View Full Version : Veyron Speed-Record Debrief

07-08-2010, 09:03 PM
0-60 talks to Bugatti test driver, speed-record pilot Pierre-Henri Raphanel

Last week, Bugatti test driver, er, pilote official, Pierre Henri Raphanel set the production-car speed record in Bugatti’s new Veyron Supersports 16.4. The 1,200 horsepower, 1,106 pound-feet monster propelled Raphanel to timed runs of 265.9 and 269.8 mph on Volkswagen’s Ehra-Lessien test track near Wolfsburg, which according to the Guinness people, averages to a V-max of 267.81 mph. That’s more than enough to bring the title of world’s fastest production car back to the VW fold. We phoned the former F1 and Japanese touring-car driver to get his take on what it’s like to approach the 270 mph mark in a production car, why the forest is his friend and whether or not he’s up to try for 300.

0-60 Magzine (http://www.0-60mag.com/news/2010/07/bugatti-veyron-supersports-16-4-speed-record-debrief/)

http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/6619/bugattiveyronsupersportm.jpg (http://img62.imageshack.us/i/bugattiveyronsupersportm.jpg/)

07-09-2010, 10:23 AM
Although I despise this car, I will give my imput: Going 300 MPH would require a special type of tire. I don't know if we have developed a rubber compound for that to withstand the heat. I suppose that it would require a very thick tire, one that could absorb that much heat. A lot of rubber would be necessary. I read that the tires cost $20,000 for a set. Another way to break 300 would be to drop the weight. This thing weighs 2 tons. All it is designed for is to go in a straight line. And on top of that to top it off, it doesn't even come with manual transmission. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? They just ruined it, it is supposed to be a super car.

07-09-2010, 11:44 AM
Although I despise this car, I will give my imput: Going 300 MPH would require a special type of tire. I don't know if we have developed a rubber compound for that to withstand the heat. I suppose that it would require a very thick tire, one that could absorb that much heat. A lot of rubber would be necessary. I read that the tires cost $20,000 for a set. Another way to break 300 would be to drop the weight. This thing weighs 2 tons. All it is designed for is to go in a straight line. And on top of that to top it off, it doesn't even come with manual transmission. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? They just ruined it, it is supposed to be a super car.

They have tires that can handle it. As to what are they thinking, can you make a car from the ground up??????????? Is your bike auto or manual. How fast can you peddle it?

07-09-2010, 03:25 PM
They have tires that can handle it. As to what are they thinking, can you make a car from the ground up??????????? Is your bike auto or manual. How fast can you peddle it?

there is more to a car than 0-60 or top speed.

07-09-2010, 06:16 PM
there is more to a car than 0-60 or top speed.

Exactly Max!, who actually needs a car that can go 270mph. As long as the car can get me to A to B and back again, that'll do me.

07-09-2010, 06:30 PM
And on top of that to top it off, it doesn't even come with manual transmission. WHAT WERE THEY THINKING? They just ruined it, it is supposed to be a super car.

This car has a twin-clutch gearbox that can change gears more efficiently, smoothy and faster that any driver in the world.

I don't know the specifics but Rob explained it to me once when we were in his. Basically it has like 4 clutches or something like that.

07-09-2010, 06:32 PM
As long as the car can get me to A to B and back again, that'll do me.

My car goes 0-60 in 2.4mins. Assuming the engine or transmission doesn't blow-up. haha

07-09-2010, 06:34 PM
My car goes 0-60 in 2.4mins. Assuming the engine or transmission doesn't blow-up. haha

Never understood the fascination of this 0-60, my car wouldn't be far behind you Raymond.:D

07-10-2010, 05:50 AM
This car has a twin-clutch gearbox that can change gears more efficiently, smoothy and faster that any driver in the world.

I don't know the specifics but Rob explained it to me once when we were in his. Basically it has like 4 clutches or something like that.

I don't care if it is more efficient, that just makes it harder to drive. So what if it shifts faster than I can. It's harder to drive.

07-10-2010, 05:57 AM
Exactly Max!, who actually needs a car that can go 270mph. As long as the car can get me to A to B and back again, that'll do me.

There's much more to a car than that for me

1: Manual Transmission
This is a subject I talk about ad nauseam, but I really feel that it is that important. There is no advantage to an automatic transmission, unless you are a New York taxi cab driver. No matter what you are looking for whether it be fuel economy, power, or torque, a manual transmission will just get the job done better. Finally it is just easier to drive if you ask me.

2: Fuel Economy
No matter how much anyone wants me to, I will never see a purpose in owning a hummer. Yes, it gets you from point A to point B, but it costs you a lot of money, and it is a car that makes you a (can't use my favorite word here because too many of them will get offended.)

07-10-2010, 08:38 AM
There's much more to a car than that for me

1: Manual Transmission
This is a subject I talk about ad nauseam, but I really feel that it is that important. There is no advantage to an automatic transmission, unless you are a New York taxi cab driver. No matter what you are looking for whether it be fuel economy, power, or torque, a manual transmission will just get the job done better. Finally it is just easier to drive if you ask me.

And therefore all F1, NASCAR and other class racing cars have purely manual transmissions, right?
Sorry Max, your view about automatics is simply outdated. Modern automatic transmissions can actually help reducing fuel consumption (depending on the driver's habits), and help getting the power efficiently onto the streets. Go to a car dealer of your choice and ask for a test drive with a modern automatic. You might get the surprise of your life.
What IS a point, though, is the feeling of control. With a manual transmission you are in the power of the gear shift. The car doesn't do anything about it for itself. That is mostly psychological, I think, as there are so many assistance systems in modern cars already, that you don't simply drive on your own anymore - which is a good thing, because they reduce the number and fatalities of crashes.

Max, you simply don't like automatics and prefer to drive manual transmissions. That's ok and your decision. Just don't try to preach others into it with invalid arguments, please.

When I was deciding on what I wanted to have in my (now crashed) new car 6 years ago, I did a test drive with an automatic. I was impressed with the speed of changing and how easily it moved the car.
I decided against it because I had to carefully watch the speedometer with that and at that time the fuel economic still wasn't as good as it is now,. Also I like the feeling to be in control of what my car does, too. There were a couple of moments where I regretted that choice, though.
In my current car, bought 2 1/2 years ago, it was just a matter of costs. If I had a few more bugs available at that time, I would have had an automatic transmission built into it.

2: Fuel Economy
No matter how much anyone wants me to, I will never see a purpose in owning a hummer. Yes, it gets you from point A to point B, but it costs you a lot of money, and it is a car that makes you a (can't use my favorite word here because too many of them will get offended.)

That is a point with growing importance. I doubt Rob is using his Veyron for every-day-drives but uses his more economic Mercedes for that.

07-10-2010, 05:08 PM
I don't care if it is more efficient, that just makes it harder to drive. So what if it shifts faster than I can. It's harder to drive.

So going from park to drive is too hard for you???????

07-10-2010, 06:50 PM
I don't care if it is more efficient, that just makes it harder to drive. So what if it shifts faster than I can. It's harder to drive.

enough about gears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: :eek: :eek:

07-12-2010, 04:16 AM
Mart...I have to ask Max one more question..off the subject of the thread of course..
Max..I you were going to buy a car & you could only choose from these two..which would it be

1970 Ford Pinto 3-door hatchback with manual transmission
1970 Ford Mustang Mach 1 with automatic transmission


07-20-2010, 05:42 PM
Mart...I have to ask Max one more question..off the subject of the thread of course..
Max..I you were going to buy a car & you could only choose from these two..which would it be

1970 Ford Pinto 3-door hatchback with manual transmission
1970 Ford Mustang Mach 1 with automatic transmission


Come on Max!, only two to choose from! lol.:D

Never driven an automatic myself and problably never will. Be weird though, keep reaching to change gear, forgetting it's automatic.:D

07-20-2010, 06:09 PM
Never driven an automatic myself and problably never will. Be weird though, keep reaching to change gear, forgetting it's automatic.:D

More of a challenge is not to pedal the clutch ... which would be a wider break pedal on automatics. :eek:

The two occasions I drove an automatic, I used a trick my driving teacher told us: I clamped in my left leg between seat and right leg. Uncomfortable, and not good for long travels, but usefull to keep from automatically trying to step on the clutch.

07-21-2010, 07:46 PM
More of a challenge is not to pedal the clutch ... which would be a wider break pedal on automatics. :eek:

The two occasions I drove an automatic, I used a trick my driving teacher told us: I clamped in my left leg between seat and right leg. Uncomfortable, and not good for long travels, but usefull to keep from automatically trying to step on the clutch.

Exactly, the clutch as well, but i wouldn't like to try your tip Anoree, i'll crash! lol.
I have found a Corvette 67 with auto trans that i'd drive, even in auto, and it happens to be one of my dream cars.


07-21-2010, 10:52 PM
Never understood the fascination of this 0-60, my car wouldn't be far behind you Raymond.:D

Hey, my little 1.2 Renault Clio Campus, take like a week to get to 60, but I love it and wouldn't change it for the world lol

07-21-2010, 10:56 PM
And therefore all F1, NASCAR and other class racing cars have purely manual transmissions, right?
Sorry Max, your view about automatics is simply outdated. Modern automatic transmissions can actually help reducing fuel consumption (depending on the driver's habits), and help getting the power efficiently onto the streets. Go to a car dealer of your choice and ask for a test drive with a modern automatic. You might get the surprise of your life.
What IS a point, though, is the feeling of control. With a manual transmission you are in the power of the gear shift. The car doesn't do anything about it for itself. That is mostly psychological, I think, as there are so many assistance systems in modern cars already, that you don't simply drive on your own anymore - which is a good thing, because they reduce the number and fatalities of crashes.

Max, you simply don't like automatics and prefer to drive manual transmissions. That's ok and your decision. Just don't try to preach others into it with invalid arguments, please.

When I was deciding on what I wanted to have in my (now crashed) new car 6 years ago, I did a test drive with an automatic. I was impressed with the speed of changing and how easily it moved the car.
I decided against it because I had to carefully watch the speedometer with that and at that time the fuel economic still wasn't as good as it is now,. Also I like the feeling to be in control of what my car does, too. There were a couple of moments where I regretted that choice, though.
In my current car, bought 2 1/2 years ago, it was just a matter of costs. If I had a few more bugs available at that time, I would have had an automatic transmission built into it.

That is a point with growing importance. I doubt Rob is using his Veyron for every-day-drives but uses his more economic Mercedes for that.

~I have a manual transmission, I would move to an automatic tho, hate changing gear's all the time, being it trafic, and so on, so much better to have a automatic I would think.