View Full Version : Tigger is going home.

10-27-2008, 01:11 PM
The DR. was in a bit ago, and said Tigger can go home. He s down getting some fluid drained off of his belly, and has to get a few shots and some meds to take home. So as soon as they release him we ( Tigger, Amanda, Jeromy, and I ) will be heading for his home. Jeromy and I are taking a week vac. time and are going to stay with him and help him on the house so he dosent over do it. Amanda wiggled her way into a week off so she could be with him. It is about a 6 hr. drive to his house from where we are at. I don't think his wireless works at his house so I'm not sure if we will be able to get on here much. I know Sarah has online so maby I can keep ya all updated. We all have bets to see how long Amanda lasts up in the woods.lol She is a city girl all the wild critters may be too much for her. :p

10-27-2008, 01:54 PM
Have a safe trip taking tigger home. Don't let Amanda get his heart racing...LOL! Hopefully we'll hear from you soon. :)

10-27-2008, 02:25 PM
She has allready got him wound up. posted a photo you woul only see on a militay base. And yes they have the rightaway

10-27-2008, 04:52 PM
I see she beat me too it. Im waiting on the meds i need to take home with me and we will be on our way. It will be good to get home sarah said she is going to make cornbeef brisket tomarow night. Mmmmmmmm. Takt about amanda geting me excited, missy is wairing a little black skirt and tan hose jeromy is geting a little excited. I dont know where everyone will sleep but we will figure out somthing. I told sarah to put some peanutbutter out on the tree in the yard so the bear will come up. That will get amandas heart going. She was afraid of a little lizard in sc. :d

10-27-2008, 05:13 PM
She has allready got him wound up. posted a photo you woul only see on a militay base. And yes they have the rightaway

I've seen that painted on the road in a military base in California. I don't remember the name of the base. It is in the deep southern part of CA near the Arizona border. There are warning signs prior to getting to the crossing and the warning signs caution you to not stop anywhere that would block the crossing because the tanks will just run over your car. There was even a picture on the sign that depicted a tank running over a car.

10-27-2008, 05:17 PM
With amanda and missy walking around in there short skirts and shiny leggs there is going to be a wreck out in front of the hospital.lol

10-27-2008, 11:45 PM
Only a hour from home we stoped at walmart jeromy and the girls are in getting food for the week. My wireless dosent work so well at the house so i pry wont be on here much over the next week. But im feeling a lot better im tired but i didnt get my nap today.lol

10-28-2008, 12:50 AM
I see she beat me too it. Im waiting on the meds i need to take home with me and we will be on our way. It will be good to get home sarah said she is going to make cornbeef brisket tomarow night. Mmmmmmmm. Takt about amanda geting me excited, missy is wairing a little black skirt and tan hose jeromy is geting a little excited. I dont know where everyone will sleep but we will figure out somthing. I told sarah to put some peanutbutter out on the tree in the yard so the bear will come up. That will get amandas heart going. She was afraid of a little lizard in sc. :d

Tigger...Thats great news that you get to go home...even better news that you are going to be surrounded by the "Hotties with Handguns"..LOL
Take it easy every chance you get :)

10-28-2008, 02:53 AM
Great news Tigger! Glad to hear you're finally able to go home. Take it easy, you'll be back to your old self before you know it!

10-28-2008, 11:24 PM
Thanks guys it feels good to be home.

10-29-2008, 12:10 AM
Thanks guys it feels good to be home.

Glad to know you made it safe and sound. Now take it easy and get better! :)

10-29-2008, 07:51 PM
Thanks guys it feels good to be home.

Home sweet home. Take it easy Tigger!.:)

10-30-2008, 03:21 PM
Tigger...Thats great news that you get to go home...even better news that you are going to be surrounded by the "Hotties with Handguns"..LOL
Take it easy every chance you get :) Hotties with handguns, I like that!:p We have had a great time so far, Amanda is hanging in there. Tigger took her back in the woods in his old jeep (WWII WILLYS) That he got when his grandfather died. She looked scared to death. He took her up fire trail behind the house. When he took off out the back of the yard Sarah said watch this, he hit the bottom of a hill going wide open and I can just imagine what Amanda was screaming. we were all busting a gut.Gramps said he had to do it or it might stall before it makes it to the top. They were gone about an hour and the phone rang and Sarah got out the field glases and was looking on the mountain and she told me were to look and we could see them up on the top of the mountain. Tigger was waving. Amanda said the view was breathtaking, but the ride up there was a diffrent story!I bet that is the first time Aamanda ever had dirt on her.lol Tigger is going to take Jeromy up there this afternoon I want some pitures. I wish i could have had a video camera on that jeep to see Amandas face when he hit that hill.:eek: Tigger an Jeromy went to town to lowes to get a load of wood with Tiggers old truck and trailer.We are going to get the deck put on today and finish the poarch roof. We are going to see how Amanda holds a hammer.lol It was snowing the firs day we got here We got a dusting. Grandpa was up and out early and returned with fresh fish from the river " trout" He brought them in and Sarah layed them out and cleaned them and put them in the pan, and Amanda just staired at her with her mouth open,but the best part was when Tigger went out and in the barn and brought in a baskek of fresh brown eggs. Amanda said where did you get thous? He said from the chickens! She just didn't know what to say. that was the first tome she had fresh fish and fresh eggs for breakfast. and she likes it. Jeromy said when are we going to milk the cow and winked at Tigger and Amanda looked at him and said cow? Grandam said we don't have a cow the folk down the stret do though. We had some fun with her the first day but she seems to be taking it well. OH the bear was out in the yard this morning. Tigger walked right out on the poarch and tossed some bread out for him. he has no fear of the animals aroun there. last night he was feeding the racoons on the steps, he sat right down and they came up the him and he was handing them some letovers that grandma had given him and they were so cute they grab it with there little hands and eat it . I asked about rabies and grandpa said they put out some pellits that the racoons eat and if they have rabies it will kill them ut if they are healthy it does not bother them. the forest rangers put it out twice a year. Tonight we are going to have a fire out side and rost hotdogs and make smoors. It is warm enough that the chickens came out of the barn and Amanda is out on the poarch with grandpa throwing feed out for them. She is doing a lot better than i thought she would. Tigger put a fire in the fire place and fell asleep by it and i got up in the middle of the night and pouncer and Amanda were sleeping with him. they slept there all night . Pouncer is just loving all the lovin he is getting. And he is a boob licker! Well I have chatted enough for one day the boys should be back soon and I still my jammys.

10-30-2008, 03:42 PM
Well i see missy is keeping you all informed. I wont repeat what amanda said to me when i hit the bottom of the frie trail but i will tell ya i had imprints of her nails in my legg. She loved it though. Jeromy and i just got back from lowes got 500 worth of wood. As soon as the girls are out of the bathroom we are going over to the house and try and get somthing done. Im surs she will post some photos of my butt crack or somthing.lol pouncer liked her boobs because she droped a piece of food and he was trying to get it. That is how we clean grandpa after he eats pouncer gets on him and cleans up everything that didnt make it to his mouth. Lol

10-30-2008, 03:46 PM
Sounds like tigger is healing quickly if he can take the bumps from driving his jeep...lol! Good to hear that he's doing so well. It's also good to hear that Amanda is sticking it out. You never know, she may become a country girl! :D

10-30-2008, 08:16 PM
Ummm, yeah!!! Makes me wonder how many relapses he will have so he can go thru this "Cure" again and again, and again???

LOL, couple of more trips up the hill and Amanda will have silver hair. Tigg, do relax and get well, bro. Accept the help and don't try and do it all yourself.

Missy, please post a few pics if ya can, thanks...

10-30-2008, 11:08 PM
Tigger...If I was still out there I'd come up and help you...Would be fun just watching the city kids stepping around the bear s##t in the woods, and watching that leapord you call a cat lunching on ...well... you know :)..plus we could see if the girls can use nail guns as good as hand guns..LOL...
I have to go to NM this weekend so I'll have to wait till next week to see how much fun you guys had up there.
Stay safe & healthy

10-31-2008, 01:13 AM
Ummm, yeah!!! Makes me wonder how many relapses he will have so he can go thru this "Cure" again and again, and again???

LOL, couple of more trips up the hill and Amanda will have silver hair. Tigg, do relax and get well, bro. Accept the help and don't try and do it all yourself.

Missy, please post a few pics if ya can, thanks...
He is doing well . We are not letting him do too much. He wants to do a lot more than he should but I'm trying to make him take it easy. Sarah took us up the top of the montain oh the view was amasing. Amanda would not come.lol We sat out by the fire and roasted hotdogs and made smoors , they were so good. Tigger is asleep already. Sarah dosn't have school tomarow so we are going to get up early have breakfest and head over to the new house and finish the poarch. Sarah is showing Amanda a photo album she made. pouncer is in laying on Tigger it is so cute.

10-31-2008, 01:35 AM
laranger said;Missy, please post a few pics if ya can, thanks...:):D:)

10-31-2008, 01:49 PM
laranger said;:):D:)
Ok ok keep your socks on . it takes me about 30 min to resise a photo to post it. here is a photo of the front of the house, you can see the jeep on the right.

10-31-2008, 02:07 PM
Here is the right front , you can see grandpa standing next to the pole they just got up for the porch. Tigger is at the school for a teacher confrence as soon as he returns we will go back and finish the porch.

10-31-2008, 07:22 PM
Here is the right front , you can see grandpa standing next to the pole they just got up for the poarch. Tigger is at the school for a teacher confrence as soon as he returns we will go back and finish the poarch.

It's looking good Missy!.:)

11-01-2008, 11:10 PM
Jeromy snuck out today and got 7 t-bone's and the boys cooked them on the grill for dinner, the boys did all the cooking! They were great, Tigger made his cobbler. MMMMMMMMMMMMM. The boys are pased out on the couch with pouncer checking them for crumbs.lol Grandpa is snoring varry loud. Sarah is cleaning up the dishes with Amanda trying to help but I think she is just getting in the way.lol Tigger is going back to work monday. Our boss Sarah is driving the truck down here tomarow, she is going to leave varry early so she gets here early enough so we can get all of Tiggers things in the truck. We rested most of the day, and are going to rest tomarow. I think I ruined my camera ,I left it out all night and now it wont come on. we sat out last night and passed out candy, that was fun seeing all the little ones dresed up. Don't forget to turn your clocks back!

11-02-2008, 11:00 AM
Missy is varry board!!!!!!lol the steaks were good. This is my last day home, go back to work tomarow. My truck should be here this afternoon. Jeromy and missy snuck out early they wanted to get some time alone. Amanda is sitll asleep along with everyone else. Pouncer is head butting my legg he wants breakfast not his he wants mine.lol he has loved all the excitment of the past week. All the belly rubs he got.