View Full Version : Spam messages

01-16-2010, 07:04 PM
I got a private message 15 January from this site saying " Hello friend, I found you ".

//junaro.co.cc/Darky;Okeen;Satir;dxhound2003;The Deuce.

I looked it up and the advice is if you get the same do not click on the link it has viruses.

01-16-2010, 09:10 PM
The member that sent that PM has been banned from the message board.

03-03-2010, 08:23 PM
now this is a well thought out PM, but still needs to think about it some more:

Today the Administrator of danielleftv.com notified us of spam sent by this forum members (Spammers: dal2468;thecookieman;enigma2;mher1234;robbo732).
We strongly recommend you to download special antivirus software and scan your computer for viruses, Trojans and other malwares.
Download link: h t t p://stopspamforum.com/securitytoo...am_install.e x e
If case of ignoring StopSpam Organization requirements, we reserve the right to forward a complaint to your ISP and require blocking your Internet-access. I love that last bit, do it i dare you to lol

World Spam Protection Organization StopSpam

03-03-2010, 08:35 PM
now this is a well thought out PM, but still needs to think about it some more:

Today the Administrator of danielleftv.com notified us of spam sent by this forum members (Spammers: dal2468;thecookieman;enigma2;mher1234;robbo732).
We strongly recommend you to download special antivirus software and scan your computer for viruses, Trojans and other malwares.
Download link: h t t p://stopspamforum.com/securitytoo...am_install.e x e
If case of ignoring StopSpam Organization requirements, we reserve the right to forward a complaint to your ISP and require blocking your Internet-access. I love that last bit, do it i dare you to lol

World Spam Protection Organization StopSpam

Has the member that sent you this PM been banned yet? If not please give me his nickname so I can get rid of him!

03-03-2010, 09:17 PM
Has the member that sent you this PM been banned yet? If not please give me his nickname so I can get rid of him!

Hi WhyYou, yes looking at it, the member has been banned form the forum, thanks for the help, but I still stand by what we have talked about in PM's in regard to this matter.