View Full Version : Video Download with HD

02-22-2010, 03:17 PM
I have a question.
How i can movies from www.ftvgirls.com in HD downloading?
When i will a movie downloading has this video 30 mb, then is yes articulative that the movie not HD is.
Can me someone help?

Kind Regards

P.S. Im from germany, my english is not very good.

02-22-2010, 06:26 PM
I have a question.
How i can movies from www.ftvgirls.com in HD downloading?
When i will a movie downloading has this video 30 mb, then is yes articulative that the movie not HD is.
Can me someone help?

Kind Regards

P.S. Im from germany, my english is not very good.

The FTV videos are available in three different sizes: HD WMV with 8000 kb/s, SD WMV with 3000 kb/s and DivX.
Only the first option, represented by the green video logo on the right side of the video pages, give you the HD file to watch or download. The downloaded file come to the size and length given below the video logos.

Die FTV Videos gibt es in drei unterschiedlichen Auflösungen: HD WMV mit 8.000 kb/s, SD WMV mit 3.000 kb/s und DivX.
Nur die erste Variante, durch das grüne Video-Logo dargestellt, bringt das Video voller HD-Qualität. Die heruntergeladene Videodatei sollte die unter den Logos angegebene Länge und Größe aufweisen.