View Full Version : Has a Girl ever used a line on you?

07-26-2010, 02:54 AM
I know us guys have used/heard of pick up lines to mack women. I have to know if any of the dudes here ever had a girl use a line on us men. Tell me your story.

This is mine. I was 18 in a relationship for a couple of months. To explain this story every deeper, she knows I don't want kids and don't like kids. My GF and I were sitting in bed, nothing dirty. She looks me in the eyes, and said, "You should have kids so you can pass along your eyes." I had to put out after she dropped that line on me.

07-26-2010, 01:11 PM
I was in a relationship, age 22. I was among many interns at a dairy factory. One day, at the end of a shift, one of the girls tells me, "what a nice hair you have". At the time, my hair was like Goku's:


07-26-2010, 07:21 PM
This has to be the BEST one to ever happen to me, and recent too. My wife and i were on our way to a H.O.G event when we pulled into a gas station for gas. My wife goes in to use the rest room so while I'm pumping fuel this Young (19? 20YO) Woman (Very hot at that!) walks up to me and asks: "Would you ride me on your bike?" Knowing i would not take her anywhere and just for fun i asked: "Where do you want to go?" Her answer shocked me!:eek:
She said, with a big smile: " I don't want to go anywhere i want you to RIDE me on your bike!" I just said "Ohhh...sorry i'm married." She said "Sucks to be you" and walked away right past my wife. My wife asked "What did she want?" I said "You would not believe me if i told you i don't even believe it." Well i told her and she laughs and said "Sounds like it sucks to be HER!"

Seems scary that a young girl like that would walk up to a total stranger Twice her age and ask such a question like that.
True story.

07-27-2010, 02:30 AM
I was in a relationship, age 22. I was among many interns at a dairy factory. One day, at the end of a shift, one of the girls tells me, "what a nice hair you have". At the time, my hair was like Goku's:


Dude!!! That must have boosted your ego. You kids and your crazy hair styles these days.

07-27-2010, 02:50 AM
This has to be the BEST one to ever happen to me, and recent too. My wife and i were on our way to a H.O.G event when we pulled into a gas station for gas. My wife goes in to use the rest room so while I'm pumping fuel this Young (19? 20YO) Woman (Very hot at that!) walks up to me and asks: "Would you ride me on your bike?" Knowing i would not take her anywhere and just for fun i asked: "Where do you want to go?" Her answer shocked me!:eek:
She said, with a big smile: " I don't want to go anywhere i want you to RIDE me on your bike!" I just said "Ohhh...sorry i'm married." She said "Sucks to be you" and walked away right past my wife. My wife asked "What did she want?" I said "You would not believe me if i told you i don't even believe it." Well i told her and she laughs and said "Sounds like it sucks to be HER!"

Seems scary that a young girl like that would walk up to a total stranger Twice her age and ask such a question like that.
True story.

Say what?! Craziest story I've ever heard about getting hit on as a guy. This would make a great porno BTW. I think I have my screen play.

Don't we all feel good when us guys get hit on? I know I do. I remember I was in a restaurant eating lunch with my friends. A group of girls walked by who were in their 20s. A couple of them turned their heads to look back at my table trying to get a good view of this *amazing* body. They must have broke her necks because their heads turned 180 degrees.

07-28-2010, 07:31 PM
A cupple summers ago my husband had a old lady that was feeling faint sit down on his knee and said I need to sit for a sec. and then fainted right in his arms. turned out her sugar was low. but every one gave him hell over it for a while. lol

07-29-2010, 11:23 PM
Yes a girl used a line on me and i am a girl so i realy don't want to go into that. i like to look at, NOT date.:eek: women.

07-30-2010, 12:08 AM
A cupple summers ago my husband had a old lady that was feeling faint sit down on his knee and said I need to sit for a sec. and then fainted right in his arms. turned out her sugar was low. but every one gave him hell over it for a while. lol

I remember that. that was funny the look on his face.

08-01-2010, 01:39 PM
Don't know if this would be considered a line.When I was younger and was working as a Security officer for another company.I was working at a partially completed apartment complex with a few buildings being lived in. My job was to make sure no one goes into the part still under construction and to make sure the people lving in the completed part was safe.Well anyway I was working the graveyard shift one night and was walking through the completed part of the complex when I see 2 hottie females using the inground jacuzzi.Figure they were stewardess due to the complex being close to the major airport.They had asked me if I wanted to join them and I told them I didn't have a swimsuit.They reply that I didn't need one.Well be young and dumber I turned them down.

08-02-2010, 06:06 AM
Wow....you could probably get a job at one of the places Rob shoots at then! ;)

08-02-2010, 07:06 AM
Best line that a lady ever used on me was "Pull it out a little deeper; it hurts so good."

08-02-2010, 06:09 PM
Best line that a lady ever used on me was "Pull it out a little deeper; it hurts so good."

And just what pills did you get last time you went to the DR. :rolleyes:

08-02-2010, 10:12 PM
Best line that a lady ever used on me was "Pull it out a little deeper; it hurts so good."

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!:p:p

08-18-2010, 12:29 AM
Another, back from college: A senior girl asks me out on a... STARCRAFT MATCH date. Dr. Geek Magnet, nice to meet you. :o

08-19-2010, 08:54 PM
Tigger got a good one today. We had just finished supper and were standing outside waiting to go back to the motel and this lady (about 50+) walked up to Tigger and asked if he would like to check he for explosives and she put her arm around him. Tigger looked scared! lol Amanda stepped in and said "can i have my boyfriend back" the lady said Oh I'm sorry and as she walked away she winked at him. It was so funny! the old ladys like Tigger :D

08-26-2010, 08:14 PM
I do remember when i was in my 30's, i fixed a neighbours tv about 3 times and she was around 70. Wasn't so much as chat up lines, but the intention was there lol. She used to ask me silly questions like, do i workout and do i have a girlfriend with a very naughty twinkle in her eye. I was 100% sure she had the hots for me lol. She was such a lovely woman, i used to play along with her purely for fun, yes she knew i was playing. One lovely lady i really miss, R.I.P Hester.

09-19-2010, 02:28 PM
This wasn't exactly a line, and I don't remember exactly what they said, but its a story worth telling. I was going through airport security recently and these two really hot chicks in the TSA (that part was enough of a surprise to begin with) started going through all my stuff and asking me detailed questions, not like they thought I might be a terrorist, but like they were flirting and wanted to get to know me. The only question I really remember isn't too sexy: one of them asked me what my favorite bird was and I said "the bald eagle" and she said, "Well, who doesn't like that?" I really couldn't believe it, and I was wishing I could ask one of them out, but of course, I had to get on my plane.