View Full Version : Holy Prequel, Robin! The Graysons Coming to the CW

10-02-2008, 02:03 AM
from TVGuide.com

Batman can have the big screen. Second banana Robin is settling for the small screen.

According to Variety, the CW is developing a one-hour drama based on the pre-Robin days of Batman's perennial sidekick.

The Graysons will explore Dick "DJ" Grayson's youth and adolescence in the same vein Smallville does for Clark Kent.

Not surprisingly, the concept is the brainchild of Smallville executive produers Kelly Souders and Brian Peterson. Supernatural's executive producer McG is also behind the project.

The CW has put in a pilot commitment for the show, viewed as a potential replacement for Smallville, which may be hanging up its super-flying cape after eight seasons. Should Smallville continue, The Graysons will work as a companion series.


In my opinion? This idea isn't even good enough for a TV movie-of-the-week, let alone a series. What's The CW thinking?


10-02-2008, 02:26 AM
That's laughable!:eek::D

10-02-2008, 11:35 PM
That's so far beyond sad ...I think I'm going to cry :(