View Full Version : I'm trying to help my father with a computer problem!

09-10-2010, 08:47 PM
My dad always calls me with his computer problems and this one has me stumped! How in the heck do you restore messages when you've checked the "do not show me this message again" box. He's trying to connect to a Wifi site at a campground and it's been working fine but apparently there's a box that came up when he opened Internet explorer that contained something he had to click on to log in to the camp's internet. the last time he did it he apparently checked the "Do not show again" box so now he can't login! If anyone knows how to do this, please let me know. I'm getting tired of being his IT department.

09-10-2010, 09:30 PM
My dad always calls me with his computer problems and this one has me stumped! How in the heck do you restore messages when you've checked the "do not show me this message again" box. He's trying to connect to a Wifi site at a campground and it's been working fine but apparently there's a box that came up when he opened Internet explorer that contained something he had to click on to log in to the camp's internet. the last time he did it he apparently checked the "Do not show again" box so now he can't login! If anyone knows how to do this, please let me know. I'm getting tired of being his IT department.

what OS is he using, I'll take it to be windows if so:

Start > Controle Pannle > Network and sharing center > Conetc to anetwork.

Select the network he wants to use.