difficult life (and stingy of love and respect), when I have lost my father (but also my mother that now it is sick serious).
I have been wrong to rebel to my father. I would have had to understand the sacrifices of my father. But also that of mother that always had love, respect and suffering for me and the two very difficult sisters.
Here as I am strong in my job of hypocritical people. Even if there are now complications. But I go on with hard resistance. But I don't know when it will end this whole complicated history in my job.

Correct to say some thing of mine. And with in comparison to Danielle.:)

Tom M
09-11-2011, 06:09 PM
Hi Mart,

I don't know you like the others but I've enjoyed your (rational) posts for a while. I'm truly sorry for your loss. Had a nasty diagnosis a year or so ago myself. Not trying to move in on anyone's sympathy or anything. Guess we all live on borrowed time and it gets more dodgy as you age - truism.

09-12-2011, 10:29 AM
Thank you Tom M, as i said before, i saw him as a father figure as well as a good friend and still miss him.
Hope your ok now Tom.

Glad you enjoyed reading some of my posts, being the biggest poster, guess you can't avoid them lol.:D

Welcome to Danielle's forum btw Tom.;)